How to Create Great Cornerstone Content - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, July 22, 2021

July 22nd, 2021 at 9:57 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Seven Tips to Create Great Cornerstone Content

Cornerstone content refers to a high-value piece of content that aims to increase traffic and brand awareness by showing what your business can offer. MOZ contributor Sam O’Brien has shared seven useful tips to help you create cornerstone content that Google and your audience love. He says, “We’ll show you how to create informative, engaging... [Read more]

These Bad Links May Harm Your SEO

Link building is an essential SEO process. It helps you improve your website rankings. contributor Carrie Powers has published an article highlighting 15 bad links you must avoid. She says, “You’ve done your due diligence by learning what bad links are, how you can find them and how they can be stopped. Now you can take your knowledge... [Read more]

Eight Customer Engagement Strategies for You

By engaging your prospects and customers, you can continue to grow your business. It helps you reach your sales goals too. Acquire contributor Nikoletta Bika has shared eight helpful customer engagement strategies. She says, “The right customer engagement strategies can have a massive effect on your business outcomes. They will result in a better... [Read more]

Are you a writer? If not, use ProfitWriter for your ads, VLSs, etc. #ad

New software, called ProfitWriter, was just announced that can write your marketing content for you:   ➤ Creates Unique Sales Letters, Scripts, and Content with the Push of a Button ➤ Just Insert your niche & product name to get the perfect sales letter for it using AI-powered technology ➤ Works for sales copy, upsell pages, video sales... [Read more]

Five Strategies to Improve Conversion Rate

Conversion rate optimization is the process of increasing the percentage of users or website visitors to take a desired action. Spiralytics contributor Dhru Mehta has shared five useful ways to improve your company’s conversion rate. He says, “If you, as an entrepreneur, are hoping for long-term success, then you should possess a strategy... [Read more]

Have You Tried These Link Building Tactics?

Link building is one of the prime ranking factors for websites when it comes to search engine optimization. Spiralytics contributor Oscar Florea has published an infographic highlighting some underrated link-building tactics that work surprisingly well. He says, “One of the most popular methods is guest posting, where you try to publish a piece... [Read more]

How to Beat Your Competition in Blogging [Video]

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘How to Beat Your Competition in Blogging’ to help you achieve better blogging results. He says, “Video is going to be the future. It’s much more interactive. You can do step by step. You still need to do text-based content, but now you have to do omni-channel. You have to do podcasts, video... [Read more]

NFTs are the latest art investment fad. MotionNFTMaker creates them #ad

  NFTs (“Non-fungible tokens”) are a type of digital artwork that collectors seem to be eager to buy. Some NFTs have sold for millions of dollars. You may find it hard to understand why NFTs have become so popular (we certainly do), but a wise marketer sells what people want to buy (within ethical and legal bounds). That’s why... [Read more]

21 Customer Service Goals to Strive For in 2021 [Acquire]

Acquire contributor Rohma Abbas has published an article highlighting 21 customer service goals you should set and try to achieve this year. She says, “Traditionally, new year’s is a time for setting personal goals. But if you’re running a business, it’s also a good time to determine what customer service goals your team should focus... [Read more]

Strategies to Sell on LinkedIn Without Ads

LinkedIn is a great platform that allows you to build professional connections and continue to convert them into customers. Social Media Examiner contributor Michael Stelzner has published an article highlighting some useful tips to help you sell on LinkedIn without investing in ads. He says, “On LinkedIn, you need to remain mindful of where people... [Read more]

10 Marketing KPIs You Should Know About

Your Internet marketing depends upon a variety of elements. By staying focused on every aspect that influences your marketing performance, you can continue to excel in your marketing. Databox contributor Masooma Memon has shared a list of 10 marketing KPIs you should share with your team to achieve better performance. She says, “Before we dive... [Read more]

Pin Inspector: shortcut to improving your Pinterest marketing #ad

Pin Inspector is the world’s first Pinterest content research desktop software with 6 powerful built-in tools for easily uncovering hidden high-converting posts, videos, boards, pinners, ads and top trending searches from the massively popular social media network. It gives you the ability to discover top trending search phrases and top-performing... [Read more]

Blogging Wizard Shares 25 WordPress Statistics

WordPress is one of the most loved CMS for creating your own website. And it does not need an introduction. Blogging Wizard contributor Matt Moran has shared 25 WordPress statistics related to usage, trends, facts, and more. He says, “Here are some statistics that evidence just how widely used the platform is. 1. WordPress powers almost 40% of... [Read more]

Three Ways to do Amazon SEO keyword research

By finding highly relevant keywords, you can get your products listed on Amazon and grow your online sales. Search Engine Journal contributor Robyn Johnson has shared three proven methods to help you perform accurate Amazon keyword research. She says, “Keywords behave differently on Amazon than on Google. Once you’ve indexed for words that... [Read more]

CMI Shares 10 Tips to Land in Your Subscribers’ Inbox

Email marketing helps you reach your marketing goals provided you reach their inbox. Content Marketing Institute contributor Bernard Meyer has shared 10 useful tips to avoid email spam filters and reach your subscribers’ inboxes. He says, “Here’s what you need to know to help your emails avoid those troublemakers that dump the good with the... [Read more]

Potovi: collection of 123,000 crisp marketing images for you #ad

Astroblu, a well-known creator of graphic software, has just released Potovi, a collection of images that they say are guaranteed to jump off the page and set the pulses of your audience racing. No matter what type of marketing you do, it’s essential that you provide an entertaining and professional impression on your audience... [Read more]

Defining Content in a Digital-First World, July 21 [Webinar]

How do content marketers move from simply creating content to creating content experiences? And how do we create content experiences that make sales part of the process? The role of content for content marketers and sales is shifting. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Defining Content in a Digital-First World’ on Wednesday,... [Read more]

Facebook Ad Cold Targeting Success Without Audience Insights [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Facebook Ad Cold Targeting Success Without Audience Insights’. The SME team says, “Is the loss of Facebook Audience Insights impacting your ad performance? Wondering how to target new prospects without the data that Audience Insights used to provide? You can build effective Facebook... [Read more]

3 SEO Trends in Automation for 2021 [Video]

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘3 SEO Trends in Automation for 2021’ highlighting the major SEO trends. He says, “People are starting to use AI and machine learning much more. And everyone’s always talked about machine learning and AI, and it’s the buzz, and you can have computers write content for you, so you don’t... [Read more]

Pin Inspector: shortcut to improving your Pinterest marketing #ad

Venkata Ramana just released his new SaaS product, Snappy. It runs in the cloud so it doesn't take up space on your hard drive. This is just the latest in a long series of marketing tools Ramana has released. You can use this new software to offer services on Fiverr or other gig sites. Offer services, such as background removal, converting photo to a cartoon, adding intro and outro to a video, etc... [Read more]

The Role of Creativity in Digital Marketing [Video]

Creativity helps you excel in your marketing efforts. Neil Patel has published a new video ‘The Role of Creativity in Digital Marketing’ explaining the benefits of creativity in digital marketing. He says, “When you look at the organic reach, it’s harder and harder, but, here’s the thing, there’s new platforms that... [Read more]

Building a Content Strategy: Setting the Foundation for High Velocity Content Production, July 28 [Webinar]

The ‘content is king’ mantra may have lost some of its novelty as a catchphrase, but the sentiment has never been more important. Brands are being challenged to produce authentic, high-value, personalized content faster than ever before, in order to differentiate themselves from competitors and win the loyalty of customers. Content Marketing Institute... [Read more]

How Marketers Can Thrive in a Remote-First Landscape, July 28 [Webinar]

In the remote-first “new normal,” business owners and marketers alike are facing several questions. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘How Marketers Can Thrive in a Remote-First Landscape’ on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join this Search Engine Journal webinar and learn strategies for maximizing... [Read more]

Ecommerce SEO and Beyond [Guide]

Koozai has published a comprehensive guide on ‘Ecommerce SEO and Beyond’. Kelly-Anne Crean says, “Ecommerce sites by their nature don’t usually include a lot of content, which means that site owners need to ensure that they address other elements to give their sites a competitive edge. In this post I have put together a comprehensive... [Read more]

Securing SEO Resources [Podcast]

Searchmetrics’ Jordan Koene has published a new podcast episode ‘Securing SEO Resources’ featuring Benjamin Shapiro. Koene says, “Welcome to the SEO planning week on Voices of Search! This week Advisor to Searchmetrics and SEO Strategist Jordan Koene joins host Benjamin Shapiro to discuss five key areas of SEO planning. In the... [Read more]

Creating a Flexible SEO Roadmap [Podcast]

Searchmetrics’ Jordan Koene has published a new podcast episode ‘Creating a Flexible SEO Roadmap’ featuring Benjamin Shapiro. Koene says, “Welcome to the SEO planning week on Voices of Search! This week Advisor to Searchmetrics and SEO Strategist Jordan Koene joins host Benjamin Shapiro to discuss five key areas of SEO planning.... [Read more]

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