IM NewsWatch, April 2, 2015 - 'Mobile commerce: what have we learned after six years? – Econsultancy' and much more...

April 2nd, 2015 at 1:29 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, April 2, 2015

‘Will Google’s Algorithm Update Affect Your Franchise Sales?’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Matthew Job says, “More and more, would-be entrepreneurs are using smartphones to study and reach out to franchises at a rising rate. Consider the Landmark Interactive study analyzing 139 franchisors and about 36,000 units for the year ended August 2014. According to that study, the percentage of prospective franchisees using smartphones... [Read more]

‘Another Twitter Ad Test: A Carousel For App Install Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Social media management software company Sprinklr has raised $46 million in venture capital funding at a valuation $1 billion, the company said today. Sprinklr will use the capital to continue expanding into “adjacent product markets and geographies” according to a Sprinklr release. The 5-year-old company, which has now... [Read more]

‘Contribute to research on making the business case for CX in B2B companies’ – Forrester

Deanna Laufer says, “Maxie Schmidt-Subramanian and I are collaborating on a new report on how B2B companies can make the business case for customer experience (CX). And we’d love your input. How will clients benefit from this report? With longer sales cycles, fewer customer accounts, and an abundance of client roles and influencers, B2B... [Read more]

“Videopages” builds any webpage with embedded video #ad”

Joshua Zamora and Aravindh Sridhar have partnered before to build products for online marketers. They just announced their latest product, VideoPages. You can watch Zamora use it live on camera here, to see how powerful it is: VideoPages Demo With this brand new software, you can build high-converting web pages in 5 minutes or less, using its easy-to-use... [Read more]

’22 Tweetable Nuggets of Seriously Sage Marketing Advice’ – HubSpot

Angela O’Dowd says, “If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you’ve probably heard of “inbound marketing” by now. But have you heard of the next big thing — “midbound marketing”? Don’t feel bad if you haven’t. I hadn’t either until I was emailing with Pete Emerson, Senior Web... [Read more]

‘Twitter ads are coming to your profile’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “Twitter advertising isn’t new, but advertising on users’ profiles? That is a first. The social network is testing out promoted tweets on some profile pages, according to aRe/code report. And if those ads are there at all, you’ll find them a few tweets down in a section specially marked, “Suggested by... [Read more]

‘Quick Tips Video: How to Add Humor (and Mustaches) to Your Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Who said marketing has to be serious 100 percent of the time? Adding humor to your content shows off your personality, sets you apart from the competition and makes your brand more memorable. But humor can be tricky, too. In honor of April Fool’s Day, we’ll show you how to weave some funny quips into your next marketing... [Read more]

AzonAuthority software builds powerful Amazon stores #ad

Sean Donahoe has a new product coming out this morning. AzonAuthority was created to help you build highly-profitable real businesses selling physical products by leveraging the market power of Amazon in a true e-commerce environment. With AzonAuthority, you turn Amazon into your personal drop-shipping and payment handling system while creating a high-powered,... [Read more]

‘How To Make Big Money Online, Plus 8 More Case Studies’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Making money online is great, but if you want to make the really big money, you need to go after the offers that pays a really big commission. This has been the number one reason my blog now generates six-figure monthly income. Instead of banging my head against a wall trying to sell $10 eBooks, I now refer leads to a sales team that can... [Read more]

‘Rethinking search in the mobile age’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Tamara Barber says, “When consumers shop and research products online, they use search as their primary tool for discovery. This shouldn’t come as a surprise: Search has consistently been one of the top drivers of web site traffic over the past decade. Times are changing, however, largely because of increasingly mobile and ultra-connected shoppers.... [Read more]

‘Support 4.0: Using Snapchat for all of Moz’s Support’ – MOZ Blog

Nick Sayers says, “Innovation. Mobile. Community. Social. All words that come to mind when I think of Snapchat. Well, now a new word is creeping in… a word so disruptive to the Snapchat ecosphere that I’m going to bold it, then repeat it. Support. Yes, support. Moz has always been a customer-centric company. We innovate, and you enjoy. Moz... [Read more]

Zapable builds mobile apps for local businesses, more #ad

Zapable was launched yesterday by Andrew Fox and his brother Chris Fox. It’s the latest, and arguably the best, app builder software available to marketers... [Read more]

‘Marketing Careers: 5 sites to develop and enhance your skills with free online courses’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Selena Blue says, “Marketing is continually changing and evolving, and nothing has propelled that more than the Internet. This means marketers must grow with the industry. According to Formstack, those in digital marketing now need seven skills beyond the norm to succeed: Analytics Social media Data visualization Technical skills Teamwork Newsjacking Soft... [Read more]

‘Mobile commerce: what have we learned after six years?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Derek Eccleston says, “Autumn 2015 will mark six years since the release of the first mobile sites from some of the UK’s top retail brands, but how has the mobile experience changed? The world has changed. On average we’re now spending more time on our digital devices than we are asleep, while the majority of leading retailers now see more than... [Read more]

‘8 Harsh Truths about Social Media (and 1 Pretty Awesome One)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Saying that the Internet isn’t working for us is like saying the solar system isn’t working for us. It’s our job to learn how it works, and then learn to be smart about working with its nature. In this episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone talks about some lessons she has learned from... [Read more]

How to cash in on Amazon & Facebook with Zapable #ad

Amazon did over $74 Billion in revenues in 2014. And they are still growing. In December, over 60% of Amazon's sales were made from mobile devices. Affiliates who ride this wave can grow with them... [Read more]

‘9 Google Drive Tips You’ll Wish You Knew All Along’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “If you asked me to name the sites and applications I use every single day, Google Drive would be near the top of the list. At work, I use it to take notes during meetings and create surveys for blog posts. At home, I use it to calculate vacation expenses and track workouts with my gym buddies. It’s one of those... [Read more]

‘8 Tips for Turning Email Introductions Into Actual Relationships’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Gabe Lozano says, “If you’re a budding entrepreneur, it’s a lucky thing if an established, successful entrepreneur shows interest in being your mentor. One of the most important things a seasoned businessperson can do for you is to make introductions to fellow entrepreneurs who might be able to help you, the business hopeful, on... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s new side project, Riff, tries to blueprint the recipe for viral videos’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “From Instagram and Hyperlapse to, more recently, an embeddable video player, Facebook has slowly woven video sharing into many of its products and services. But Facebook’s new app called Riff, released for iOS and Android on Wednesday, tackles video with a distinct twist. Normally, when someone shares something on Facebook,... [Read more]

Summer is coming; open a tee shirt store online #ad

Ezra Wyckoff has invented “the road less taken” in the tee shirt business and his business has taken off, bringing him and his students big results... [Read more]

‘The Ugly Truth About How People Read Online’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “In this episode of Rough Draft, host Demian Farnworth wants to put some teeth to the things he has been teaching. Some substance behind my claims. He’ll present four research studies you should know about. They’ll help you understand the true state of what it means to write online. But Demian needs to warn you: what... [Read more]

‘Data sources that can help optimize the customer experience’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Data-driven marketing and customer experience are two of the most prominent trends in digital right now. So how are they intertwined and how can the former be used to improve the latter? Our new report published in association with Ensighten, titled Customer Experience Optimisation, investigates how marketers are using technology... [Read more]

‘The Do’s and Don’ts for Sending Email at Work’ – HubSpot

Tom Burgess says, “**Sets alarm for 6am, checks email, goes to bed** **Wakes up to sound of alarm, turns off alarm, checks email** Does this routine sound familiar? I can’t be the only one that is nearly attached at the hip to my phone, checking email constantly. Email has been arguably the #1 form of communication for business since the early... [Read more]

‘The 4 Things You Need to Reach Customers on Facebook’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mitch Meyerson says, “When it comes to Facebook, some people talk about metrics, such as the perfect time to post, the perfect length of a post, or the perfect way to post a link. But none of that matters as much as posting content that your audience cares about. Yes, there are strategies that work better on Facebook in terms of getting more... [Read more]

‘Twitter Is Now Placing Ads Within User Profiles’ – Re/code

Kurt Wagner says, “Your Twitter profile may soon include a new decoration: Advertising. Twitter is bringing promoted tweets, the app’s signature ad unit, to people’s profile pages as part of a new test. That means when you visit the page of another user, you may find a targeted Twitter ad waiting for you a few tweets into that user’s stream. The... [Read more]

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