IM NewsWatch, April 13, 2015 - 'Tools to Help Marketers Stretch Their Budget – MarketingSherpa' and much more...

April 13th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, April 13, 2015

‘3 Steps to Close 75% More Leads and Make 47% More Money’ – ‘’ Blog

Andrew McDermott says, “You’ve got leads. Prospective customers who want to buy. They’ve made a beeline for your website and opted in. Some of them explicitly stated that they need your product. Yet 75% of them aren’t buying. What gives? Why aren’t they buying? They won’t buy because they’re not ready. But it gets... [Read more]

‘What Venture Capitalists Want to See in Your Business (VIDEO)’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kate Taylor says, “What would you ask venture capital industry insiders if you had the chance? What they’re looking for in investors? How to assemble an investment-worthy team? Or maybe just tips on how to start a conversation with VCs? Entrepreneur had a chance to find out all that and more at a recent VC insider panel hosted by co-working... [Read more]

‘How to Choose the Best Mobile Strategy for Your Business’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “These days, mobile strategy is an imperative for marketing departments across every industry. While today’s CMO is looking at mobile advertising and optimizing websites for tablets, the first word on everyone’s mind is “app.” Developing an app isn’t the right solution for everyone, so how do you determine what mobile strategy... [Read more]

Proven System for Creating Profit-Pulling Videos #ad

Justin Sardi and Neil McPherson have spent the last couple of years developing their video marketing skills. To start, they had some tutoring from a successful video marketer, but after a while they began to experiment on their own. They got some positive results with one product, so they tried this video system on other products, too. They found their... [Read more]

‘Facebook To Showcase New Video Ad Product “Anthology” At NYC Event Prior To NewFronts’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “The Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook is planning a presentation just days before this month’s NewFronts event in New York to give advertisers an overview of its upcoming video advertising plans, as well as showcase its new Anthology video ad product. “Several of Facebook’s Anthology partners will deliver presentations... [Read more]

‘Welcome (and welcome back) with life cycle marketing’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Craig Brockman says, “Who doesn’t like a warm welcome? Whether your customer is walking into your store or just signed up on your website to receive communications from you, she expects a warm reception. It’s important to make that first impression count. A welcome series helps the conversation open up between the customer and your brand.... [Read more]

‘Tools to Help Marketers Stretch Their Budget’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “When a prospect enters her credit card online and hits “buy now,” chances are it isn’t her very first visit to the site or touch point in the sales process. According to Jeffery McCollum, Founder of CAKE, a digital marketing company, a sales path rarely leads directly to conversion. “The client might see a display ad... [Read more]

Google’s April 21 search results bombshell; are you ready?

Google believes mobile users are being shortchanged by webmasters. Many websites  treat mobile as an afterthought and do little to assure that mobile visitors can use the site easily... [Read more]

‘B2B Customer Experience Is Grounded In Collaborative Relationships’ – Forrester

T J Keitt says, “On a recent podcast with my colleagues Deanna Laufer and Sam Stern, I was asked about the difference between business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) customer experience (CX). My answer is what I believe is the problem that vexes CX professionals trying to establish CXprograms in B2B firms: In a given account... [Read more]

‘5 Quick Tips for Using Periscope, Twitter’s New Live Video Streaming App’ – HubSpot

Jessica Web says, “In the last month or so, there’s been a big surge in live video broadcasting. Thanks to smartphone apps like Periscope, users can record live video streams and share them with their network. For example, a friend of mine recently used Periscope to livestream an iPhone video of her walking her dog. She shared a link to... [Read more]

‘The future of journalism is the Facebooking, Tweeting, Instagramming, Snapchatting, Meerkatting millennial’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzesse says, “The candidates in the 2016 Presidential election are going to have to woo millennials. So are the newspapers. The Boston Globe has a secret weapon: James Pindell, the Globe‘s lead political reporter for the 2016 primaries. At 36, Pindell is no millennial, but with his digital savvy, he plays one on TV — and in the... [Read more]

You can be an SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you  to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training... [Read more]

‘Internet Marketing: It’s Not About You’ by John Chow

Chow says, “How many times have you seen some form of advertising for a company, whether online or offline, that seems to do nothing but try to say how great that company is? They’ll say that they have been in business for many years. They’ll say that they’ve had hundreds of very satisfied customers. They’ll say that they’ve won this consumer... [Read more]

‘5-Minute Email Tips: Using Color and Content in Your Emails’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “Some days, there just isn’t enough time in the world to craft the perfect email. You’re busy managing every other aspect of your business and, well, life in general – so we get it. But if you find that you’ve been using the same old visuals, themes and content ideas over and over again, it might be time for a light... [Read more]

‘Will Your Website Survive the Upcoming Google Mobile Penalty?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “You are standing in a booth. People are lined up, handing you money in exchange for a small book. This lasts, with little let up, for most of the day. At sundown, you tuck your money in a backpack and head home. This has been your life for the last two years. Business has been good, so there was no reason to suspect anything... [Read more]

This may be the best way to monetize video in 2015 #ad

When we consider the fact that 55% of video traffic will be mobile in 2015, we realize that any website using video (and most are) needs to be sure that its videos are easily accessed on mobile devices... [Read more]

‘Many marketers still don’t understand the role of bloggers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Chris Lee says, “Far too many brands dismiss bloggers as hobbyists added to a low tier on a media list merely to be spammed with marketing emails. This is a short-sighted attitude and, rather than a bolt-on, a bloggers’ role in the customer decision journey and as part of a link-building strategy needs to be fully understood. Bloggers matter.... [Read more]

‘When to Separate Social Media Marketing from Social CRM’ – Tweak Your Biz

Sumita says, “Using social media to market a brand can be tricky, and it only gets more complicated when social CRMenters the picture. Once a social media presence has been established, there’s a good chance that customers will start using it as a way to reach out with their problems, questions, or concerns. Before long, the social media channels... [Read more]

‘The Psychology of Influencer Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “Editors’ inboxes are daily flooded with marketing pitches: “Our product is unique!” “Our service is innovative!” “Our [fill in the blanks] will rock your world!” There are so many pitches to choose from. So, the question becomes: What causes an editor to show interest? What moves one... [Read more]

Daily autopilot income with underground traffic source #ad

No matter what you do online, whether you’re promoting a CPA offer, selling physical products, collecting leads or anything else online, you need targeted traffic, large amounts of it and you need it now... [Read more]

‘Amazon Goes After Sites Selling Fake Reviews: Files Lawsuit Against’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Amazon is taking its battle against fake reviews to the courts, filing a lawsuit yesterday in Seattle’s King County Superior Court against the operator of According to a report yesterday on, the e-commerce behemoth filed the first lawsuit of its kind against operator Jay... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Make Your Brand Magnetic’ – HubSpot

Katie Lantukh says, “In our fast-paced and tech-driven world, companies are reeling, wondering if brand loyalty exists any more. And to some degree, they’re right to question it. Today’s customers aren’t loyal to a brand for the same reasons that their parents and grandparents were – they have thousands of other options.Just this morning,... [Read more]

‘How Black Friday stole Christmas’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Strud says, “As a result of all the issues surrounding Black Friday, customers were left more disappointed than usual. But will the customer accept Black Friday as an excuse for poor website performance in future? The use of attitudinal analytics is rooted in the idea that customer experience drives customer satisfaction which in turn influences... [Read more]

‘5 Steps to Making Policies That Aren’t Idiotic’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Bryan Orr says, “Hello, my name is Bryan and I am a recovering creator of idiotic policies. We have all been exposed to these policies. You know, the ones that take a simple task and twist it into a ridiculous mess that’s confusing enough to make any bureaucrat grin. These hideous monstrosities usually involve complex paperwork, mindless... [Read more]

‘Key Trends in Social Advertising’ eMarketer Webinar April 23

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key trends: Why social ad spending is continuing to rise Which platforms are growing fast and challenging Twitter in usage Why Facebook may be the next video star, and what this means for advertisers How social data is helping create a new generation of ad networks Why the combination of real-time... [Read more]

‘Facebook Ads and Email – A Chance for the Perfect Fit’ – ClickZ Blog

Ohad Hecht says, “By combining Facebook Ads with email addresses, automation, and predictive analytics, marketers can develop a strong social strategy. Facebook is a great platform for lead generation and nurturing. In fact, according to many friends and clients who manage e-commerce businesses, it is one of the best tools, if not the best, to acquire... [Read more]

‘5 Signs You Need to Start Tracking Marketing ROI’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Tiffany Monhollon says, “Have you ever been so overwhelmed with running your business that you barely have time to do the very minimum when it comes to staying up with what’s new in marketing and managing vendors? Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day that you overlook a critical aspect of marketing — measuring... [Read more]

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