IM NewsWatch, February 8, 2016 - 'Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 –' and much more...

February 8th, 2016 at 9:14 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

‘The Three Problems with Buying an Email List’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “I know the feeling. You’ve got something of value to offer. Maybe it’s a new product that’s fresh from production and ready to be shipped. Or maybe you’ve finally decided to launch the consulting business you’ve always been thinking about. Regardless, you have a beautiful, problem-solving widget and you’re only... [Read more]

‘Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2016’ –

Brian Hughes says, “What would you ask if you could score an exclusive sit-down with a successful startup leader or entrepreneur? As a solopreneur myself, I’m always eager to learn about the marketing secrets that kick-start a company’s rise to success. From SEO and mobile marketing to influencer outreach and content marketing, keeping pace... [Read more]

‘The Rise of Vertical Marketplaces in Indian E-commerce Space’ – Entrepreneur

Ameen Khwaja says, “The market works with the only characteristic and that is to change. Market has always been under a shift since very early in time. While the multi mega stores were a big hit a few decades ago, it actually revolutionized how people shopped. The mega stores addressed huge problems of shopping for different things at different... [Read more]

Media Profit Revolution: how to buy profitable ad placements #ad

Timothy Miranda and Marcus Christian have been studying the process of buying ads in various media to find ways to build their affiliate and CPA businesses. They have found that paying for ads can be productive and can result in a significant increase in their commissions. They have shared their tested and refined process in Media Profit Revolution. There’s... [Read more]

‘Nine Things Every Successful Content Strategist Understands’ – MarketingProfs

Mikah Pratt says, “If you aspire to be a successful content strategist or marketer, here are nine things you should plan to learn. And the sooner you do, the better! 1. User experience is as big a part of your job as anything else Yes, there are professionals who are paid solely to think about the user experience, and how it can be made as seamless... [Read more]

‘Google Search Partner Network: Friend Or Foe?’ – Marketing Land

Andy Taylor says, “The Google Search Network gives advertisers the ability to gain additional AdWords traffic and conversions from users across the web, as Google delivers ads on partner websites in much the same way it does on To target users searching on these partner sites, advertisers need only check a box in campaign settings... [Read more]

‘Finish Line Tells Us What Customers Want in Email Marketing’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Regina Love says, “For leading athletic retailer Finish Line, a memorable customer experience means focusing on product, presentation and people. During MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015, after presenting his session on “What Customers Want,” Erin Hogg, Reporter, MarketingSherpa, interviewed 2015 MarketingSherpa Best-in-Show Award Winner,... [Read more]

PrezHero: Create Cloud-Based 'Presentations' and Videos #ad

Your product sales page is the heart of your selling process. Of course, it's important to get traffic, targeted traffic and, of course, it's important to deliver your product and service your clients' needs, but unless your sales presentation holds your visitor's attention and convinces them of how your product will meet their needs, all the rest is useless... [Read more]

‘5 Ways You’re Wasting Precious Inbound Leads’ – HubSpot

Brandon Redlinger says, “There’s a lot of great information out there on how to create an inbound marketing machine. Entire businesses were built on inbound marketing, HubSpot being a prime example. But what happens after a lead comes inbound? It’s a topic worth exploring more, especially since the rules of sales development are rapidly transforming. Just... [Read more]

‘How to lift ecommerce conversion rates when they’ve plateaued’ – Econsultancy

Arie Shpanya says, “Ecommerce giants like Amazon are becoming stronger, and ecommerce as a whole is experiencing growth at an unprecedented level. However, there’s one statistic that is slightly disconcerting for many retailers. A new report by and Forrester Research revealed a startling fact: 2015 online sales were flat for 17%... [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help Beginners Become Professional Content Marketers’ – Copyblogger

Stefanie Flexman says, ““Da” was the first pronoun I used to refer to myself as a small child. I think I was trying to say “I,” but I overcomplicated the word. At any rate, whenever I encountered a new or challenging task — like growing human beings do — I would say out loud: “Now how Da do dis?” (Translation: How do I do this?) It... [Read more]

If your video is so-so, get Explaindio FX #ad

Lackluster videos don't usually impress potential buyers. If your videos have the blahs, get 'Explaindio FX' and make your prospects take notice. This new software is from the creators of 'Explaindio FX' (no longer available for purchase) and 'Explaindio 2.0', and it can add zing to any video... [Read more]

‘Can SEOs Stop Worrying About Keywords and Just Focus on Topics? – ‘ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Should you ditch keyword targeting entirely? There’s been a lot of discussion around the idea of focusing on broad topics and concepts to satisfy searcher intent, but it’s a big step to take and could potentially hurt your rankings. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses old-school keyword targeting and... [Read more]

‘Introducing Forrester’s Omnichannel Commerce Playbook’ – Forrester

Brendan Witcher says, “Today we announce the launch of our brand new Omnichannel Commerce Playbook! In its many forms, omnichannel is quickly resetting customer expectations, and redefining what it means to deliver seamless, fully-integrated commerce across the enterprise. This playbook provides a structured framework to help eBusiness leaders... [Read more]

‘What Does Marketing Look Like Around the World?’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “It’s hard to generalize about “the state of marketing” in the world when marketing looks and feels different depending on where you are. Just like location, technologies, culture, and politics affects consumer behavior, it also affects how marketers, well … do marketing. Marketers in Asia-Pacific... [Read more]

How to clone/backup/restore your WordPress site #ad

If you don't have a technical bone in your body, but you want to move your WordPress site to another host, 'WP Master Clone' is for you. Even better, if you have a successful WordPress site (say, and you want to create a new site (say,, and maybe another (, and you want to take what's already working and reuse it, xxx is especially for you... [Read more]

‘LinkedIn Shutters Ad Network, Focusing Resources On Sponsored Content’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “LinkedIn is shuttering its nascent ad network just under a year after launching it. Resources will instead focus on growing the Sponsored Content business. Last Feburary, following a path now well worn by the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn started an ad network to target ads using its data to users outside... [Read more]

‘What Super Bowl Ads Can Teach Entrepreneurs About Marketing’ – Entrepreneur

David Hagenbuch says, “A few months after last season’s Super Bowl, I was listening to two anchors banter on my favorite business news network. The topic turned to best Super Bowl ads, which led both to agree that they loved “the one with the blue pill.” Then one of the anchors, who happens to be the network’s car guru, commented that... [Read more]

‘Street Cred: The Importance of Social Proof in Web Desig’ –

Anna Johansson says, “With so many competitor websites popping up in every industry, it’s incredibly important that you make the most out of your own website. This means using each and every page to capture attention and positively influence users. And while there are many strategies for doing this, the more effective ones are tied to social... [Read more]

Kindle books need great covers for great sales #ad

This is our last opportunity to tell you about Lucas Adamski's new collection of covers that you can customize with your book title, author name and, if you like, with a new graphic. (No Photoshop needed; Powerpoint or Open Office is enough.)... [Read more]

‘How to Get More Product Reviews’ – MarketingProfs

Jodie Pride says, “Positive reviews are great for your business. After all, whose words are customers more likely to trust—those of the company selling the product, or those of someone who’s actually bought the product? Some 90% of participants in a Zendesk study said positive online reviews influenced their buying decision, while 86%... [Read more]

’12 Sneaky Psychological Biases That Affect How You Sell’ – HubSpot

Mike Renahan says, “Have you ever seen a basketball team abruptly go ice-cold during a game? Out of nowhere, they’ve missed 13 straight shots and are down by 20 points. As the team heads down the floor for their next possession, you think to yourself, “This time they have to score. They’re due.” In reality, the team isn’t more likely... [Read more]

‘The 79-Year Master Plan for Becoming Unforgettable’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson says, “During his career he was loved, hated, admired, dissed, fought over … but never ignored. His name? Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y … Picasso. Anybody with a name like that was bound to lead a big, bold, messy life, and Picasso did exactly... [Read more]

‘Four tips for capitalizing on the Super Bowl without spending millions’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “This weekend, a select group of brands with big bank accounts will spend big dollars on ads that run during what is arguably the biggest marketing event in sports, the Super Bowl. But thanks to social media, savvy marketers can take advantage of the big game without spending millions of dollars on a Super Bowl ad by following... [Read more]

‘How Healthy Is Your Content Marketing?’ – Marketing Land

DMD team says, “In our consumer-empowered world, it’s become more difficult for marketers to cut through clutter and a lot more challenging for them to garner loyalty with their audiences. That’s why smart content delivered in context will make you stand out in the crowd. The Modern Marketing Essentials series from Oracle gives marketing... [Read more]

How to use Chrome browser for all it’s worth

It’s surprising how many useful features browser creators place in these products we use every day, far more than “click a link to go to a site” the original purpose of browsers. Any modern browser has functions that can simplify your online life, some of them built into the browser itself, and others added by plugins. Google seems... [Read more]

Apple Wants to Launch More Apps for Android?

PC Magazine reports unofficial leaks that IApple is interested in the app market for people using the rival Android operating system. Apple has been testing the waters with an Android app called Apple Music on Android. Prior to this, Apple released an Android app that helps people migrate their files (music, etc.) from Android to their new Apple product. In... [Read more]


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