IM NewsWatch, January 4, 2016 - '7 Assumptions Salespeople Should Never Make - Entrepreneur' and much more...

January 4th, 2016 at 9:27 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, January 4, 2016

‘It’s 2016 – How To Auto Update Your Blog Copyright Notice’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Happy New Year everyone! It addition to the tips I gave you to make 2016 your best year ever, I’m going to add one more tip, and that is to update your blog copyright notice to say 2016. If your blog doesn’t have a copyright notice, you should add one right away. Many bloggers may consider this a relatively minor issue. However,... [Read more]

‘Re/wind: Here’s What Re/code Has to Say About 2016’ – Re/code

Noah Kulwin says, “A few weeks ago, our editors told us to pick a significant event in 2015 and extrapolate how it would play out this year. Over the past week, we’ve run a number of those pieces, spanning Microsoft, Airbnb, Google and other big tech players. Here’s what Re/code is expecting this year: “Microsoft Unified Windows in... [Read more]

‘What We’re Reading: The Top 15 Posts of 2015’ – Return Path

Jen Ribble says, “As 2015 draws to a close, it’s interesting to look back at the year and see what topics have been especially popular on the Return Path blog—and why. Sometimes a popular post touches on the zeitgeist of the moment. Wearable technology was on everyone’s mind back in April, and our top post of the year dealt with pre-orders... [Read more]

Commission Jacker: Increase your CPA commissions #ad

It’s been a little over 2 years since Commission Jacker was launched. Hundreds of marketers have used it in their business, as a tool for increasing their affiliate or CPA sales. Today, at 11 AM EST, the latest version is launched: Commission Jacker 2.0. Even if you have the original version (as we do), you will want to investigate this new and... [Read more]

‘Here’s Data Pinterest Will Be Sharing with Advertisers’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Shubhomita Bose says, “Pinterest updated its privacy policy recently. On its official blog, the company announced the changes and explained how it will be working with its partners in the years ahead. The updated privacy policy states what information is collected, how it is used, and what choices users have. It also specifies what kind of data... [Read more]

‘Here’s Data Pinterest Will Be Sharing with Advertisers’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Shubhomita Bose says, “Pinterest updated its privacy policy recently. On its official blog, the company announced the changes and explained how it will be working with its partners in the years ahead. The updated privacy policy states what information is collected, how it is used, and what choices users have. It also specifies what kind of data... [Read more]

‘7 Assumptions Salespeople Should Never Make’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Frank Visgatis says, “One of my favorite Mark Twain quotes is: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Buying behavior continues to change at warp speed. Business-to-business (B2B) vendor actions and reactions crawl at a glacial pace. It’s not clear... [Read more]

Maps Prospector: Prospects for your local marketing services #ad

If you are a marketing consultant for local businesses, your greatest need is prospects, but not just any prospects; you need hot prospects, ones that both want more business (who doesn't?) and don't know how to get it, but may have a vague notion that the Internet may be their answer... [Read more]

‘8 Tech Resolutions To Make In 2016’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Kate Lawrence says, “Most resolutions revolve around physical self-improvement—diet, exercise, and the like. Why not take a breath and tend to your digital health as well? Here are some ways to make your online life a little more manageable, so you can take better care of your colleagues, customers, and friends. Use A Password Manager Every time... [Read more]

‘3 Quick Tips for Handling an Upset Customer’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Christopher Hann says, “Q: How do I defuse a tense moment between an employee and a customer? A: Lise D’Andrea, president and CEO of Customer Service Experts, an Annapolis, Md.- based consulting firm, suggests an approach we’ll call The Three P’s. Be pleasant. Make sure your body language, tone of voice and word choice project a calm demeanor. Be... [Read more]

‘It’s Business Time: New Year’s Resolutions for More Productive Sales Reps’ – ‘’ Blog

Jawad Khan says, “The words “New Year’s Resolutions” used to make my stomach turn. Every year my resolutions were so ambitious — never eat chocolate, stop biting my nails, only buy products on sale. And every year by February, my resolutions were long forgotten. As a former sales rep, I’ve learned through trial and error that... [Read more]

Lightning fast Information product creation #ad

You've got to hand it to Mark Dickenson. He has persisted in online marketing for almost 10 years, despite years of absolute failure and discouragement. Those were the years when he relied exclusively on affiliate marketing to earn his living.  Since then he has redirected his marketing and focused on creating products, and his results changed dramatically... [Read more]

‘How a Growing Franchise Builds Its Brand Through Local Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sanket Patel says, “National brands looking to capitalize on the consumer trend of buying local often rely on affiliates—franchisees, dealers, agents, or distributors—to carry their marketing message to local audiences. Brandmuscle’s recent research explored the nuances of these distributed marketing networks and some of the ways national... [Read more]

‘Jump-start Your 2016 with the Best of Copyblogger 2015’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “Did you see that year that just flew by? It seems like it was only a few weeks ago that Sonia Simone welcomed 2015 withMy Challenge to You for 2015: Only Connect. In that post, Sonia talks about how business success is about getting the “Big Thing” right. What’s your Big Thing? You’ll recognize it as the overarching... [Read more]

‘4 Things That Will Have a Huge Impact on Your Website Performance in 2016’ – ‘’ Blog

Jawad Khan says, “For many businesses around the world, 2015 was a year of unprecedented growth and success. Hundreds of new startups popped up all over the globe and made a name for themselves. For some, however, 2015 was another year of mediocrity and disappointment. In most cases, though, the difference between them wasn’t only in talent... [Read more]

Mark Bishop's Secret To #1 Rankings In 48 Hours #ad

Marketers typically concentrate their Search Engine Marketing on Google. That's no surprise since Google is the top search engine. However, Bing and Yahoo! are also top tier search engines and they can drive a lot of traffic to your sites, too... [Read more]

‘4 Trends That Will Shape Marketing in 2016’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Chris Lucas says, “It’s that time of year again, and I’m not just talking about the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and ringing in the New Year. I’m talking about the thrill and stress of reflecting on one year and planning for another. For marketers, it’s crucial to spend time reviewing data from 2015 and attending strategic planning... [Read more]

‘3 Digital Security Predictions for 2016’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Christophe Primault says, “Digital security is a mess. An absolute mess. This past year saw the affair-finding website Ashley Madison have their user base exposed; the second largest health insurer, Anthem, got hacked and their clients medical and personal information was stolen; and cars were hacked which allowed for the car to be remotely... [Read more]


‘2016 Resolutions For Affiliate Advertisers: 5 Steps To A Successful Year Ahead’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Barry Levine says, “With 2015 just about in the rearview mirror, it’s time to look down the open road that is 2016. Affiliate marketing, with its roots in native content, continues to be a proven method to reach consumers and drive sales. Affiliate advertisers looking at ways to be most successful in 2016 should determine plans now. To get... [Read more]

’17 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2016′ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “SEO is an evolving science. While some of the core principles will presumably stick around forever, the nuanced aspects of it are subject to continuous change. And as a result, many of the “proven” tactics people have used in the past — keyword stuffing, link schemes, etc. — are now stuff of legend. Unless... [Read more]

‘Announcing: Copyblogger.FM’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “AKA the Episode Where Sonia Seizes All the Power … If you’re reading this on New Year’s Eve, you’re probably a diehard. (Which we love, by the way.) You might have been reading and listening to Copyblogger content for a long time now. And you may well know our original podcast, The Lede. It started life as Internet... [Read more]

‘How to Build the Right Traffic Metrics Dashboard for 2016’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “What you measure is what you’re able to improve. While there’s no one magic solution that works for everyone, setting yourself up for success involves measuring your traffic metrics the right way, so you can identify areas to work on and implement the right actions. In the first Whiteboard Friday of 2016, Rand explains... [Read more]

‘SEO in 2015: What Happened When?’ – ‘’ Blog

Shannon Evans says, “One of the biggest responsibilities SEOs have on their plate is keeping up with the ever-changing search environment. A proactive way to stay sharp is to reflect on the past successes and failures of yourself and others. As we approach 2016, it’s time to take a look at all the major events and changes that happened in the... [Read more]

‘5 Steps to Building a Pop-Up Email Strategy That Won’t Annoy Readers’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Alex Bashinsky says, “You’ve done the work to create great content and have readers visiting your website, but now it’s time to take your marketing to the next level. It’s time to jumpstart your email-marketing strategy. You hear it again and again that building an email list is the most important aspect of content marketing, as it helps... [Read more]

‘How to Earn Free Press for Your Business When You Have No Connections’ – HubSpot

Tom Hunt says, “”Is that guy wearing leggings?” “We should start a business selling male leggings.” That’s all it took. One week later my business partners and I stood freezing in London’s Brick Lane Market with 22 pairs of female leggings “branded” with our male leggings brand. But after eight... [Read more]

‘It’s Business Time: New Year’s Resolutions for More Productive Sales Reps’ – ‘’ Blog

Richard Smith says, “The words “New Year’s Resolutions” used to make my stomach turn. Every year my resolutions were so ambitious — never eat chocolate, stop biting my nails, only buy products on sale. And every year by February, my resolutions were long forgotten. As a former sales rep, I’ve learned through trial and error that... [Read more]

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