IM NewsWatch, February 4, 2015 - 'Get More Engagement With Your Visual Content – HubSpot' and much more...

February 4th, 2015 at 12:51 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

‘How to Make More Effective Use of Social Media in Your Ecommerce Strategy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brett Relander says, “According to a recent report from comScore, consumers spent more than $9 billion during the week following Thanksgiving in 2014, often referred to as Cyber Week. This represented an increase of more than 14 percent from the nearly $8 billion spent during the same period the previous year. Ecommerce is certainly on the rise.... [Read more]

‘Your Target Audience Awaits in These Niche Social Networks’ – ‘’ Blog

Monique Craig says, “Few marketers would disagree that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn are among the best social networks for branding strategies. They boast the biggest audiences and generate a lot of user engagement. Still, some recent research data proves otherwise. Reuters, in association with Ipsos, found out in 2012 that... [Read more]

‘Google Analytics Enables Users to Recover Lost Information’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “With many Internet professionals working on multiple accounts at the same time, mistakes, like in the form of wrongly deleted information, are bound to happen. Google Analytics has introduced a new feature to help users recover their deleted data called Trash Can. This new feature, a safety net of sorts, allows users to reclaim... [Read more]

Become an Online Marketing Coach without the work #ad

Bill Hugall and Shane Farrell have created a 30 day email coaching program complete that they are offering to you to sell as your own. They call it DFY Email Coaching Profits. Not only do you get all the coaching emails, but they also include sales page copy to use on your website so you can put your name on on the coaching and start selling it today.... [Read more]

‘Digital Ad Benchmarks by Channel and Device Type: 4Q14′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Mobile devices had the highest average click-through rate (CTR) across all digital ad channels in 4Q14, according to a recent report from Marin Software. The report was based on data from the Marin Global Online Advertising Index, which looks at over $6 billion worth of spend on the Marin platform. The index consists primarily... [Read more]

‘Twitter Will Push Promoted Tweets To Third-Party Apps & Sites’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today took a step to push its advertising products beyond Twitter, announcing partnerships to syndicate promoted tweets on Flipboard and Yahoo Japan. With the move, Twitter is hoping to boost its efforts to monetize its latent audience, the millions of people who see tweets on television, mobile apps and other websites.... [Read more]

‘How to Get More Engagement With Your Visual Content ‘ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “By now, you know how important it is to incorporate visual content into your social media strategy. Not only do images get more social shares, but they also compel fans, viewers, and website visitors to stick around longer. I mean, hey, we’re only human … and humans are naturally drawn to visual content.... [Read more]

HomeClone builds your online home furnishings store #ad

You can build an online store that gets some of the billions of dollars people spend on home furnishings. Every modernized country around the world buys a lot of furniture from online stores. In less than an hour, you can use HomeClone to build your own online store so you can participate in this online e-commerce. And because the store built by this... [Read more]

‘YouTube trounces Facebook in Super Bowl ad views, but not shares’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “There was a close game between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday at the University of Phoenix Stadium. But in other arena, YouTube handily defeatedFacebook — at least in terms of Super Bowl ad views. Facebook videos, however, got shared five times more than YouTube ads. YouTube’s official count... [Read more]

‘Email Segmentation: Finish Line’s automation initiative lifts email revenue 50%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Implementing basic segmentation to personalize emails is a great beginning to achieving relevancy. Finish Line was off to a running start, but how could the marketing team turn that run into a sprint and break away from the competition? Learn how the team took its basic segmentation practices to turn Finish Line into a champion with... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Increasing User Engagement: How one company tested their site navigation and increased clickthrough by over 35%’ MarketingExperiments Webinar February 12

MarketingExperiments team says, “What actions do you want your visitors to take on your site? What if you could influence those actions more effectively? Although conversion metrics typically receive the majority of marketers’ attention, understanding what behavior motivates the conversion event may be even more important. For some companies, website... [Read more]

Ultimate collection of royalty-free, fully legal stock photos #ad

Ultimate Stock Photos is a collection of 3700 high-resolution photos you can use in any project for your own sites or for clients. Your photos are categorized into over 100 topics, such as fitness, foods, home and garden, office and others needed by online marketers... [Read more]

‘Email subject lines: the best words & emojis to boost open rates’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Crafting an effective email subject line is both a skill and an art form. Most companies are sending out marketing messages several times per week so it needs subtlety and creativity to ensure they don’t become repetitive or annoying. This requires intimate knowledge of the company’s tone of voice and the target audience, but... [Read more]

‘Google’s Sitelinks Search Box: What You Need to Know’ – MOZ Blog

Cyrus Shepard says, “Several months ago, Google announced a new sitelinks search box. Almost immediately, the sitelinks search box markup became one of the fastest growing Schema implementations on the web. According to the folks at SimilarTech (part of the SimilarWeb family) the SearchAction markup now dominates all other Schema types on the... [Read more]

‘How To – Link Building For Your New Website’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Sometimes, getting a website online may seem like a monumental task, all by itself. I have seen web development projects on new sites take years, simply due to funding and resource problems. Getting the site to work exactly the way you want, how you want, and look the way you want, may be the single biggest hurdle to getting online. The... [Read more]

Doodle Ads, high quality ads with any marketing video software #ad

Whiteboard videos, if professional looking , can be effective tools in marketing products and services. Dr David Kyte (a psychologist) and Piers Baker (a cartoonist), both of them effective marketers, have created a package of SVG graphic components and video psychology instruction that can increase the quality of your ads several-fold... [Read more]

‘7 Steps That Will Hook Readers On Your Content through the Magnetic Force of Fascination’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Andrew McDermott says, “Throughout your journey to overcome online obscurity, you produce a lot of content. Content marketing is about making a connection with your audience and building relationships. Since you invest time and effort into your writing, you want to see tangible results. But what if your posts aren’t getting the engagement you... [Read more]

‘The 4 L’s of a Successful Lead Generation Strategy’ – HubSpot

Ryan Lynch says, “Inbound marketing is here, people. What this means for your business is that your audience no longer wants their attention bought––they want it earned. This means lead generation strategies need to be revamped across the industry to better meet the needs of target markets. The first step in this evolution is to create compelling... [Read more]

‘What 30 Seconds Of Super Bowl Ad Money Would Have Bought Online: 2,542,573,344 Impressions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “A post-game empirical analysis by programmatic ad platform Rocket Fuel shows almost no lift or conversion benefit to Super Bowl advertising for auto makers. (I made a similar argument here.) The company then goes on to examine what marketers could have done online with the $4.5 million they spent on a single 30-second spot. Rocket... [Read more]


‘How should you approach product videos for ecommerce?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Product videos are proven to correlate with higher online conversion rates, yet video remains an underused feature in ecommerce. One of the reasons for this is likely the fact that it’s difficult to know where to start. Once you’ve decided whether or not to do the videos in-house or through an agency, you’re faced with the... [Read more]

‘3 Simple Ways to Personalize Content by Referral Source’ – HubSpot

Laura Kane says, “Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums. For instance, would you use the same exact copy in a paid search ad that you did in a tweet? I hope I’m hearing a resounding, “No!” And yet, many marketers aren’t fully prepared for what comes next: when a visitor... [Read more]

‘Four lightweight conversion fixes that won’t annoy your developers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Angus Lynch says, “Are you a conversion-focused marketer stuck in the straightjacket of organizational politics? Here are four lightweight conversion fixes that won’t tick off your boss or developers. Are you a conversion-focused marketer stuck in the straightjacket of organizational politics? If so, you likely want to make conversion-driven... [Read more]

‘Why deliverability can make or break your marketing program’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Suzanne Blackburn says, “I’ll admit it. There was a time, recently, when I had no idea what “deliverability” meant in the context of marketing. Deliverability? It sounds important, maybe a little boring if we’re being honest, but is it? Then I met Spencer Kollas, Experian Marketing Services’ resident deliverability expert, and global... [Read more]

‘Why Links Will Always Matter in SEO Marketing’ – ‘’ Blog

Sam Lloys says, “If you have kept up with Google’s updates over the last few years, you may have the impression that links are no longer as important as they once were. You can now find opinions on various blogs and online forums stating that links no longer matter or even that SEO marketing is dead. Such beliefs, however, are mistaken. It’s important... [Read more]

‘7 Strategies for Achieving Phenomenal Online Community Growth’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Miles Jennings says, “Over the past few years, a lot of attention has been paid to companies’ growing followers and marketing on social-media channels. But the best kind of engagement involves building a real online community. Online communities that a company curates and grows canhelp it reach influencers, power brand recognition, increase... [Read more]

HomeClone builds your online home furnishings store #ad

You can build an online store that gets some of the billions of dollars people spend on home furnishings. Every modernized country around the world buys a lot of furniture from online stores. In less than an hour, you can use HomeClone to build your own online store so you can participate in this online e-commerce. And because the store built by this... [Read more]

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