IM NewsWatch, February 16, 2015 - '4 TED Talks Every Marketer Should Watch – HubSpot' and much more...

February 16th, 2015 at 12:12 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 16, 2015

‘Is Facebook Marketing Still Worthwhile for Small Businesses?’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Niehaus says, “Business owners and decision makers have a lot of responsibilities to juggle on any given day; so the question is, should they still leave room on their plates for Facebook marketing? It’s not the no-brainer strategy that it was several years ago, when it was essentially a free way to promote and advertise your establishment... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Set Your Twitter Feed on Fire’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jimmy Burgess says, “Twitter has become an essential tool for entrepreneurs. A 2010 study done by Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologiesshowed that 67 percent of some 1,000 adults surveyed were more likely to buy from a company whose brand they followed on Twitter. Plus 79 percent of the respondents were more likely to... [Read more]

‘Should You Create Your Own Product or Be an Affiliate?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Should you create your own product or should you be an affiliate and promote other people’s products? That’s a questions I get asked on a daily basis. Most Internet markets start off as affiliates of other people’s products. The reason for this is cost and risk. Creating your own products, while potentially more profitable, is extremely... [Read more]

Digital Millionaire Mastermind: Alex Jeffreys tells all #ad

Alex Jeffreys has been a successful marketer for years, And for the last 3-4 years he has also been a popular marketing trainer. Now, he’s giving you a chance to get his personal training for your own success online. In Digital Millionaire Mastermind, Jeffreys reveals techniques he had only taught to people who paid him big fees for live training. This... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Altering the Future Predicted in ‘Minority Report’’ – Content Marketing Institute

Alex Braun says, “Just 13 years ago, Steven Spielberg’sMinority Report envisioned the year 2054 as one in which marketing and advertising are so invasive that holograms make frenzied, customized sales pitches to people as they walk through the mall. In an unnerving scene, protagonist John Anderton’s eyes flashed as retina scanners identified... [Read more]

‘A Marketer’s View: An 11-Step Plan for Launching Your Startup’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Melissa Cohen says, “Disclaimer: the headline on this article promises you 11 steps to launch a startup. It does not promise you 11 easy steps or 11 simple steps or 11 anyone-could-do-it-before-breakfast-without-breaking-a-sweat steps. Launching a startup is difficult—there’s no way around that. In the best of markets, 75% of venture-backed... [Read more]

‘5 Priorities For Email Marketing In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Cara Olson says, “We are already well into 2015, but many marketers are still refining their plans for the year. I’m beginning to hear several common themes emerge among email experts as they evaluate the year’s priorities. Looking back, for many, 2014 was the year of creating more triggers (and optimizing existing triggers) to increase the... [Read more]

SEO Catalyst: High ranking for competitive search terms #ad

John Gibb has partnered with Mo Miah to create new SEO software they call SEO Catalyst Pro. Once you install it, you can begin to reap the benefits immediately. The say it only takes a minute or two to add your details to it and turn it loose working for you getting crushing all the search engines to recognize the importance of your site. In fact, Gibb... [Read more]

‘Finovate Europe 2015: Execution Is Harder Than Idea Generation’ – Forrester

Benjamin Ensor says, “I spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at Finovate Europe. As always, it is a great way to spend two days thinking about digital financial innovation and how firms can deliver better experiences for their customers. Here are a few of my impressions from the two days: Biometrics is becoming mainstream.We barely raise... [Read more]

‘How To Drive Engagement Among Millennials’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As millennials age and become responsible for more purchasing power brands will be forced to understand how the much maligned age group prefers to communicate and interact with them. NewsCred, a content marketing platform, has announced the results of a new study on millennials titled “The Millennial Mind: How Content Drives... [Read more]

‘Why Digital Wallets Encourage Spending’ – HubSpot

Greg Wise says, “There is a universal truth we must acknowledge. It’s easier to spend money if we never hold it in our hands. This is why people end up in serious trouble with credit cards even when they have wads of cash in their wallets. The “cashless effect” is a very real thing, and it benefits ecommerce sales in ways retail sales don’t... [Read more]

New tool finds the big opportunities on Clickbank #ad

Are you a Clickbank affiliate? There is a major advantage over being an Amazon affiliate or eBay affiliate: your commission is much higher, usually 50% or more... [Read more]

‘Why Pinterest Is Banning Affiliate Links’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “Pinterest has lowered the hammer on affiliate links—a way for social-media users to make a small commission in return for recommending a product. Ostensibly, the move helps keep the site tidy. But unsurprisingly, money is also involved. According to an email many pinners received Thursday, Pinterest is removing all affiliate... [Read more]

‘Responsive web design: 15 of the best sites from 2014’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Our traffic stats show us that people are still really interested in responsive design. RWD roundups from years gone by remain hugely popular and our review of B&Q’s responsive site was one of last year’s most visited posts. So to sate your appetite for more examples of responsive design, here’s a collection of some of... [Read more]

‘How to Leverage Google+ and Pinterest Search’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brian Honigman says, “Social media has been called many things over its short but storied history, but one thing it has almost never been called is “slow.” There’s a common, implicit understanding that the results social media marketing delivers are primarily immediate. The social success stories we constantly hear about are the ones that... [Read more]

Ultimate Closing Machine: Create nearly live pre-recorded webinars #ad

As many people have probably told you, webinars are the best format to present your message persuasively. The problem for many of us, though, is that we are not comfortable speaking on live webinars. The pressure of a live webinar is too great. You have to get it right the first time... [Read more]

‘How to Harness the Power of New Technology to Personalize to Your Audience’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Beulah says, “We are in the midst of an informational and technological revolution. It is constantly changing the way we communicate. There is an unspoken drive deep down in the collective psyche of humanity that is pushing us to make communication faster and universal. Being able to express complex ideas is vital to our species’ survival.... [Read more]

‘Wait, Paid Media Investments Can Yield SEO Value?!’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we’re going to chat about advertising investments and how paying for advertising can actually yield positive results for SEO, for links, for social shares, for content investments, for email marketing, for all of these organic channels. I... [Read more]

‘Buffer Upgrades Analytics To Help You Sort Out Social’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Sometimes, you just want simple answers to simple questions. What’s working with my social media efforts? What isn’t? Buffer, the popular social media scheduling tool, upgraded its analytics tool this week to give marketers a handy way to quickly assess the health of their social efforts. Buffer analytics is available to... [Read more]

Make your Presentations to Clients Dazzle #ad

If you spend a lot of time creating your presentation slides and videos for presenting to clients or prospective clients, Heri Rosyadi has a new solution that will save you time while improving the look and feel of your presentations... [Read more]

’12 Secrets of the Human Brain to Use in Your Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Knowing how the human mind processes information and images—and putting that knowledge to use—can help you become a more engaging and effective marketer. Here’s a look at some fascinating facts about the human mind, from a marketing perspective. Did you know that the human brain processes emotions far more... [Read more]

‘4 TED Talks Every Marketer Should Watch’ – HubSpot

Mike Whitney says, “TED talks are not-for-profit conferences where leading thinkers discuss big ideas, trends, and innovations in their respective fields. The project was originally conceived as a forum for technology, entertainment, and design (hence the TED), but now has expanded to include topics ranging all across the human experience. The... [Read more]

‘Online-To-Offline Metrics Increasingly Available, Important To Marketers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “For well over a decade the internet has influenced billions and billions of dollars of local or offline spending. But that was largely ignored because it was almost impossible to track digital ads to the offline point of sale (outside of coupons), where 90+ percent of transactions occur. Now, with smartphone ubiquity and... [Read more]

‘Google Helpouts Heads To The Big Vid Chat In The Sky’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Google Wave and Google Reader will soon have some company: Turns out, Google Helpouts is not long for this world. The company will shutter the online expert help service on April 20. Helpouts seems to be slowly dissolving. TechCrunch noticed the disappearance of its iPhone app today, following the previous removal of its Android... [Read more]

‘The 5 Steps to Generating Content Ideas for a New Client’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “You’re a pro at creating content. And because of this, a coveted client has just signed on with your agency. You’ve got to get to work, but you’re at a loss. The client is in a niche industry — one that you have little experience with. And the brand has done little in terms of content creation, so... [Read more]

‘Video Marketing: 3 Building Blocks to Get You Started’ Business 2 Community Webinar February 18

The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Content marketing is the link between brand awareness and lead generation. Done well, it builds familiarity, affinity and trust with prospective and current customers by providing information that resonates. But video is taking content marketing by storm as people are spending more and more time watching... [Read more]

‘Ways to Build Trust with Good Web Design’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Shawn Rubel says, “One of the best ways to build trust with prospective customers is with good web design. It can no longer be argued that a website’s design is and will continue to be one of the most influencing aspects on a customer’s initial opinion of a company. Studies show that just updating the design to make it look more modern can increase... [Read more]

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