IM NewsWatch, August 12, 2015 - 'The inside story of why Google is becoming Alphabet now – Mashable' and much more...

August 12th, 2015 at 9:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

‘Four Powerful Tips for a Highly Effective B2B Social Media Strategy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jawad Khan says, “Most B2B companies are not great at social media marketing. Often, they’re too boring, or too product-focused, to engage social media users and develop a loyal following. As a result, they fail to achieve long-term success, which leads management and decision-makers to conclude social media is a B2C marketing channel. Which... [Read more]

‘Engagement: How To Unlock The Key To Content Performance Success’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jim Yu says, “Brands and marketers are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of content. Unfortunately, this greater insight does not always result in higher levels of customer engagement or stronger ROI. When content is used correctly, it can be an incredible tool for brands — but too many companies are missing the opportunity... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s new video ads can play in any app’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Facebook’s video ads have proven such a hit that they will now start appearing beyond the walls of the social network. The company announced Tuesday that it is expanding its autoplay video ad format to the third-party publishers that plug into its mobile ad network. Facebook will also make available slideshow-like carousel... [Read more]

Qilio 2.0: new tool for free Facebook marketing #ad

Many people are not maximizing their return on their investment in ads on Facebook. Facebook will do about 95% of the work for you (if you handle it right), and they don’t charge you for it. There’s a new advertising platform that takes advantage of this Facebook facility to place ads on your fan page, in a (Faceebook-approved) way that... [Read more]

‘The inside story of why Google is becoming Alphabet now’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “The announcement of Google’s new holding company, Alphabet, initially led to near-universal bafflement among the tech cognoscenti: why would Google, an industry leader, create such upheaval? The most immediate benefit may simply be that CEO Larry Page, who is stepping away from day-to-day management, can spend more... [Read more]

‘Overcome these 3 common data barriers for mobile marketing success’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Spencer Kollas says, “As brands work to be more customer-centric, mobile has become one of the most critical channels to effectively acquire, engage, and convert customers into loyal brand advocates. According to research from Experian Marketing Services, not only are mobile customers highly engaged with brands, but when subscribed to both email... [Read more]

‘How to Pre-Sell Your Product by Offering Tantalizing Samples’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sean D’souza says, “Selling a product is much easier when you have a pre-sell strategy in place. To understand the concept of the pre-sell, it might be a good idea to take a walk around a supermarket. In this store, you’re likely to see some folks doling out samples of their products. Some days, these folks look kind of forlorn as they... [Read more]

The Science Of Making an Extra $200 – $250 Per Day #ad

98% of your visitors leave your web site without taking any action. According to Kevin Fayhe, if you engage these visitors properly, you can make an extra $200 – $250 per day. He shows how in Retargeter Profit Maximiser. Remarkably, people already be earning a six figure online income, as well as those who are complete tech-phobic beginners,... [Read more]

‘Digital Marketers Are Increasingly Taking Responsibility For eCommerce Initiatives In China’ – Forrester

Xiaofeng Wang says, “In my previous report, Overcome Top Digital Challenges In 2015, we found that digital marketers’ top challenge is meeting increased pressure to deliver business outcomes. In fact, they’re gradually taking on more responsibilities directly related to business outcomes, such as eCommerce. My latest brief, Digital Marketers... [Read more]

‘Announcing the 2015 Search Engine Ranking Factors Study’ – MOZ Blog

Cyrus Shepard says, “We’re excited to announce the results of Moz’s biannual Search Engine Ranking Correlation Study and Expert Survey, a.k.a. Ranking Factors. Moz’s Ranking Factors study helps identify which attributes of pages and sites have the strongest association with ranking highly in Google. The study consists of two... [Read more]

‘Want People to Forward Your Emails? Try These 4 Data-Backed Tips’ – HubSpot

Lauren Smith says, “Recently, an email about a new public market opening in my neighborhood caused me to go on a forward-frenzy. (You’re welcome, Boston Public Market.) I was so excited that I shared it with every single family member, friend, or co-worker who lived in that area. While no purchases were directly made from that email, Boston... [Read more]

Graphic Arts Templates for books, tee shirts, physical goods, ads #ad

IM NewsWatch is always on the look-out for products that offer marketers a chance to be distinctive. Artisanal products, crafted by hand, with the skill of an expert, can benefit marketers who know that the look of a product, advertisement or website affects its success... [Read more]

‘16 genuinely useful email marketing tools’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Email might not be the sexiest form of communication around these days what with smartphones and Apple Watches and pigeon-drone hybrids but it’s still going strong in the business world. In our recent email marketing census, 74% of marketers said they believe email still be one of the highest channels for delivering... [Read more]

‘Amazon Retiring Product Ads, Offers New Text Ads As Alternative’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt McGee says, “Advertisers that use Amazon Product Ads will soon have to find other ways to get their items in front of Amazon shoppers. The company has started notifying advertisers that Product Ads will be shut down as of October 31st. Amazon is simultaneously introducing a new ad option called Amazon Text Ads, and the email sent to advertisers... [Read more]

‘Facebook is testing an online marketplace in Sydney and Auckland’ – ‘Mashable’

Ariel Bogle says, “In a move that could make eBay and Craigslist management lose sleep, Facebook is testing a new regional online marketplace feature in Sydney, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand. A new “Buy & Sell” button is currently being rolled out in the platform’s lefthand navigation panel, which will take users to... [Read more]

Snap Affiliate Profits for profitable affiliate marketing #ad

Stephen Gilbert, Greg Kononenko and Steven Meiracker are online marketers of long-standing. They both create products of their own and market as affiliates for other people's products... [Read more]

‘Thinking Outside the Box for Sponsored Content’ – HubSpot

Tyler Rhodes says, “When it comes to sponsored content, no single format or medium is the perfect fit for every advertiser or every campaign. However, many times publishers settle into a routine of creating text-based offers—eBooks, whitepapers, and guides—as they’re both easy to create and easy to consume. And most of the time, these... [Read more]

‘What is Google’s new company Alphabet and what does it mean for you?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Anna Francis says, “Yesterday Google announced that it was going to be completely restructured and sit as a subsidiary of its new parent company, Alphabet. Many of Google’s side businesses will now be housed under Alphabet, and as part of the shuffle Sundar Pichai has now been named as CEO of Google, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin will now serve... [Read more]

‘The ‘Magic’ Words that Make Your Media Content Pop with Authority and Expertise’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “This week on Hit Publish, we’re looking at the words and phrases you can use to make your content stand out with confidence. You’ll learn some techniques for turning timid writing into copy written by a trusted expert. If you have a great business, you have to sound confident whether you’re writing a sales page, blog... [Read more]

Sneaky List Hack adds 1000 subscribers to your list #ad

Face it, if you want to be a marketer, you need a mailing list of people who have indicated an interest in what you have to sell. Taylor Rizor says his 'Sneaky List Hack' strategy will consistently bring new subscribers onto your list, so you can build a relationship with them and, ultimately, market to them... [Read more]

‘Psychology of Ecommerce Sales: Motivating with Uncertainty’ – HubSpot

Greg Wise says, “Remember that old game show, Let’s Make a Deal? Contestants were given the choice between a prize they could see—such as $1,000 right here, right now—and a prize they couldn’t. Let’s see what’s behind door number two! While we watched at home, yelling at the contestant for being so stupid as to give up the certain... [Read more]

‘Why is Chevrolet’s content marketing so compelling?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “I always think one of the best ways to learn about something marketing-related is to look at brands that are already doing it well and try to work out what makes their efforts successful. Previously I’ve covered the content strategies for Kraft and IBM, and this time I’m going to be focusing on iconic American SUV manufacturers... [Read more]

‘Your Marketing Strategy Hinges on Both Brand and Client Research: Here’s the Why–and the How’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Joshua Conran says, “Blasting out client surveys might seem like a cost-effective approach to discovering what makes your audience tick and whether your company is a good fit for that audience. But relying on surveys alone to piece together the ideal client can distract you from the bigger picture. You need to constantly reexamine your clients... [Read more]

‘Twitter Launches Full Archive Search API To Give Enterprises Instant Access To Every Tweet’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Last fall, Twitter unleashed the full history of tweets, giving users the ability to search for everything from @Jack’s first message on the network in 2006 to conversations about the 2014 World Cup to… literally anything that is shared on Twitter. Today, Twitter announced that it’s making the full stream available through... [Read more]

’12 Creative Ways to Rack Up Social Media Leads’ – ‘’ Blog

Scott Gerber says, “Social media trends change constantly. Consumers are tired of blatant self-promotion, so put those tactics to rest. What’s a brand to do to hold an audience? From holding contests to promoting gated content, these entrepreneurs from YEChave found success with these creative methods for collecting social media leads. 1.... [Read more]

‘Google Shares Spike 6% After ‘Alphabet’ Restructuring’ – TechCrunch

Josh Constine says, “Google just announced a big restructuring of the company, sending shares up about 6 percent in extended trading. After the announcement, shares of Google rose 5 percent, but have since risen even further. As part of the restructuring, Larry page is now the new CEO of a parent company called Alphabet, while Sundar Pichai will... [Read more]

‘Google to Reorganize Into New Company Called ‘Alphabet’’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ray Hennessey says, “Say goodbye to Google. Say hello to Alphabet. Google Inc. says it is creating a new operating structure under a newly formed umbrella company it is calling Alphabet Inc. Co-founder and current CEO Larry Page will lead the new company, while Sergey Brin, the other co-founder, will serve as president. Google itself will be... [Read more]

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