IM NewsWatch, April 10, 2015 - '5 Signs You Need to Start Tracking Marketing ROI’ – Entrepreneur' and much more...

April 10th, 2015 at 9:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, April 10, 2015

‘Key Trends in Social Advertising’ eMarketer Webinar April 23

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key trends: Why social ad spending is continuing to rise Which platforms are growing fast and challenging Twitter in usage Why Facebook may be the next video star, and what this means for advertisers How social data is helping create a new generation of ad networks Why the combination of real-time... [Read more]

‘Facebook Ads and Email – A Chance for the Perfect Fit’ – ClickZ Blog

Ohad Hecht says, “By combining Facebook Ads with email addresses, automation, and predictive analytics, marketers can develop a strong social strategy. Facebook is a great platform for lead generation and nurturing. In fact, according to many friends and clients who manage e-commerce businesses, it is one of the best tools, if not the best, to acquire... [Read more]

‘5 Signs You Need to Start Tracking Marketing ROI’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Tiffany Monhollon says, “Have you ever been so overwhelmed with running your business that you barely have time to do the very minimum when it comes to staying up with what’s new in marketing and managing vendors? Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day that you overlook a critical aspect of marketing — measuring... [Read more]

Google’s April 21 search results bombshell; are you ready? #ad

Google believes mobile users are being shortchanged by webmasters. Many websites treat mobile as an afterthought and do little to assure that mobile visitors can use the site easily. On April 21, Google will change its search algorithm to reward sites that are “mobile friendly”. If you don’t comply, your site ranking will decline. The sites that... [Read more]

‘How Google Judges Quality and What You Should Do About It’ – Content Marketing Institute

Neil Patel says, “Every content marketing professional has something to say about “quality.” The word has become so used – or overused – that we’ve forgotten what it is, or even why it’s important. I think we need to press the reset button on the quality discussion. Why? Because many content marketers: Mistake what quality is Focus... [Read more]

‘6 Ways To Connect With Customers Through Email’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Kulzer says, “If you learn anything about email marketing as a business owner, let it be this: You are not “blasting” prospects and customers. You’re sending emails in order to make personal connections with people. It’s common to view email marketing as just another way to show ads to customers and prospects. If that’s the case,... [Read more]

‘What’s Next for Social Data Intelligence’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “The early adopters of social listening and analytics, who first saw its value, were all communications specialists and early pioneers in digital marketing. But almost overnight, the sector exploded and went mainstream, across management silos in enterprises large and small, traditional and new. The birth of the digital native confronted... [Read more]


You can be an SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you  to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training. It's SEO, a subject that always gets lots of interested visitors & buyers whenever there's new information. Every Webpage, eCommerce store, Blog, Forum, or other site needs the favor of search engines and webmasters are always on the lookout for new authoritative information on SEO... [Read more]

‘Seven Marketing Mistakes That Cause Chargebacks and Profit Loss’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jessica Velasco says, “The very definition of marketing is to entice customers by highlighting a product’s value for the purpose of selling that product. Marketing is supposed to make you money—not cause you to lose money. But if you aren’t careful, that is exactly what can happen. Simple flaws in your marketing can lead to chargebacks.... [Read more]

‘Need Better Customer Insights To Fuel Your Digital Strategy? Start By Working On Your Communication Skills’ – Forrester

Michael Barnes says, “Retaining and delighting empowered customers requires continuous, technology-enabled innovation and improved customer insight (CI). The logic is simple in theory, but that doesn’t make it any easier to implement in practice. In my recent report, entitled “Applying Customer Insight To Your Digital Strategy”, I highlight... [Read more]

‘Pew Research: Facebook Is Still Tops Among U.S. Teens’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Think the kids are no longer on Facebook? You should think again. Facebook remains the top social media choice among U.S. teens, by a wide margin, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center. The study found that 71% of Americans ages 13-17 use Facebook, defying conventional wisdom that the younger crowd isn’t using... [Read more]

This may be the best way to monetize video in 2015 #ad

When we consider the fact that 55% of video traffic will be mobile in 2015, we realize that any website using video (and most are) needs to be sure that its videos are easily accessed on mobile devices... [Read more]

‘Why your traditional agency will never really understand digital’ – ‘Mashable’

Nate Houghteling says, “If you compare the techniques of advertising between its “golden era” in the 1940s and ‘50s and today, little has changed, surprisingly. From a radio spot for Hoover vacuums sixty years ago to the E-Trade baby at the Super Bowl, the underlying premise is more or less the same: Take a broadcast platform with a large, captive... [Read more]

‘The Savvy Marketer’s Checklist for Seductive Landing Pages’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Henneke says, “Ever wonder what you could do to stop people from bouncing off your landing pages? You work hard to polish your sales copy. You’ve even recorded a snazzy demonstration video. But when you check your site’s analytics? You feel soooo frustrated. And the worst thing is … you don’t know what else you can do. How can you improve... [Read more]

‘How Vine lost its edge’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “I compile a monthly round-up of the best branded Vines of the month. I’ve been doing so since late 2013, which is around half of its life. Now here’s where’s things get brutally honest. Here’s where I let you peak behind the curtain of the blog. Prepare yourself… The fall of Vine The popularity of the monthly... [Read more]

Daily autopilot income with underground traffic source #ad

No matter what you do online, whether you’re promoting a CPA offer, selling physical products, collecting leads or anything else online, you need targeted traffic, large amounts of it and you need it now... [Read more]

‘Elements of Personalization and How Marketers Can Perform Better in a Personalized World’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “From information about your location and device to searches you’ve performed in the past, Google now has a great deal of information it can use to personalize your search results. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains to what extent they’re likely using that information and offers five ways in which... [Read more]

‘$70 Billion In Offline Sales In India Will Be Web-Influenced By 2019’ – Forrester

Satish Meena says, “Less than 1% of total retail sales in India were made online in 2014, but the impact of the Web on offline sales is much greater. The emergence of smartphones and the mobile Internet is playing a much bigger role in influencing the purchase decisions of online users. Customers are using them to research products, even when... [Read more]

‘How To Simplify Manual Campaign Tracking In Google Analytics’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jane Morgan says, “Want to avoid lumping all your earned editorial links and marketing campaigns into one murky bucket of clicks? Connect Google Analytics with Google AdWords for automatic conversion tracking. For everything else, there’s manual campaign tracking. Without manual tagging, your social, email and other marketing activities show... [Read more]

Commissions in minutes with robust affiliate DFY website #ad

The multi-national marketing team of IM Wealth Builders (Cindy Battye, John Merrick and Soren Jordansen) have just released their Covert Commissions online software membership site. This is a plug & play system for earning affiliate commissions virtually on autopilot... [Read more]

‘The Incredible Shrinking SERP – 2015 Edition’ – MOZ Blog

Simon Penson says, “In the beginning, there were 10 results, and it was good. Then, came expanded site-links and Google’s 7-result SERP. Around the middle of 2014, we started to hear reports of SERPs with odd numbers of organic results – 9, 8, 6, 5, and even 4 page-1 results. At first, these were sporadic and hard to replicate, but... [Read more]

‘The outreach imposters: SEO, content, digital and more’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Maximilian Tatton-Brown says, “Having previous talked about the important responsibility of influencers and journalists in helping PR evolve, this time I want to focus on a quite different (but quickly growing) group. In a sense, I’d describe them as “every other bloody agency type in the universe.” And it starts with a bubble. The marketing... [Read more]

‘How Establishing an Online Persona Can Impact Your Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Knowing how to position yourself is key to being successful. Those who get it right are great examples of what to do and what not to do. What would you do if you only had one shot at writing your social media bio — if you were limited to saying all that you wanted to about yourself in 140 characters or less. Fortunately... [Read more]

‘6 Foolproof Methods for Creating Top Content on Any Topic’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jeffrey Kranz says, “We’d all love to show up first in Google for something. There’s likely at least one golden search term or keyword you’re striving for —and we’ve all heard plenty of different get-to-the-front-page-of-Google formulas. It can get a little dizzying keeping all the approaches straight. But it can be done. If... [Read more]

‘A Shiny New Metric: Ad Viewability Rate’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “There’s a conversation happening that should prove interesting to online advertisers – viewability as an ad performance metric. Google describes viewability rate as the, “Percentage of ads determined viewable out of the total number of ads measured.” According to this infographic, the most viewable... [Read more]

‘Why the Membership Model Makes Sense’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Will Ford says, “Brick-and-mortar retailing is a rough business. Even established players like RadioShack and Borders have found it impossible to stay afloat in such a cut-throat environment. Yet Costco has a happy oasis in the category, able to thrive and pay its staff well, even in the face of larger competitors. How? One explanation is... [Read more]

Become a recognized SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training. It’s SEO, a subject that always gets lots of interested visitors & buyers whenever there’s new information. Every Webpage, eCommerce store, Blog, Forum,... [Read more]

‘How to Kick Your SEM Campaign Into High Gear’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Bruce Gibbs says, “What do you do when your SEM campaign is not delivering the results you intended? You were hoping for more leads or conversions, yet it seems the campaign is spending its budget but not delivering a return on all that investment. It’s time for campaign optimization—when you determine what needs to be done to help your... [Read more]

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