IM NewsWatch, April 27, 2016 - ‘6 Tools to Develop an Outstanding Social Media Marketing Strategy' - Entrepreneur' and much more...

April 27th, 2016 at 9:22 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Until IM NewsWatch is restored, we will keep sending you the latest updates from Internet Marketing Domain. Here are some of the stories to follow today.


'3 Surprising Stages of Successful Landing Pages' - Copyblogger

Aaron Orendorff says, "Landing pages support content marketing. The tricky thing is … landing pages are not home pages. They’re not blog posts, cornerstone content, white papers, case studies, product description pages, or even sales pages. And you can’t treat them like they are. High-converting landing pages consist of three action-driving stages: before, during, and after. Tragically, when many content marketers build landing pages, they focus on just one stage: during".  [Read More]

'What 300+ Content Marketing Campaigns Can Teach You About Earning Links' - MOZ

Kelsey Libert says, "In a recent Whiteboard Friday about 10x content, Rand said to expect it to take 5 to 10 attempts before you’ll create a piece of content that’s a hit. If you’ve been at the content marketing game for a while, you probably agree with Rand. Seasoned content marketers know you’re likely to see a percentage of content flops before you achieve a big win. Then, as you gain a sense for why some content fails and other content succeeds, you integrate what you’ve learned into your process. Gradually, you start batting fewer base hits and more home runs". [Read More]

'Facebook’s Completely Ending Its Email Service – Here’s Why It Matters To You' - AWeber

Monica Montesa says, "If you have subscribers with an email address, read on. Facebook announced that it is retiring its email service completely and will stop forwarding messages to your primary email addresses starting May 1, 2016. (Facebook already stopped providing new addresses back in 2014.) To make sure your emails continue to get delivered to your subscribers,". [Read More]

'6 Tools to Develop an Outstanding Social Media Marketing Strategy' - Entrepreneur

Kelly Bolton says, "In today's technological world, it seems that social media dominates everything. This can make it difficult for a company to stand out. Big companies as well as smaller companies and entrepreneurs will be all over social media, trying to gain the attention of customers. All of this can make it harder for the less social media-adept companies to get a foothold among their competitors". [Read More]

'Types of Content That Generate the Most Natural Links' -

Sam Davtyan says, "As a savvy marketer, you know that great content does two specific things: it informs and educates your customers and audience, but it also encourages your audience to link to your content. Through shares, backlinks, and repostings, great content gets it message out beyond the digital walls of your social media feed and into the larger world of the Internet". [Read More]

'10 things marketers should know about Medium's new publishing platform' - Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, "Those that have used Medium (300,000 have published there) know it to be a slick and enjoyable tool. But now Medium has decided it's a platform and not just a social network for writers. So, what should marketers know about Medium?". [Read More]

'Mobile ad blocking is real, but new data suggests it might not matter' - Mashable

Patrick Kulp says, "When Apple first opened the door to ad blockers on iPhones last fall, it came amid lots of hand-wringing over how the move could strike a blow to the free Internet as we know it. Those fears didn't ease much when ad blocking apps instantly rocketed to the top of most-downloaded charts in the App Store — a clear sign of just how tired people were of clunky, bandwidth-intensive ads intruding on their phone screens". [Read More]

'3 signs your small business should forego social media, and what to do instead' - Marketing Land

Jordan Kasteler says, "If you’re a small business owner, the title of this article may not sit well with you. After all, there’s no shortage of online articles and blog posts insisting that it’s necessary for businesses of all sizes to maintain a social media presence. Admittedly, having a professionally crafted social media presence does benefit many large companies worldwide". [Read More]

'5 Practical Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign' -

Jerry Low says, "Every business needs to grow, and email marketing remains one of the best tools for both reaching and maintaining customers. While a few years ago, marketers were quick to announce that email was dead. This has proven to be far from true. In fact, it's more alive than ever, and email marketing will give you one of the best returns on your marketing dollar". [Read More]

'The need for speed in email marketing' - MarketingSherpa

Austin McCraw says, "ecently, I wrote about our need to guard against company logic. I argued that it is very easy for us as marketers to slip into a mindset that ignores the ultimate desires of the customer. This is a struggle experienced by all companies, big or small, new or old, well-known or unknown”. [Read More]

'The need for speed in email marketing' - Marketing Land

Jason Warnock says, "The marketplace moves at the speed of light. Email marketing technology? Not so much. Now more than ever, marketers have a need for speed — nimble technologies that help us respond to real-time opportunities by targeting key audience segments. Big data equals slow data Customer data is the fuel that drives effective marketing campaigns. In the world of big data, conventional wisdom has said that a massive database is the variable that separates rock-star campaigns from the rest of the pack". [Read More]

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