IM NewsWatch, December 5, 2014 - 'Four recent improvements to the Facebook ad platform – Econsultancy' and much more...

December 5th, 2014 at 8:51 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, December 5, 2014

Reminder- ‘The Key Social Media Trends for 2015’ Business 2 Community Webinar December 17

This is a reminder for Business 2 Community’s social media marketing webinar scheduled on Wednesday, December 17. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Social media is no longer a trend but a business necessity. While digital transformation is still in its infancy, 2015 promises to be a transformational year. Organizational change... [Read more]

‘Enterprise SEO Benchmarks: Top Tactics, Challenges, and Metrics’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 54% of marketing and sales professionals at enterprise companies say quality content creation is one of the most effective search engine optimization tactics they employ, according to a recent report from Conductor and Ascend2. Frequent website updating is also considered important to SEO success, with 50% of respondents... [Read more]

‘5 Ways To Embrace Your Inner Marketing Technologist’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Erik Brat says, “A former boss of mine once opined that all marketers are “technophobes” — arguing that if technology applications were not extremely simple and easy to use, then, in the words of iconic New Jersey movie gangsters, fuggedaboutit! While I think many marketers tend to be creative types, I have seen a concerted effort by marketers... [Read more]

[Closing @ Midnight] Lock in a Lifetime FanBoom Account #ad

They say that all good things must come to an end. And the end for the FanBoom 3.0 lifetime license offer is today. There a “Pro” version and, for for people who need extra function, an (upsell) “Elite” version. Both versions have: • A Powerful page designer • Mobile-optimized pages • High-conversion lead gen... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Power Tools to Double Your Email Marketing List for 2015’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “Email marketing isn’t a field of dreams: you don’t simply add a form to your site and gain 200,000 readers overnight. To truly build your audience, and your business, you need to take a few extra steps. That includes using power tools that complement your email growth strategy. On average, AWeber clients who use email... [Read more]

‘5 Keyword Tips to Drive More Traffic in 2015’ by John Chow

Chow says, “It goes without saying that we all want to have more traffic for our websites and, regardless of the other sources and tactics that we may use, search engines like Google will always play a prominent role. Good search engine optimization requires dedication, a willingness to adapt, and the right set of tools. If you are looking to grow... [Read more]

’18 Sales Planning Tools to Boost Sales Productivity and Close More Deals’ – HubSpot

Fergal Glynn says, “Sales always has been, and always will be, about closing the deal. But, sales professionals cannot rely on cold calls and haphazard prospect visits if they want to meet their sales goals and make it into the top 10%. In reality, sales professionals and managers need to have access to the best available sales planning tools... [Read more]

YouTube Live Events; your ticket to more sales #ad

It’s no secret that Google likes YouTube and all its videos. But there’s one special type of video that Google likes the best of all: YouTube Live Events. In the rankings, YouTube Live Events have a better position in the search engine rankings than any other type of YouTube video, even higher than Google Hangouts. Now that you know about... [Read more]

‘7 social media resolutions for 2015’ – ‘Mashable’

Yohana Desta says, “Don’t go to bed with Twitter in 2015. With the new year comes a new you — on social media, at least. As 2015 rolls around, it’s time to once again come up with resolutions you absolutely, definitely, totally will not break. When it comes to social media, there are probably a million new things we could all be working... [Read more]

‘Four recent improvements to the Facebook ad platform’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jeff Rajeck says, “Do you advertise on Facebook? Or plan to? If so, then you should know that there have been some big changes lately. To help you navigate these, here are 4 recent improvements which will help you advertise on Facebook more effectively. Facebook is changing how brands deliver content on the platform. Unpaid, or ‘organic’,... [Read more]

‘Win the Email Marketing ‘Hunger Games': Five Tips to Survive the Unsubscribe List’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Seamas Egan says, “Black Friday deals. Holiday sales. Travel promotions. New Years offers. This holiday season, email marketers and online retailers are in a Hunger Games of their own: Keeping their promotional emails alive—and out of the spam folder—will determine their ability to survive this season. Avoiding the dreaded delete button is... [Read more]

Discover the Basics of Internet Marketing (free report) #ad

Reed Floren is offering another free report to new marketers who want to “get the lay of the land” before investing significantly in their business. This one is called The Basics of Internet Marketing. It’s the recording of a webinar he did a while back. And beginning marketers will find the information he presents is helpful. And... [Read more]

‘Web Optimization: How to help customers help themselves’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Jessica Lorenz says, ““The innovation of how the buying process works really has helped us. Not only to help our existing customers, but really gain those new customers through that process and innovation,” explained Matt Ruggle, Ecommerce Manager, Great Northern Corporation, at IRCE 2014. Linda Taddonio, Co-founder and Ecommerce Strategy Officer,... [Read more]

‘PPC Marketing: 10% decrease in cost per click through link tracking effort’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “When a company invests in pay-per-click ads, the return on investment lies in the success of keywords and phrases. Tailoring this messaging can make all the difference in a PPC campaign that drives significant traffic or a campaign with a high cost and low ROI. Namu Travel Group utilizes PPC to drive traffic from searches, but the... [Read more]

‘Twitter’s Founder Unintentionally Gave Content Marketers the Best Advice Ever’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jay Acunzo says, “If there’s one mortal sin content marketers commit way too often, it’s obsessing over tools or tactics instead of customers. When we talk marketing, we love to jump right into a discussion about a given social network, a new tactic hitting the blogosphere, or some other content format we “have to” learn. Instead of asking... [Read more]

Big Discount during WP Profit Builder Cyber Week Sale #ad

Sean Donahoe is running a special sale on his 'WP Profit Builder' launched earlier this year. After the launch, he raised the price, but now it's on sale again... [Read more]

‘Pat Flynn on Entrepreneurial Inspiration and His Profitable Content Strategy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “In 2008, Pat Flynn was happily employed by an architectural firm. And then, like a lot of people in 2008, just like that … out of a job. It was the best thing that ever happened to him. Since that point, Pat has built a business that supports his family through blogging and podcasting. And he’s just getting started. Rather... [Read more]

‘Long Tail CTR Study: The Forgotten Traffic Beyond Top 10 Rankings’ – MOZ Blog

Gary Moyle says, “Search behavior is fundamentally changing, as users become more savvy and increasingly familiar with search technology. Google’s results have also changed significantly over the last decade, going from a simple page of 10 blue links to a much richer layout, including videos, images, shopping ads and the innovative Knowledge... [Read more]

‘“Dark Social” Is Still Nearly 70 Percent Of Sharing Activity’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Two years after Alexis Madrigal coined the term, we’re still largely in the dark about Dark Social. Dark Social, you’ll remember, is that portion of referral traffic that lacks information to trace it back to its source. In Madrigal’s article introducing the idea, he reported that nearly 69% of social referral... [Read more]

Marketer gets 200+ free Visitor per Day using Drag & Drop SEO #ad

A new drag & drop SEO traffic automation app has just been released by Precious Ngwu. He calls it 'Authority Engage'... [Read more]

‘Black Friday & Cyber Monday Mobile Transactions Reached 37 Percent — Report’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “When AppLoving predicted that 30 percent of Cyber Monday transactions would come from mobile devices there was considerable skepticism on Twitter, including from comScore’s chairman. According to the data consensus Cyber Monday mobile buying didn’t quite hit 30 percent but it did earlier in the weekend. Now, a new set... [Read more]

‘How retailers handle site search for the most popular Christmas gifts’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “In which we take a selection of the most popular gifts this Christmas and see how some of the top UK retailers’ site search handles them. When I begin typing ‘Frozen Snow Glow Elsa’ into Amazon’s search box, will the item immediately appear at the top of the predictive text suggestions? When I search for ‘Nerf’... [Read more]

‘So You’re Thinking About Implementing Marketing Automation’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jason Siffring says, “So you’re thinking about implementing marketing automation? Don’t do it… yet. Marketing automation (MA) software can add to your workload, alienate important prospects, and cause you to add hundreds of dollars to the swear jar. Or… it can deliver real, positive ROI. The difference is planning. So... [Read more]

Build your mailing list with quality optins (on autopilot) #ad

Jens Steyaert has learned from experience that the best mailing list to have is a list of people who have already bought something in your niche... [Read more]


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