IM NewsWatch, February 3, 2016 - 'Why and When to Review Your Marketing Plan – Entrepreneur' and much more...

February 3rd, 2016 at 9:18 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

’14 Factors Contribute to Viral Success, Study Finds’ – Small Business Trends

Annie Pilon says, “Getting your content to go viral can provide a huge boost to your business. Unfortunately, there’s no surefire way for you to ensure viral success. However, recent findings from BuzzSumo suggest that there are several factors that can contribute to whether or not a post has a good chance of reaching that coveted viral status.... [Read more]

‘E-commerce in Asia grows 32%’ – Internet Retailer

Bill Briggs says, “E-commerce grew to $835 billion in Asia in 2015, the kind of expansion that beckons web retailers around the world. But moving into cross-border e-commerce means mastering the different market conditions from country to country, according to Internet Retailer’s new 2016 Asia 500. The lure of Asia, and particularly China, for... [Read more]

‘Why and When to Review Your Marketing Plan’ – Entrepreneur

Robert W. Bly says, “In The Marketing Plan Handbook, author Robert W. Bly explains how you can develop big-picture marketing plans for pennies on the dollar with his 12-step marketing plan. In this edited excerpt, Bly explains why you must review your marketing plan on a regular basis and what you should be looking for. Despite the wisdom and... [Read more]

WP Master Clone: WP site cloning (so easy) #ad

If you don’t have a technical bone in your body, but you want to move your WordPress site to another host, WP Master Clone is for you. Even better, if you have a successful WordPress site (say, and you want to create a new site (say,, and maybe another (, and you want to take what’s already working... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Revenues Off 15 Percent, CEO Mayer Announces Restructuring Plan’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “Yahoo announced Q4 and full-year revenues. While earnings per share were in-line with expectations, revenues (ex-TAC) were down 15 percent. As expected the company confirmed that it would lay off 15 percent of its workforce and also announced a restructuring. During her earnings call remarks CEO Marissa Mayer expressed confidence... [Read more]

‘6 Stats that Prove the Importance of Product Videos for Ecommerce’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Producing quality videos for your ecommerce site is hard, we know. Equipment is expensive, and specialists who know how to use that equipment cost even more. For that very reason, many ecommerce businesses will settle for photos and graphics just to get the job done. These six statistics show that video might just be an... [Read more]

‘Why email is the king of one-to-one marketing’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Marketers in the West are currently fascinated by WeChat’s success in the East. I think part of the fascination is that something other than email is being used for one-to-one marketing and communication. Companies are interacting with consumers in all sorts of inventive ways through this ubiquitous messaging app. It got... [Read more]

Kindle books need great covers for great sales #ad

This is our last opportunity to tell you about Lucas Adamski‘s new collection of covers that you can customize with your book title, author name and, if you like, with a new graphic. (No Photoshop needed; Powerpoint or Open Office is enough.) Adamski is a professional graphic designed. He has many design projects to his credit. His latest (he... [Read more]

‘Moz Content Launches New Tiers and Google Analytics Integration’ – MOZ

Jay Leary says, “When we launched Moz Content at the end of November, we limited the subscription to a single tier. At the time we wanted to get the product out in the wild and highlight the importance of content auditing, competitive research, and data-driven content strategy. To all of those early adopters who signed up as Strategists over... [Read more]

‘5 Distractions in Sales and How to Avoid Them’ – Small Business Trends

Annie Pilon says, “As the saying goes, we all have the same 24 hours to work with each day. How each of us uses their 24 hours, and how much is accomplished, can be vastly different, however. It’s amazing how much time can be wasted or mismanaged in a work environment, especially by toxic people in the work environment. Following, you will... [Read more]

‘How to Write Conversationally: 7 Tips to Engage and Delight Your Audience’ – Copyblogger

Henneke says, “How often do you shrug your shoulders and press delete after reading a marketing email? Many marketing messages make us cringe. They don’t sound like a human being wrote them. They don’t engage. They lack personality and feel cold-hearted. It’s not surprising. At school, we learned grammar rules. We learned how to write and... [Read more]

ReClick software re-engages visitors for better sales results #ad

ReClick effects is breakthrough technology (hosted for you as SaaS) that helps you catch a visitor's attention with animated effects. They may be tempted to leave your site without taking action, but ReClick arrests their attention and gets them to take a second look... [Read more]

‘Kick Up The Stakes For Your Sales Kickoff’ – Forrester

Steven Wright says, “The first quarter of the year is that magical time for sales kickoffs. For this analyst, 2016 is the first in over 20 years when I haven’t been involved in one. My sigh of relief far outweighs any twinges of nostalgia. After all that time, some things about kickoffs are clear: The more about products, the less sellers remember:... [Read more]

‘Yahoo to Lay Off 15 Percent of Workforce, Consider Reverse Spinoff’ – Entrepreneur

Jacob Pramuk says, “Yahoo on Tuesday announced it would consider a reverse spinoff and cut about 15 percent of its workforce as part of a restructuring to boost a sluggish core business. The tech company also posted quarterly results broadly in line with analysts’ expectations. Yahoo reported adjusted fourth-quarter earnings of 13 cents... [Read more]

‘Deep-Linker URX Expands Into Related Ads/Content “Carousels”’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “When you finish reading this story, maybe your attention will still be hovering for a few seconds around this story topic. That’s the idea behind the growing realm of content discovery services like Outbrain and Taboola. Today, San Francisco-based URX steps beyond its origins in deep linking for mobile apps and introduces... [Read more]

PageFlame: Instant Viral Traffic from Facebook #ad

Lee Pennington and Danny Ade just released PageFlame, software that can transform your Facebook marketing. To successfully sell on Facebook, you need to get your message in front of the right people... [Read more]

‘How People Are Really Using Snapchat: A Glimpse Into Their Growing User Base’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Snapchat has grown up a lot since its release back in 2011. While most people know it as the app that lets you send “private,” disappearing photos to your friends, the app has a whole lot more depth to it now. It offers branded and interactive filtering options, live news stories, and even a feature that lets... [Read more]

‘Facebook & Twitter make UX changes in fight to stay social’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Facebook and Twitter may be experiencing contrasting fortunes when it comes to monetising their user base, but they share many of the same problems. Chief among which is the need to satisfy personal users and business users. Both platforms need to maintain an enjoyable social network that helps users communicate, while allowing... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s private messages are off-limits for gun sales’ – Internet Retailer

IR team says, “Facebook Inc. is banning private gun sales between people on its social network, where users had been coordinating transactions without background checks. Facebook, which has been taking steps to limit gun sales via its website since 2014, is now banning people from arranging deals in private messages, the company said. It already... [Read more]

Easy TV Money® 2.0: your guide to affiliate marketing in 2016 #ad

Veteran online marketer, Nick Chou has revised and improved his popular 'Easy TV Money', training that shows how Chou has earned big from affiliate marketing with Clickbank and other affiliate networks... [Read more]

‘How to Use Crowdfunding to Generate Major PR Buzz’ – Entrepreneur

Josh Steimle says, “Many entrepreneurs raising money through crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo think in terms of launching the campaign, generating lots of press and then hoping the press gets people to sign up and fund the campaign. There’s nothing wrong with this strategy, but smart startups take it a step further and... [Read more]

‘Adobe Launches New Website Building Tool’ – Small Business Trends

Shubhomita Bose says, “Adobe has launched a website building tool to design customized websites right from within the company’s Creative Cloud Suite. Called Portfolio, Adobe’s latest offering makes it possible to build personalized websites in minutes, and competes with website building services such as Wix and Squarespace. Adobe says Portfolio... [Read more]

‘Twitter Gets Serious With Its Million Dollar Branded Emojis’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “After launching the hyped Twitter branded emojis last year, the company is gearing up, Super Bowl style (and effectively priced just like those coveted TV spots, typically in the seven figures), with emoji for brands looking for even wider distribution. AdWeek reports Twitter’s hefty $1 million price tag on newly branded... [Read more]

‘4 Big Ideas for Growing the Size of Your Client Retainers’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “It’s an easy mistake to make. You want to land a coveted client account, but the client’s budget doesn’t match up with your typical retainer plans. You go ahead and discount your services — you know this business will lead to more business so it will all be worth it in the end. Fast-forward three years... [Read more]

‘New and Improved Local Search Expert Quiz: What’s Up with Local SEO in 2016?’ – MOZ

Isla McKetta says, “Think you’re up on the latest developments in local SEO? One year ago we asked you to test your local SEO knowledge with the Local Search Expert Quiz. Because the SERPs are changing so fast and (according to our latest Industry Survey) over 42% of online marketers report spending more time on local search in the past... [Read more]

‘Eight best social campaigns & stories from January 2016’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “Clearly social media managers across the country were struggling to recoup their motivation after Christmas, because much of this post is people faceplanting bread or walking through puddles. But we do have some pretty impressive campaigns to show you from the likes of WaterAid and Land Rover, along with some of the most... [Read more]

‘Time-Saving Email Marketing Tips to Take Back Your Day’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Strapped for time? Feeling frazzled? Wondering if you’ll even have time make it to the end of this blog post? (It’s ok if you don’t, you won’t hurt my feelings.) If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re the perfect candidate for email marketing. Email helps you make meaningful connections with your... [Read more]

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