IM NewsWatch, February 17, 2015 - 'Five tips for picking the right social analytics tool – Econsultancy' and much more...

February 17th, 2015 at 8:58 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

‘Content Marketing: How to Achieve More with Your Blog’ – ‘’ Blog

Ann Smarty says, “A good introduction hooks a reader’s interest. The content of a blog post keeps them interested as you present the information or entertainment they came for. Most bloggers are focusing very much on these two specific parts of the whole, and they are leaving one out: the conclusion. Since it is ending the blog post, it is... [Read more]

‘The 10 Biggest Mistakes in Sales’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Grant Cardone says, “Sales people, sales organizations and sales teams have to change the way they are handling customers today in this very competitive world. The old ways of selling are changing and require all sales people, sales managers and sales organizations to think differently. Here are 10 essential selling principles that most sales... [Read more]

‘How to Engage Social Followers Using Facebook’s New Call-to-Action Button’ – Aweber Blog

Ahley Breen says, “Using Facebook for your business is a great way to establish brand awareness and loyalty. But how can you keep your social followers engaged and encourage them to take action with your brand? With Facebook’s new call-to-action (CTA) feature, it’s easier than ever for your followers to do things like sign up to your email list... [Read more]

Some videos make millions; others go nowhere. Ever wonder why? #ad

Marketers who do videos have many options from doodles to stand-up announcers to screencasts (capturing what is happening on their computer screen as they demo a product). A simple screencast sales video can be a great success and sell a lot of the product. You may be tempted to ask, “What does this video do that others don’t?” Lon Naylor and... [Read more]

‘Using Facebook for Business the SMART way: 3 Ways to Monetize Boosted Posts’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Gina Broom says, “Have you ever thought to yourself… “Why bother with social media, really? I mean, it’s so hard to measure the worth of social campaigns directly. So much of it is just general exposure, and how vague is that? Especially when it comes to paying for this exposure with boosted posts on Facebook.” Many people... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: List segmentation tips using social media and online behavior’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “Unless you are executing batch-and-blast email campaigns (and I sincerely hope that you aren’t), your email strategy probably involves some level of personalization or at least getting relevant email content to the right person. In order to achieve either of those goals, the starting point is your email subscriber list... [Read more]

‘SEO Marketing: Adding value without risking search rank’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Sam Carulso says, “It’s common knowledge that search engine optimization (SEO) often plays a major role in how companies group their key terms, whether they be in the headline or in the bottom of a page. This practice can also lead some companies to avoid testing certain areas of their site in order to maintain page rank. However, there is one... [Read more]

Test drive the Ultimate Closing Machine automated webinar system #ad

A couple of days ago, Christopher Griffin, Edward Hopkins and Brad Dixon announced Ultimate Closing Machine . It runs webinars automatically for you, and using the vast power of sales webinars, it closes sales for you. They want to show you how it works. Whatever you’re selling, from automobiles to xylophones, webinars will help you to sell more... [Read more]

‘Reversal Of Facebook: Photo Posts Now Drive Lowest Organic Reach’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Remember when the best way reach fans on Facebook was with photos? Those days are done. In a major reversal, photo posts are now the worst performing of all posts by Facebook brand pages, according to new data from social media analytics company Socialbakers. Photo posts are half as likely to be seen as videos, the new king... [Read more]

‘Why no one has responded to your email’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “So, you sent an email. You expect a prompt response. Then, you wait. And wait. And it starts to feel like dating, where you rethink all of your last interactions and wonder whether you said or did something wrong. Unfortunately, you might be right. We lose 10 IQ points from fielding constant email, so we’re bound to make... [Read more]

‘The New Authenticity and Authority: What it Looks Like, How to Use It’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “Jon Stewart’s retirement from The Daily Show this week, accompanied by many tears and some cheers, is getting a lot of coverage around the web. First, because the show is insanely popular. But more than that, because the show demonstrates a real shift in what authority and authenticity look like in the 21st century. In 2007,... [Read more]

Why You Don’t Rank on the Search Engines #ad

What it takes to rank in the search engines has changed over the years. Ten years ago, it was fairlt easy. But the days of sending wiki links, forum profiles, and posting spun articles (and a lot more early techniques) are all but gone. A new approach is needed. The good news is that although the search engine content preferences have changed over the... [Read more]

‘Five tips for picking the right social analytics tool’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Sam Oakley says, “If you want a social analytics tool to add value to your business, you have to buy it right. Check out these five pointers for doing just that. When it comes to integrating a new analytics tool, simply having a smart team and a good strategy doesn’t mean (or at least in our experience doesn’t correlate with) successful adoption... [Read more]

‘Summarizing the Key Factors for Getting Ranked in Google’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Live by the Google and you’ll die by the Google. Even if your online business hasn’t come to rely on search engines to drive your most critical web traffic, it’s undeniable that being ranked highly in Google for your target keywords and keyword phrases is positively invaluable. And that’s why there are so many people out there... [Read more]

‘How Hashtags Work on Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, and Flickr’ – MOZ Blog

Ann Smarty says, “A hashtag is the wonder of the past decade. It was born to address the need to organize and make sense of the overwhelming social media buzz. Thanks to active and creative user adoption, hashtag support has been added to most popular social media platforms. This article shows how different social media sites make use of hashtags.... [Read more]

Digital Millionaire Mastermind: Alex Jeffreys tells all #ad

Alex Jeffreys has been a successful marketer for years, And for the last 3-4 years he has also been a popular marketing trainer. Now, he’s giving you a chance to get his personal training for your own success online... [Read more]

‘Maximizing Lead Scoring & Analytics: How To Use Big Data In B2B’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Thomas Koletas says, “Modern B2B marketing and sales teams rely on several techniques to maintain customer interest throughout the buying process. Rather than the classic sales funnel, the customer’s journey is now treated as an ongoing course of marketing and education, sales outreach, and (eventually) a transaction. Marketing automation is... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Kills Off Affiliate Links Program, Leaves ‘Power Pinners’ in the Lurch’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kim Lachance Shandrow says, “Pinterest is almost four years old and it’s big enough for its britches — big enough to pull the plug on its affiliate links program, a money-making gravy train that more than a few brands, bloggers and Pinfluencers will sorely miss. Last Thursday that revenue roll came to a grinding halt for them when... [Read more]

‘Programmatic display advertising: How to get started and what to expect’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ian Harris says, “Find out why now is the perfect time to start programmatic display advertising. Now is a great time to start programmatic display advertising for three reasons: Few companies are doing it, so competition is nowhere near as fierce as other forms of online advertising. Those that grasp the potential are doing very well indeed. Many... [Read more]

New tool finds the big opportunities on Clickbank #ad

Are you a Clickbank affiliate? There is a major advantage over being an Amazon affiliate or eBay affiliate: your commission is much higher, usually 50% or more... [Read more]

‘Why Won’t Google Talk About Mobile Like Everyone Else?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “No secret here: Digital ad-driven companies that rose up in the world when desktops ruled have been forced to re-orient themselves while fending off (or scooping up) the nimble competition springing up from the “mobile first” ethos. Some have managed the shift and articulated the mobile impact on their businesses better... [Read more]

‘Is Facebook Marketing Still Worthwhile for Small Businesses?’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Niehaus says, “Business owners and decision makers have a lot of responsibilities to juggle on any given day; so the question is, should they still leave room on their plates for Facebook marketing? It’s not the no-brainer strategy that it was several years ago, when it was essentially a free way to promote and advertise your establishment... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Set Your Twitter Feed on Fire’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jimmy Burgess says, “Twitter has become an essential tool for entrepreneurs. A 2010 study done by Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologiesshowed that 67 percent of some 1,000 adults surveyed were more likely to buy from a company whose brand they followed on Twitter. Plus 79 percent of the respondents were more likely to... [Read more]

Make Dazzling Presentations to Your Clients #ad

If you spend a lot of time creating your presentation slides and videos for presenting to clients or prospective clients, Heri Rosyadi has a new solution that will save you time while improving the look and feel of your presentations.. [Read more]


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