IM NewsWatch, January 19, 2016 - 'SEO Manager’s Go-To Digital Marketing Tools –' and much more...

January 19th, 2016 at 7:48 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

‘How Retail Marketers Are Improving Their Email Campaigns’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “More than two-thirds (69%) of retail marketers say they use engagement data (opens, clicks, etc.) to improve the relevance of their email campaigns, according to a recent report from Yesmail. The report was based on data from a survey of nearly 200 online retail marketers who attended the National Retail Federation’s [Read more]

‘An SEO Manager’s Go-To Digital Marketing Tools’ –

Matt Smith says, “There are many all-inclusive lists out there of every SEO tool imaginable, and I fully recommend checking those lists out. However, the role of an SEO manager is quickly expanding and adapting as they are asked to take on a bigger role in digital marketing. Throughout my years of experience I’ve honed down my go-to list of... [Read more]

‘The Do’s and Don’ts of an Effective Referral-Marketing Program’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jeffrey D. Epstein says, “In many businesses, referrals are viewed as an organic byproduct of the company successfully doing its job. If you exceed customer expectations, it’s natural to assume they’ll return the favor by singing your praises to their networks. If you blow them away with world-class customer service, you can expect a flood... [Read more]

Chris Record’s 6-Figure Traffic: $1.00 for 4 coaching sessions #ad

Chris Record is offering a trial subscriiption to his coaching program for just $1 here: 6-Figure Traffic Academy. Some time ago, Record established his 6-Figure Traffic Academy to train online marketers in how to get traffic to their sites. Record based his training on his own successful business practices. His business generated millions of dollars... [Read more]

‘5 Irresistible Incentives for Your Sign Up Form That Aren’t eBooks’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “When it comes to incentives for email sign up forms, ebooks are the go-to bait. They provide a great way to educate customers, and people love valuable freebies. But if you’re not an experienced writer or don’t have an archive of blog posts to repurpose, the thought of writing 15 pages single-spaced as a means to grow... [Read more]

‘Email and mobile highlights from this holiday season’ – Experian Blog

Shelley Kessler says, “Email volume for the 2015 holiday season Volume for the 2015 holiday season was almost 25 percent higher than in 2014. While the large increase in volume led to lower rates for the 2015 holiday season, it is important to note that the actual number of opens, clicks and transactions in 2015 were higher than those received... [Read more]

‘3 Strategies for Overcoming Banner Blindness’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Shelby Dorsey says, “To be honest, I don’t even see them most of the time. It is as if the top and sides of the webpage I’m looking at are blurred—I know they’re there, but I don’t even notice them. For this, I thank “banner blindness.” Banner blindness is the result of templated or “best practice” page layouts that place banner... [Read more]

Ecover Maniac V2: 80 cover designs for your Kindle books #ad

Well-known graphic designer, Lucas Adamski, has released his latest professional designs, Ecover Maniac V2, an enhancement of his original Ecover Maniac. These 80 attractive covers (40 for fiction and 40 for non-fiction) can make your e-book more appealing and that can increase your sales (and your following, people looking for your next book.) Use... [Read more]

‘Check It Twice: The importance of editing ads’ – MarketingExperiments

Shelby Dorsey says, “As the copy editor at MECLABS (parent company of MarketingSherpa and MarketingExperiments), I see a lot of content. Between the four blog posts published every week and the multiple case studies produced, I have an ample amount of exposure to the testing brands are doing and what their ads look like. That being said, I have... [Read more]

‘Freshen Up Your 2016 Email Strategy’ – Marketing Land

Jose Cebrian says, “It’s a new year, and predictions abound. I’m not interested in passively waiting to see if they come true; I’d rather take the “make it happen” approach. That means taking stock of where we are, articulating where we want to be, then prioritizing the steps it will take to get there. These are my suggestions for starting... [Read more]

‘How We Doubled Our Sales Connect and Qualification Rates With One Simple Change’ – HubSpot

Adam Bluemner says, “Any salesperson who’s experienced the switch from anxiety to jubilation when a target account finally signs on the dotted line knows how much can change in a moment. After all, progress rarely moves in a straight, steady line. That’s why we didn’t expect to double our call contact and qualification rates for inbound... [Read more]

SociFunnel Pro gets free viral traffic from Facebook, YouTube, more #ad

Brett Ingram has uploaded a demo of his new 'SociFunnel Pro' software, that lets you easily find popular social content YouTube, place it on your WordPress site and use it on social media sites to direct some of that traffic to your opt-in pages, offer pages, affiliate links, or wherever... [Read more]

‘What Is The New eBay Enterprise All About?’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Last summer, while attention was focused on eBay’s PayPal sale, the online marketplace was also spinning off its eBay Enterprise unit. Earlier this week, the new standalone company eBay Enterprise Marketing Solutions announced it had purchased AffiliateTraction. This comes on top of eBay Enterprise’s acquisition in November... [Read more]

‘The 6 Best Ecommerce Platforms for Small Businesses’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Himanshu Sareen says, “If you were to track the rise of ecommerce in today’s business landscape, you’d have to go back to the dot com crash of 2000. Despite a tanking economy, the businesses that survived the crash quickly started adapting their selling methods, because, even with an economy going down the drain, it was clear that the Internet... [Read more]

‘Marketo’s CMO on the new future of digital marketing’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “The scene: A smoke-filled room clamors with anger, frustration and optimism as men in earth-tone suits and skinny wool ties debate — from art to copy to product placement — the best ways to sell dishwasher fluid. At long last, they agree, clink their glasses of brandy and set a plan in motion for six months down the road. That’s... [Read more]

Budfget-friendly alternative to Photoshop #ad

If you want infinite flexibility in designing graphics, Photoshop can't be beat.  On the other hand, if you need a simple tool for creating graphics quickly, Photoshop is expensive and hard to learn... [Read more]

‘Revisiting “Navigational,” “Informational,” & “Transactional” Searches in a Post-PageRank World’ – MOZ

Tom Anthony says, “SEOs traditionally say that a specific search query can be classified as either navigational,informational, or transactional. The categories were originally published in 2002 in a peer-reviewed paper by Andrei Broder who worked for Altavista (remember them?!) at the time. The categories that Broder came up with have been invaluable... [Read more]

‘Who owns data analytics in your company? And who should?’ – Econsultancy

John Kelly says, “As the data revolution impacts more of corporate America, one of the most important questions facing the data-maturing organization is “Who owns the data?” Not surprisingly, the answer is “it depends.” Personal experience leads me to believe there are at least four suitable potential models, each with its own pros and... [Read more]

‘5 Examples of Using Content to Start (Not Follow) a Trend’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “If you have been living under a rock when it comes to the marketing world for the last couple of years, one should be informed that content is a huge driving force and can create its own trend. Trends can be started by both companies and individuals. They can be extremely powerful and profitable if managed correctly. The following... [Read more]

Sean Mize stops offering internet marketing training #ad

For many years, Sean Mize has been a staple on lists of leading trainers in how to sell products online, about 100 training courses over the last 10 years, most of them sold on the Warrior Forum... [Read more]

‘Understanding Your Email Analytics’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “From deliverability to open rates, email analytics give you real-time insight into the success of your campaigns. So why is it that they often get a bad rep? While these reports may seem overwhelming, they can help you make major improvements to your email strategy. In yesterday’s #emailchat, we asked marketers to share... [Read more]

’30 Phrases That Kill an Introductory Sales Email’ – HubSpot

Mike Renahan says, “Making a great first impression on a prospect can be tantamount to the success of the relationship. First impressions, after all, are everything. But how can a sales rep get off on the right foot with every prospect? Or maybe more importantly, how can they avoid souring the relationship before it even really begins? It all... [Read more]

‘Four steps to help you own events on Twitter’ – Econsultancy

Gina Roughan says, “As a marketer, when you see that watching a puddle in Newcastle has become the biggest event of the week, it’d be a natural reaction to throw your hands up and question the point of factoring in national days, sports happenings, awards ceremonies and the like when it comes to your brand’s annual content marketing calendar. But... [Read more]

‘Google Changes Language, Being “Plus-Size” Or “Curvy” Isn’t A Negative Physical Attribute’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “Ad disapproval notices are typically uninteresting bland affairs, free of controversy. Last week, however, a disapproval notice from Google raised eyebrows. WordStream received a disapproval notice for a Gmail ad — the ads looks similar to email messages and appear in the Promotions tab — in a campaign that used “curvy”... [Read more]

‘Using Sales and Marketing Automation to Improve Your Bottomline’ –

Daan Pepijn says, “Regardless of industry, marketing and sales can take up a huge chunk of the operating budget. As the saying goes, “You have to spend money to make money.” While that may be true, using modern IT solutions can amplify and automate your marketing efforts while reducing cost. After all, 78 percent of successful marketers say their... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Use the Power of Persuasion in Your Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Laura Entis says, “To fully understand what persuasion is, it helps to begin with what it is not. Derek Rucker is a professor of marketing at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management whose research focuses on persuasion and consumer behavior. He is also the father of an 8-year-old girl with an iPad. Because he limits her screen time... [Read more]

‘Reaching Audiences Is Easy, Engaging Them Takes Relevance’ – MarketingProfs

Pam Atkinson says, “Targeting and buying online audiences has never been easier or more affordable. Programmatic ad buying options give advertisers access to 95% of Internet users, with more than 40,000 audience attributes and characteristics from which to target. In short, your best prospects are readily identifiable and reachable. But even... [Read more]

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