IM NewsWatch, April 14, 2014 - ‘Removing Blog Comments: The View So Far – Copyblogger' and much more...

April 14th, 2014 at 7:54 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, April 14, 2014

‘Native In-Stream Ads Will Soon Dominate Social Media Advertising’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Native In-Stream Ads Will Soon Dominate Social Media Advertising”. Cooper Smith says, “Depending on who you talk to, native advertising has many definitions. In the context of social media, we define native advertising as: Ads that are seamlessly integrated into a user’s feed... [Read more]

’5 Tips to Market Your Event Using Social Media’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Tips to Market Your Event Using Social Media”. Olivia Cole says, “Last week we joined Chicago women-centric tech organization Ms. Tech for a session led by Kelly Janowski of David James Group on the mysteries of social media and how businesses can be using it more efficiently... [Read more]

‘Why Search Volume Doesn’t Matter as Much as You Think’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Why Search Volume Doesn’t Matter as Much as You Think”. Rachel Sprung says, “Search volume calculates the numbers of times a keyword is searched for in a particular search engine. Previously, it was the marketer’s go-to metric to figure out what keywords would be the best to... [Read more]

Man gets 36,000 Subscribers In One Week #ad

List Profit Generator Is live. It’s responsible for a huge increase in subscribers for Kevin Fahey. Fahey has been building his lists for over 6 years, and now has a list of over 250,000 subscribers. It’s probably true that he knows the subject as well as any marketer living Recently, he has been using his custom-produced List Profit Generator... [Read more]

‘What You Need to Know About Facebook’s New Ad Structure’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “What You Need to Know About Facebook’s New Ad Structure”. Brandon Olson says, “Facebook is shaking things up yet again – this time on the advertising front with its new structure to advertising campaigns. They’re making it easier to organize, optimize and measure your ads. Easier is good, but... [Read more]

‘How Older Americans Are Using the Internet and Mobile Devices’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “How Older Americans Are Using the Internet and Mobile Devices”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 59% of Americans age 65 or older report they now go online, a six percentage point increase from 2012, according to a recent report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Moreover, among older... [Read more]

‘Like Facebook & Twitter, Google Reportedly Teaming With Data Providers To Track In-Store Saless’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Like Facebook & Twitter, Google Reportedly Teaming With Data Providers To Track In-Store Sales”. Ginny Marvin says, “Facebook first began partnering with Datalogix to show advertisers how their ads drive offline sales back in 2012. Last year, Twitter introduced... [Read more]

Seamless SEO: Traffic on autopilot for your WordPress site #ad

Joshua Zamora and Radu Hahaianu have developed new software that they have found increases their traffic by 235% in just 24 hours. They have placed it in a product they call Seamless SEO. It will tweak your site, and they say that when it does, it could boost your site in the rankings And it it will take you less than five minutes to implement this... [Read more]

‘7 Free Tools for Small Business Success’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “7 Free Tools for Small Business Success”. Ilan Nass says, “Looking to help your business succeed, but don’t want to waste money on useless products? How does free sound? Getting the job done in the most efficient manner, doesn’t always mean spending hundreds (or thousands) of dollars... [Read more]

‘Heartbleed—What’s Next? Check Your Clients, Routers, Virtual Machines And VPNs’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Heartbleed—What’s Next? Check Your Clients, Routers, Virtual Machines And VPNs”. Jodi Mardesich says, “What we thought was secure—Web servers, routers, virtual machines, virtual private networks, and even client software—isn’t so safe, after all. Just about everything that... [Read more]

‘Why Custom Audience targeting proves that email has won the internet’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why Custom Audience targeting proves that email has won the internet”. Parry Malm says, “If you are an online marketer, you are probably familiar with advertising via email, Facebook, Twitter, and third party display buys. And they probably all work OK, at least in relative... [Read more]

Stop losing mobile opt-ins; software builds mobile squeeze pages #ad

We have heard it over and over; over half the visits to your site come from mobile devices. For local businesses, the percent is especially high. Yes, we have heard it. Then, why are most of us (and most of our clients) not prepared for these mobile visitors? Too busy to fix their usability problems? Too intimidated to try? Matt Bacak and Alex Safie... [Read more]

‘App Gamification: 4 million barcodes scanned in 85 days for LuckyLabs’ Scantopia’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “App Gamification: 4 million barcodes scanned in 85 days for LuckyLabs’ Scantopia”. Courtney Eckerle says, “In launching its new app, Scantopia, LuckyLabs needed to not only catch the attention of users in a crowded sphere, but keep it. By building social media and gamification... [Read more]

‘Getting Branded Searches Right – Whiteboard Friday’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Getting Branded Searches Right – Whiteboard Friday”. Rand Fishkin says, “When people search for our brands, they’re often looking for something specific, and it’s on us to make sure they can find it as easily as possible. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains four steps we can take... [Read more]

‘Removing Blog Comments: The View So Far’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Removing Blog Comments: The View So Far”. Jerod Morris says, “?Shockwaves. That’s what this post by Sonia Simone sent through the Copyblogger community. The post, you’ll recall, announced our decision to remove blog comments and gave the reasoning for why we decided to do so —... [Read more]

Interlink Express: Optimize your WP site for higher SEO ranking #ad

Kevin Byrne has just released a new WordPress plugin, Interlink Express, that improves your on-site SEO by linking related pages to each other. It makes good sense to link related posts and pages together. That way, a visitor interested in a topic can easily explore all you have to say about it. That keeps them on your site longer(your “bounce rate”... [Read more]

‘Mashable Explains: What Is the Heartbleed Encryption Bug?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Mashable Explains: What Is the Heartbleed Encryption Bug?”. Melissa Goldin says, “Heartbleed, the bug being called one of the Internet’s biggest security threats, has been around for two years — but it was only recently discovered. While many companies have released patches, your information... [Read more]

‘Conversion Optimization: Measuring Usability In The User Experience (UX) – Part 1′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Conversion Optimization: Measuring Usability In The User Experience (UX) – Part 1″. Shari Thurow says, “Here is the scenario: I am speaking at a conference about the 7 Facets of the User/Searcher Experience. Whenever I can, I try to provide case studies and usability... [Read more]

‘Here’s One Way Facebook’s Big Algorithm Change Is Starting To Pay Off’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Here’s One Way Facebook’s Big Algorithm Change Is Starting To Pay Off”. Aaron Taube says, “Adweek is reporting that Facebook’sadvertising inventory has become 10% more expensive this quarter than last, according to what it was told by the social ad company Nanigans.... [Read more]

Build a buyers list from affiliate marketing #ad

Typically, affiliate marketers don’t get the names of people who buy what they promote. Those names go only to the product creator. That’s too bad. Those names are precious. These are people with problems, looking for solutions and willing to pay for them. Offer them another product related to the first, and they are a “hot” audience.... [Read more]

‘Stop Using Social Media To Drive Sales’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Stop Using Social Media To Drive Sales”. Gerry Moran says, “You can lead a customer to your brand with social media, but you can’t make them buy from you using social media. This is my B2B marketing advice. In other words, social media does not fit neatly into a B2B marketing... [Read more]

‘Close With Content: 7 New Ways Sales Can Leverage Marketing Materials’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Close With Content: 7 New Ways Sales Can Leverage Marketing Materials”. James Stone says, “I read every single whitepaper, ebook, blog post, and product update our marketing department produces. The marketing team here at HubSpot not only helps generate inbound leads, but they also help... [Read more]

‘Report: Amazon Releasing Smartphone Later This Year’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Report: Amazon Releasing Smartphone Later This Year”. Greg Sterling says, “According to a report appearing in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) this afternoon Amazon will in fact be releasing a smartphone in the second half of the year. This development had been rumored... [Read more]

Stop theft of ebooks and reports with PDF Watchdog #ad

Andrew Brocklehurst‘s latest product is software, called PDF Watchdog, designed to stamp out theft of your e-books, reports and white papers. Normally, if someone buys a PDF you are selling and passes it along to another person, you lose the income, and if there’s a lot of circulation, that could be a lot of lost income. With PDF Watchdog,... [Read more]

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