IM NewsWatch, August 20, 2015 - 'New Snack Pack: Where Users are Clicking & How You Can Win – MOZ' and much more...

August 20th, 2015 at 9:03 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, August 20, 2015

‘The 5 Email Design Best Practices Every Marketer Should Know’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “1. Email is not a .JPG, print ad, or a one-page website Reusing content across mediums is a smart way to maximize resources, increase efficiency, and apply takeaways from other channels. Taking the featured image from a successful print run and using it in your go-to email template may seem like a quick win, but is unlikely... [Read more]

‘My “Friends” or Yours? The Importance of Establishing a Social Media Ownership Policy’ – ‘’ Blog

Daliah Saper says, “Facebook and Twitter are increasingly becoming the American public’s main source for news. With 63 percent of Facebook and Twitter users claiming they use these sites as news sources, it comes as no surprise that a company’s social media presence is continuously being monitored, updated and utilized as a client engagement... [Read more]

‘5 Blog Topics You Need to Stop Writing About’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kaleigh Moore says, “You work hard to create blog content that people actually want to read. You know it’s an important part of your content marketing efforts that will bring in new customers over time. But there are a few topics that online readers have seen time and time again—and at this point, they’re just becoming noise. An Algoso... [Read more]

75% of mobile phone users say they can’t live without their phone #ad

And savvy marketers want to sell to these people, people who are dedicated to their phones, not a computer. Sell what? Well, there are thousands of products and services you might sell. One source of products that sell well is Clickbank. It has downloadable books and videos on just about any topic you can imagine, from Acne to Zoology. And they all... [Read more]

‘Six Effective Ways to Clear ‘Content Block” – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Al Gomez says, “At some point, you or your content specialist will complain that there are no great ideas left—or the good ones are already published somewhere. If you churn out content daily, finding resources for educational, entertaining, and witty information to share with readers may become a challenge. Such “content block”... [Read more]

‘How Email Marketers Can Make The Most Of Gmail Postmaster Tools’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tom Sather says, “Last month, Google made a major announcement about the introduction of Postmaster Tools that should have most email marketers rejoicing. Similar to’s Smart Network Data Services (SNDS), Postmaster Tools by Gmail provides data for email marketers to analyze the performance of their email marketing efforts that,... [Read more]

‘Forrester’s Summit for Marketing Leaders Is Coming To Sydney September 15th!’ – Forrester

Michael Barnes says, “I really cannot believe it’s been nearly twelve months since our last Sydney event. But it’s official, we’re now only four weeks away from Forrester’s Summit For Marketing Leaders in Sydney. This year’s theme is “Connect, Engage, Deliver.” Why that theme? Well, we know from our research that firms in Australia... [Read more]

Zap Deals: Scarcity engine to drive sales #ad

Sam Robinson has just released Zap Deals software It builds sales pages with a count down timer. Visitors have a limited time to decide and buy. You will see it in action on their sales page. Once you land, you have 2 hours to buy. Watch the timer at the bottom of the page... [Read more]

‘How to Manage Your Content Marketing in 30 Minutes a Day’ – HubSpot

Aaron Agius says, “Content marketing takes time, effort and dedication. But you’re pressed for time everyday. You can’t seem to get around to everything on your to-do list — much less invest the time required for effective content marketing. So, you just give up. If you can’t do it 110%, you might as well not do it at all? Right? Wrong. Yes,... [Read more]

‘Why Facebook now sends more traffic to news sites than Google’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “Google is still the most-viewed website in the world. But when it comes to driving traffic to media sites, Facebook is now the clear winner, according to analytics firm Facebook accounted for nearly 43% of traffic to its network of media sites — a network that includes over 400 outlets such as Mashable, Reuters... [Read more]

‘Google Gets Going With Update For Go Programming Language’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Nield says, “Google’s attempt to kill off C just got a new development: Today, the company announced a new update for Go, its own 6-year-old programming language, bringing it to version 1.5. It’s the sixth major update since Go’s inception in 2009, and it finally removes all traces of the C language it’s built on. Putting... [Read more]

Video Drill Finds the Most Targeted Audiences on YouTube #ad

The key principle of marketing success is showing the right message to the right people at the right time. Once you have your advertisement crafted, you need to find the right people and show them your message when they are interested in your topic... [Read more]

‘The New Snack Pack: Where Users are Clicking & How You Can Win’ – MOZ Blog

Casey Meraz says, “Last week I wrote a post about the new Snack Pack, where three local results have become the new standard, and explored where users were clicking based on some preliminary data from UsabilityHub tests we ran. In our test, we measured 200 clicks on a heat map to see where users were clicking most. In that example, organic results... [Read more]

‘Is user experience important for a higher Google ranking?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Marcus Tober says, “You would expect Google to reward web pages that provide a better user experience with a ranking advantage. So which parts of user experience are most important? In Searchmetrics’ annual study of the characteristics of pages with a high Google ranking and the key factors that correlate with (or are more likely to... [Read more]

‘4 Strategies That Must Be Part of Your Marketing to Customers’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Martin Zwilling says, “With the advent of social media and the pervasive move to smartphones, even customers who still prefer to purchase in brick-and-mortar stores have dramatically changed their shopping habits. Many people don’t post about their experiences, but still routinely check first to see what others are saying about the brand... [Read more]

Tubeloot Pro: Use YouTube videos to sell Amazon products #ad

Brett Ingram has been experimenting with combining the power of YouTube's popularity with Amazon's enormous range of products. Now, he says, he has found a way to tap into the 6 Billion hours of YouTube videos that people watch every month and the 200 Million Amazon products to create your own "set-it-and-forget-it" automated business that generates Amazon commissions... [Read more]

‘7 Things I Wish Instagram Would Fix, From Regramming To Allowing Links’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Danny Sullivan says, “This year marked a return for me to Instagram, where my account had largely been dormant. I’ve greatly enjoyed my time on the service, but I find several things maddening. Here’s what I see wrong with Instagram, despite its great success. 1) You Can’t Regram Natively If I see something awesome on Twitter or Facebook,... [Read more]

‘8 Years, 4 Major Trends: The Evolution of Websites From 2007 to Now’ – HubSpot

Éadaoin Murphy says, “A lot can happen in eight years. Think about what happened in 2007, for instance. That year, Apple launched the very first iPhone, J.K. Rowling published the final book in the Harry Potter series, and HBO’s The Sopranos aired the controversial final episode. Now, Apple’s about to release the iPhone 6S,... [Read more]

‘Global Guide: Facebook Advertising In Europe And The Americas’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Andrew Waber says, “E-commerce sales in the US shot up 14.1 percent to $83.9 billion in the second quarter compared to Q2 2014 when adjusted for seasonality, the Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce reported Monday. That compares to an overall increase in US retail sales of just 1.0 percent year-over-year. In all, 7.2 percent of the estimated... [Read more]

Help local businesses do email right with Business Growth Content #ad

Local businesses need help with electronic marketing. They don't have the time or skills to do what is needed online. But their growth and long-term survival depend on it... [Read more]

‘How to Report on Inbound Marketing Results [Free Ebook]’ – HubSpot

Angela O’Dowd says, “The internet is an infinitely measurable place. Data reflects the performance of your online campaigns that will either prove your winning ways or send you back to the drawing board. But before you start plotting the X- and Y-axis for a monthly deck, you need to be clear on your clients challenges and goals. That’s... [Read more]

‘If vloggers are paid to push a product, they’ll have to tell UK viewers’ – ‘Mashable’

Blathnaid Healy says, “Video bloggers who want to endorse products to their millions of fans in the UK will now have to follow a new set of rules released by the advertising watchdog on Wednesday. See also: 8 YouTube channels to watch in 2015 The Committees of Advertising Practice’s guidance outlined how vloggers should deal with common... [Read more]

‘Five truths and misconceptions about social media in China’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Blake Cahill says, “If you ever played a game of Chinese Whispers then you’ll know a message inevitably gets distorted as it travels. It’s supposed to teach us not to believe everything you hear, but when scaling digital in the Asian market it’s more important than ever not to let misconceptions hold sway. China’s inexorable rise is... [Read more]

‘Here’s How to Make Sure Your Company Is Ready for Online Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Matt Williams says, “Q: What do you suggest to make an online brand known aside from social media and marketing? A: The truth is, when it comes to social media and marketing, a lot of companies put the cart before the horse. In my experience at early stage venture-backed companies, no amount of social-media mastery will be able to cover up a... [Read more]

‘US E-Commerce Sales Jump 14 Percent, Account For 7.2 Percent Of All Retail’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “E-commerce sales in the US shot up 14.1 percent to $83.9 billion in the second quarter compared to Q2 2014 when adjusted for seasonality, the Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce reported Monday. That compares to an overall increase in US retail sales of just 1.0 percent year-over-year. In all, 7.2 percent of the estimated... [Read more]

‘The Science of Instagram: How to Get More Likes’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Do photos with above-average engagement on Instagram have any qualities in common? Does the use of tags lead to more likes and comments? Are people more likely to interact with images featuring certain filters and colors? To find out, Dan Zarrella examined data in 2014 from nearly 1.5 million images posted by more than 500,000... [Read more]

‘800-Pound Publishing Gorilla Facebook Barges Back Into Blogging With “Notes”’ – TechCrunch

Josh Constine says, “Facebook basically locked Notes in the basement for the past half-decade. Its bare-bones blogging feature launched in 2006 as a place for writing missives that wouldn’t fit in a status update. After a few tweaks like the ability to insert photos, Facebook left Notes to languish. The launch of Timeline in 2011 buried the... [Read more]

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