IM NewsWatch, April 12, 2016 - ‘Why Most Companies Fail at Content Promotion – Entrepreneur' and much more...

April 12th, 2016 at 9:05 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

‘Analyze This: The Comprehensive Guide to Email Analytics’ –

Garrett Dunham says, “Email marketing works. Don’t believe me? Just look at the data. More than seven percent of all customer acquisitions are driven by email. This makes email the second most effective customer acquisition channel (behind search at 15.9 percent). Perhaps even more interestingly, customers acquired through email marketing spend... [Read more]

‘Why Most Companies Fail at Content Promotion’ – Entrepreneur

Sujan Patel says, “Back in 1996, when we were still paying by the hour for America Online, Bill Gates declared to the world in a famous essay that, “Content is king.” He foresaw that as our connection speeds improved, content would become the “killer app” of the web, creating a “marketplace of experiences, ideas, and products.” While... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: Which ninja turtle is your page?’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Brent Knauff says, “Assuming you don’t live in a shell, you have probably seen or heard of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They’re the immensely popular superhero group that began as a comic in the 80s, and reached peak popularity in the 90s, and to this day, maintains a cult following with children and adults alike. Even as fun and interesting... [Read more]

All-In-One Tracking, Conversion & Analytics Tool #ad

You don’t have to settle for meager profits due to low sales. You can increase your conversions with a bit of work and some new software just released by Dr. Amit Pareek, a suite of tools he calls IM Conversions. For example, a craft blogger got a 1,375% increase in optins when she started using the same technology Dr. Pareek has included in... [Read more]

‘Value Force: How to win on value proposition and not just price’ – MarketingExperiments

Daniel Burstein says, “A recent question we received is a fairly common concern we hear from readers — customers only care about price — what do I do? So we’ve decided to answer it here on the MarketingExperiments Blog, since the answer might help you as well. And if you have a question you’d like answered on the blog, let us know. Thanks... [Read more]

‘Bots: The Next Big Thing In Mobile? Not So Fast’ – Forrester

Julie Ask says, “Everyone is buzzing this week about bots with Facebook/Messenger’s anticipated launch of bots on its messenger platform. What is a bot you ask? A bot is a chat-based interface that helps consumers complete tasks — ordering take-out food, chatting with their doctors, or checking the score of a big sports game. Many believe... [Read more]

‘How Personal Branding and Content Marketing Go Together’ –

Sam Davtyan says, “As an entrepreneur, you’re told to manage your personal brand. As a company, you’re told that content marketing is the next best thing to promote your company. But how do the two things interact? How do you use content marketing to build your personal brand? First, let’s talk about why building your brand is... [Read more]

How to get more traffic to make more money #ad

All online marketers need more traffic to their websites and offers. Whether you promote tee shirts, affiliate offers, Amazon or Ali Baba products or have a local business of your own that needs customers, traffic to your website is the place to start... [Read more]

‘Customer Loyalty 3.0 Is Never About Transactions. It’s About Getting to Know Your Customers’ – Entrepreneur

Carol Roth says, “At Entrepreneur and Microsoft’s Accelerate Your Business Event, I was able to talk to attendees about how to grow their businesses using what I believe is the future of customer loyalty — and I call it Customer Loyalty 3.0. I wanted to share some highlights of that discussion here. 1. Why customer loyalty is important. When... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your Email Campaigns With Interest-Based List Segmentation’ – MarketingProfs

Jeremy Reeves says, “Most email marketing campaigns do a lousy job of turning warm leads into new customers or clients. There are countless ways to increase the results you get from email marketing. This article focuses on list segmentation, which dramatically increases your results and does so without annoying your prospects. You’ve heard... [Read more]

‘Streaming social: What marketers can learn from Netflix’s social strategy’ – Marketing Land

Chris Kerns says, “Television is changing right before our eyes. Cord cutting, video on demand and the lack of commercial interruption have fundamentally shifted how we watch our favorite shows. But one of the biggest shifts in the media industry over the past few years has been binge-watching. Up until a few years ago, the term “binge-watching”... [Read more]

New "PandaText" SMS Marketing Tool (no phone needed) #ad

Satish Gaire has just launched 'PandaText'. When you send a message to anyone, you want assurance that it arrived and, preferably, that they took the appropriate action.  Like most marketers, you would feel the same way about messages you send to your mailing list... [Read more]

‘How to Sell Your Ideas to Questioning Clients’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “Ideas don’t sell themselves — no matter how good they are. Oftentimes, the better the idea is the more hesitation there is. To be able to produce the type of creative and marketing campaigns you want to — the ones that push the limits of your team, show off your skills, and provide those impressive results your... [Read more]

‘How three top betting sites handle social content’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “Social content is – or at least should be – entirely driven by a brand’s tone of voice. And that tone of voice should be driven in turn by the brand’s target audience and the image it wants to achieve. Betting companies are interesting because they get away with stuff that a lot of other brands wouldn’t (everyone... [Read more]

‘The Buzzfeed Approach to Social Media Strategy’ – MOZ

Daniel Marks says, “I initially started writing a post about how BuzzFeed tailors its content to different social networks. What image sizes do they use? What type of content works on one network but not another? What tactics do they employ? But as it turns out, there isn’t anything that revolutionary in the way BuzzFeed approaches their content... [Read more]

UpViral marketing tool grows your list through better engagement #ad

Now you can have a software solution for online marketing to attract and engage your audience: Easily Run Viral Giveaways; Easily Run Viral Contests & Sweepstakes; Easily Run Viral Product Launches. Wilco de Kreij's new 'UpViral' makes all these (and more) a snap... [Read more]

‘The Most Successful B2B Industries on Social Media’ – MarketingProfs

Marketing Profs team says, “How do audience size and engagement level on social media vary among various B2B industries? To find out, TrackMaven examined full-year 2015 data from 316 leading B2B brands on five social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter). Professional services companies have the largest median social... [Read more]

‘Google Voice Access beta enlarges role for voice, conversational device interaction’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “As part of its effort to make Android devices more accessible to people with disabilities, Google has launched Voice Access Beta. It offers a far wider range of voice-controlled functions on Android devices and includes more spoken recognition and feedback. It takes getting used to and isn’t entirely intuitive, especially... [Read more]

‘Marketing Tricks Every Startup Should Follow’ – Entrepreneur

Samir Chaudhury says, “Writing long-form content, whether it’s a blog post or white paper, can be an overwhelming and even confusing process if you don’t take steps to prepare. To stay organized and tell your story from beginning to end, put these long-form content creation tips and tricks to use: 1. Create an outline The most important aspect... [Read more]

Coupon reduces price of MintsApps #ad

If you haven't already gotten your copy (thousands have) of 'MintsApp', then use this coupon when you check out: back2earlybird. The new 'MintsApp 2.0' is selling quickly.  This software is designed to keep visitors to your site engaged by offering them quizzes, polls and questions to participate in. That interaction tends to hold people's attention... [Read more]

‘How to Create Content 10X Better Than Your Competitors” – MarketingProfs

Veronica Jarski says, “In today’s hectic business environment, your competitors may be more focused on creating content rather than creating valuable, shareable content. These tips can help you produce awesome content that blows away the competition. One tip is to add content types that your competitors haven’t explored yet. “Include... [Read more]

‘How marketers are tackling personalisation in Manila’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “Dozens of client-side marketers attended a recent Econsultancy roundtable discussion in Manila about Customer Experience (CX). Personalisation was one of the topics discussed, and this post looks at some of the key talking points. Personalisation is a top priority for marketers this year according our global Digital Trends 2016... [Read more]

‘Get Found: How to Use SEO for Small Business Growth’ –

Sarah Patrick says, “As a small business owner or manager, growing your company can be challenging, especially when working with a somewhat limited budget and a lack of brand recognition. How do you get your services in front of the right people? To raise awareness about your company, it seems reasonable to invest in advertising and marketing.... [Read more]

‘5 customer-centric metrics to implement today’ – Marketing Land

Jordan Elkind says, “Retailers are progressively striving toward customer-centricity, a strategy in which companies seek to maximize financial value by focusing on the needs of their most valuable customers. While in theory, this sounds like every marketer’s dream, in practice, the nightmare of implementation stops many would-be customer-centric... [Read more]

‘Why 2016 Will Be the Year of Video Marketing' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Eric Hinson says, “January has come and gone, and February slipped out the door right behind it. Now it’s March, and you’re probably working hard to implement all those new campaigns and initiatives you developed in December. But did you set the right goals? And are you using the right tools to achieve those goals? The fact of the matter is,... [Read more]

‘Creating Content for Google’s RankBrain’ – CMI

Al Gomez says, “Google revealed in October that it uses artificial intelligence to help with 15% of search queries. Named RankBrain, the system analyzes vague, ambiguous queries and matches them with the most relevant results. It’s a critical component to the search-engine giant’s algorithm. In fact, Google’s Greg Corrado told Bloomberg... [Read more]

‘Content Cheat Sheet: Quick Tips To Keep Your Readers Attention’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “Far too often companies have a blog that is sporadically updated with a random post but not much goes on the blog. This is a huge waste since a blog can be one of the best marketing tools available to the marketing department even if it is just a small company. Companies who have blogs that aren’t updated on a consistent basis... [Read more]


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