IM NewsWatch, January 9, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘10 New Books on Web Marketing – Web Marketing Today’ and much more...

January 9th, 2013 at 3:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

‘From Frustration to Freedom’ Rich Schefren’s Webinar January 10

Rich Schefren is hosting a webinar on Thursday, January 10. The topic of the webinar is “From Frustration to Freedom”. Schefren says, “During this rare Accelerated Business Course, you’ll discover CRITICAL ideas and PROVEN strategies to make your online business life A LOT easier and MUCH more profitable… Strategies NO ONE... [Read more]

’17 digital marketing and ecommerce trends for 2013 by Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “17 digital marketing and ecommerce trends for 2013 by Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein”. Ashley Friedlein says, “Following are my personal thoughts on what will be interesting and important in the world of digital marketing and ecommerce for 2013. As is traditional for my... [Read more]

‘Google Data Highlighter Troubleshooting Guide’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. Search Engine Roundtable Newsletter Contents January 2013 Google Webmaster Report Reports Of Google Webmaster Tools Impression Data Drops Google Data Highlighter Troubleshooting Guide Google Data Highlighter Troubleshooting Guide A Panda At SMX Israel. ‘Search... [Read more]

Tweet Lead Explosion: Twitter brings you leads, whatever your niche or business #ad

Know what’s going on in people’s lives, based on their tweets. Then use that information to target your marketing, sending a reply (either an @ reply or, if they follow you, a direct message) to their tweet that points them to a relevant product. Tweet Lead Explosion lets you search for a phrase you specify in other people’s tweets.... [Read more]

‘Google Analytics: Stop Wondering And Start Measuring at Affiliate Summit West 2011’ Shawn Collins’ Video

Shawn Collins has posted a video “Google Analytics: Stop Wondering And Start Measuring at Affiliate Summit West 2011”. Collins Says, “This was a conference session titled Google Analytics: Stop Wondering And Start Measuring fromAffiliate Summit West 2011, which took place January 9-11, 2011 at Wynn Las Vegas. Speaker: Joshua Ziering, Owner, Full... [Read more]

‘Marketing Mondays: January 7th, 2013’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Marketing Mondays: January 7th, 2013”. Bradford Holmes says, “This is the Don’t Miss The Forum edition of my running effort to connect you to all the value, ideas, analysts, and happenings from my team at Forrester. As we ring in 2013, I want to share the key date above all... [Read more]

‘Google Play Will Beat Apple App Store To 1,000,000 Apps’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google Play Will Beat Apple App Store To 1,000,000 Apps”. Dan Rowinski says, “Apple and Google have been playing the numbers game about iOS and Android for years. Apple had the headstart, of course, but Android first caught on the number of smartphones that it ships and activates every day. Apple... [Read more]

Lead Generation Offline WP Theme: Build professional client websites quickly #ad

Using Lead Generation Offline WP Theme, you can create a WordPress site for an offline client in minutes. One click installs the theme with all its features. Then just add your client’s contact information. Plus any customization your client wants. No technical expertise is needed. The sites you create are designed to bring in leads for the local... [Read more]

‘4 Steps for Successful Social Media Training’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “4 Steps for Successful Social Media Training”. Sharlyn Lauby says, “Traditionally when companies design a policy or guideline, they also try to create a mechanism for employees to learn about whatever the policy relates to. And most of the time, companies call it training — it’s the... [Read more]

‘Google Analytics: What Not To Do’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Google Analytics: What Not To Do”. Feras Alhlou says, “Google Analytics is an extremely helpful platform to monitor and measure your digital presence — your website, mobile apps, or marketing initiatives. In past articles, I’ve offered many pointers to help make Google Analytics even... [Read more]

‘Consumer Reviews in the Engagement Era’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Consumer Reviews in the Engagement Era”. The ‘Website Magazine’ team says, “How much influence do reviews from consumers have on the purchasing decisions of other consumers? Turns out, quite a bit, according to the recently released “Buy It, Try It, Rate It” study from Weber Shandwick. The... [Read more]

IM Pro Dashboard: Marketing doesn’t have to be a hassle #ad

Marketing can be a complicated. We need to track so many things: Articles we have written, bought or spun, tools we use (both online and offline), affiliate relationships, and dozens of other tidbits of information that need to be available when we need them. Kozan Huseyin has created IM Pro Dashboard to bring order from this chaos and make it easier... [Read more]

‘In the Year 2013: Email marketing technologies and tactics of the near future’ – ‘MarketingSherpa’ Video

The ‘MarketingSherpa’ team has published a video ’In the Year 2013: Email marketing technologies and tactics of the near future’. Five industry experts from Yahoo!, Silverpop, MECLABS, Other Inbox and Rabbit eMarketing sit down at Email Summit 2012 to brainstorm about what email marketing will look like in the near future. Covering... [Read more]

‘A/B Testing: Split tests are meaningless without the proper sample size’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “A/B Testing: Split tests are meaningless without the proper sample size”. Daniel Burstein says, “A/B testing can be extremely influential. Heck, it even convinced the leader of the free world to send some curious emails (“It doesn’t have to be this way”). This is because numbers... [Read more]

‘9 Persuasion Lessons You Can Learn from a 4-Year-Old’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “9 Persuasion Lessons You Can Learn from a 4-Year-Old”. Jarom Adair says, “How confident are you in your persuasion skills? After months and months of providing your most valuable teaching, are you hearing crickets chirping when you finally make your audience an offer? No feedback. No sales.... [Read more]

Local Client Crusher, Real Estate Edition: Local Consultants get clients in real estate niche #ad

Josh Perkins found a process that got him 15 new local clients in a single month, and he is sharing it with us in Local Client Crusher. In this version, he is specifically showing us how to get real estate professionals to sign up as clients. (But the principles have wider applicability.) This is video training that shows how to use five techniques... [Read more]

‘Visualizing Duplicate Web Pages’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Visualizing Duplicate Web Pages”. David Barts says, “Ever wonder how our dev team make decisions about updates? David Barts, our Custom Crawl and Development engineer, lays out how we used data visualization to test the effectiveness of a new duplicate-page heuristic (which is quite an exciting announcement!)”. Visualizing... [Read more]

‘5 Basics of a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘‘Business 2 Community’’ is titled “5 Basics of a Successful Internet Marketing Strategy”. Sirangi Kalpana says, “Internet marketing is not merely about using platforms offered by the digital marketing space to augment traffic, sales and revenue to the site, successful internet marketing needs to have... [Read more]

HubSpot Releases ‘How to Engage Fans on Facebook’ Guide

HubSpot has released a free guide ‘How to Engage Fans on Facebook’. The HubSpot team says, “The key to engaging fans on Facebook is simpler than you’d think. Think back to the last social gathering, party, or dinner you were at. Who were people talking to the most? Why were people so engaged with that particular person? The people... [Read more]

Product Launch Leverage, version 2: Affiliate marketing with free traffic, no website, no investment #ad

Mike Gregory just released the new version of his Product Launch Leverage, an update to his earlier successful WSO by the same name. Gregory says that you can earn commissions with little hassle and only a little work. And you can do it with: • No investment • No website • No videos • No CPA • No PPC This process is simple enough... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Audiobook Cashflow Fast & Easy: Step By Step Blueprint‘ Andrew Lock’s Webinar 7.00 pm EST

Andrew Lock is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, January 9 at 7.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Audiobook Cashflow Fast & Easy: Step By Step Blueprint”. Andrew says, “Sign up below and discover how-to: Squeeze more profits and royalty revenue from your Kindle and print-on-demand books by producing audiobook versions of... [Read more]

‘How to improve the credibility of your website’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

The latest issue of ‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ has been released. The featured article titled “How to improve the credibility of your website”. Credibility is an important ranking factor. The more credible a website is, the better it will rank on Google. How do search engines measure the credibility of a website and what can you do... [Read more]

‘How to avoid duplicate content issues in ecommerce’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to avoid duplicate content issues in ecommerce”. Paul Rogers says, “Duplicate content has been causing major issues for online retailers for many years, primarily due to the negative impact it has on search engine rankings. Due to the size and complexity of online retail... [Read more]

State Of SEO 2013: Chris Munch updates your SEO strategy #ad

Yesterday’s SEO techniques have lost a lot of their power. Google’s changes have de-emphasized backlinks (without eliminating their value altogether.) Munch has just released P&T Optimization (P.T.O) training, showing the methods of smart linking to your site that actually get results in 2013. These tend to include social sites that... [Read more]

Reminder- MarketingSherpa’s ‘Email Summit 2013′, Las Vegas, February 19-22, 2013

MarketingSherpa is holding the ‘Email Summit 2013′ in Las Vegas on February 19-22, 2013. Key speakers of the summit are Flint McGlaughlin, Jay Baer, Matt Bailey and more. MarketingSherpa team says, “The Email Summit 2013 agenda has been announced and includes 25 speakers, 30 roundtable discussions, eight breakout sessions, and... [Read more]

‘Don’t Fall for This ‘Faceboourk’ Phishing Scam’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Don’t Fall for This ‘Faceboourk’ Phishing Scam”. Ben Weitzenkorn says, “A very convincing scam that spoofs Facebook verification pages is being used to steal users’ personal details and credit-card information before taking user to the real Facebook, leaving many victims... [Read more]

‘How To Use Content Marketing To Get Leads That Are Ready to Buy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘‘Business 2 Community’’ is titled “How To Use Content Marketing To Get Leads That Are Ready to Buy”. Ryan Wilson says, “Great content marketing attracts prospects and converts them to buyers. However, there is more to great content than churning thoughtful, attention-grabbing blog posts or articles. Many... [Read more]

Offline Lead Gen Package: Premium Magazine, Sqeeze Page, Flyers, Emails, Sales Letters #ad

The Offline Lead Gen Package (SEO) is intended especially for consultants who specialize in SEO for local businesses. This package of promotional material for consultants pre-sells potential clients on your SEO services, to eliminate cold calling. In Offline Lead Gen Package (SEO), you get: • A slick professional report you can give away to clients... [Read more]

Final Reminder- ‘Facebook for Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa‘ Econsultancy Webinar 3.00 pm GST

Econsultancy is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, January 9 at 3.00 pm GST. The topic of the webinar is “Facebook for Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa”. Econsultancy team says, “Econsultancy has published its first Facebook for Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa best practice guide, authored by digital marketing... [Read more]

‘Amazon Prime Comes to Canada’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Amazon Prime Comes to Canada”. Stan Schroeder says, “Amazon has launched its subscription program, Amazon Prime, in Canada. The service has previously been available in the U.S., Japan, the UK, Germany and France.For an annual fee of $79 (CDN), Canadians get free two-day shipping to “most... [Read more]

‘The Once-A-Week SEO Checklist’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “The Once-A-Week SEO Checklist”. Michael Garrity says, “A new year always brings about new possibilities, which are often predicated on the many resolutions we all make to improve our lives and work during the course of the year. It’s possible that many of the hardworking webmasters and... [Read more]

“Mobile Splash” welcomes mobile visitors to your site #ad

If your website is among the majority that don’t give mobile visitors a good experience, you could be losing a lot of clients, and ultimately, a lot of sales. Mobile Splash aims to make sure that your mobile visitors. When Adam Jackson noticed that mobile site visitors were beginning to outnumber visitors from PCs, he decided he had better get... [Read more]

‘Why Affiliates Should Dominate Local Marketing at Affiliate Summit West 2011’ Shawn Collins’ Video

Shawn Collins has posted a video “Why Affiliates Should Dominate Local Marketing at Affiliate Summit West 2011”. Collins Says, “This was a conference session titled Why Affiliates Should Dominate Local Marketing from Affiliate Summit West 2011, which took place January 9-11, 2011 at Wynn Las Vegas. Speaker: Angel Djambazov, OPM, Custom Tailored... [Read more]

‘Qualcomm & AT&T Look To Accelerate The Internet Of Things’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Qualcomm & AT&T Look To Accelerate The Internet Of Things”. Dan Rowinski says, “In the not-so-distant future, everything in our lives is going to be connected to the Internet of Things. Fire hydrants, medical equipment, toasters. Really, everything. Yesterday a “smart” fork was introduced... [Read more]

‘Getting started with agile content marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Getting started with agile content marketing”. Holly Davis says, “Content marketing doesn’t have to be ardous and expensive, agile content marketing makes the content marketing challenge look a whole less daunting. Content marketing is how the modern buyer comes to know... [Read more]

Fast Cash Hijack: Use video to rank for buyer keywords #ad

Sean Erickson just released Fast Cash Hijack to show how to use videos to get top rankings in the search results, so that you can gather more CPA clicks, earn commissions from product Launches or sell more of your own products. Erickson says he can show you how to make videos in less than 5 minutes that will attract viewers and then turn them into buyers.... [Read more]

‘10 New Books on Web Marketing’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “10 New Books on Web Marketing”. Kevin Webster says, “If you’re looking for a 2013 web marketing resolution, consider reading a few books that can assist you in bettering your online campaigns. From social media strategy, to market segmentation, to simply connecting with the world through... [Read more]

‘Facebook Timeline Change: It’s Starting’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Timeline Change: It’s Starting”. Chris Taylor says, “Remember the Facebook Timeline changes some users started to notice in December? The ones that include a row of fresh options at the top of the page, below your picture, and the banishment of “Maps” and thumbnail... [Read more]

‘How Can Affiliate Video Marketing Benefit You?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘‘Business 2 Community’’ is titled “How Can Affiliate Video Marketing Benefit You?”. Ben Bernstein says, “Consumers are naturally attracted to watching videos, so it is surprising that affiliate video marketing is a segment of the media that has not yet been extensively used for monetization purposes by... [Read more]

‘5 Marketing Predictions for 2013’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “5 Marketing Predictions for 2013″. Seth Fiegerman says, “There was certainly no shortage of big developments in the marketing world throughout 2012. Facebook created a massive mobile advertising business in less than year, Red Bull literally financed a trip into the stratosphere to create... [Read more]

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