Building Better Customer Experiences - IM NewsWatch, May 4, 2020

May 4th, 2020 at 8:10 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, May 4, 2020

Are All Email Service Providers The Same? [Guide]

Email is one of the most important and popular marketing tool. By choosing the right email service provider, you can create outstanding email marketing campaigns and increase your ROI. Marketing Week has published a new guide ‘Are All Email Service Providers The Same?’ to help you choose an email service provider. MW team says,... [Read more]

‘How to Create Personalized Site Experiences’ Webinar May 19 [Webinar]

Your website enables you to create an online presence to reach more consumers. Developing a website doesn’t automatically bring paying customers to your business. You need to offer a personalized experience to create repeat website visitors and lifetime customers. Social Media Today is hosting a webinar ‘How to Create Personalized Site... [Read more]

The Most Important Networking Skill [Video]

Your ability to network with people gives you an opportunity to reach more people and influence them. You can enhance your network using social media and other tools. Inc. has published a new video ‘The Most Important Networking Skill’ featuring Jim Kwik. Inc. team says, “Effective networking comes down to a very simple... [Read more]

Follow the Search for Better Answers [Podcast]

Your content marketing needs in-depth research that can result into quality and authentic content. The Internet provides an open platform to explore and choose the right sources. Content Marketing Institute‘s Robert Rose has published a new podcast episode ‘Follow the Search for Better Answers’ to help you improve your content... [Read more]

‘3 Quick UX Tests You Can Do In-House’ Webinar May 6 [Webinar]

Positive user experience can help you to grow and transform your business. User experience testing process helps you to test different aspects of user experience to determine the best way for a website and its elements to interact with its audience. Vertical Leap is hosting a webinar ‘3 quick UX tests you can do in-house’ on Wednesday,... [Read more]

Neil Patel Announces ‘SEO Unlocked’ Free Course

Neil Patel has announced the launch of ‘SEO Unlocked’, a free SEO course. This course will comprise of video lessons by Neil Patel. Patel says, “Welcome to SEO Unlocked. This is my free SEO Course, and I’m going to release new videos on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional SEO, you’ll... [Read more]

Facebook Live Video Updates: What Marketers Need to Know [Video]

Facebook Live video is immensely useful for big brands and small businesses. According to Hootsuite, Facebook Live videos get six times more interactions than regular Facebook videos. This increases the chances of growing your business online. Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Facebook Live Video Updates: What Marketers Need... [Read more]

Marketing Opportunities & Creative Strategies for TikTok, May 5 [Twitter Chat]

TikTok has created a new marketing opportunity for the businesses that wish to use video as a marketing tool. Social Media Today is hosting a live Twitter Chat ‘Marketing Opportunities & Creative Strategies for TikTok’ on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 12.00 pm EDT. The SMT team says, “#SMTLive brings together social media marketing... [Read more]

Three Ways to Increase Revenue Using Website

Your website connects your business with new prospects and customers. A well-designed website that provides great customer experience can be highly useful in boosting your business revenue. Merkle contributor Yara Lutz has shared three ways to help you increase business revenue using your website. Lutz says, “Today’s customers are... [Read more]

How to Measure Link Quality

Link building is an important SEO technique. Links are pivotal in increasing search traffic to your website. By getting backlinks from quality resources, you can improve the authenticity of your website. Search Engine Journal‘s Roger Montti has shared three ways to measure link quality. Montti says, “The following are ideas... [Read more]

Building Better Customer Experiences [Video]

Customer experience refers to how your customers perceive their interactions with your company. You can improve customer loyalty and retention by offering a positive customer experience. MOZ has published a new Whiteboard Friday video ‘Building Better Customer Experiences featuring Dana DiTomaso. The MOZ team says, “Are you mindful... [Read more]

‘How a Referral Marketing Strategy Can Boost Sales’ Webinar May 6 [Webinar]

Referral marketing refers to the concept of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals. Word of mouth is a popular way to do referral marketing. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘How a Referral Marketing Strategy Can Boost Sales’ on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 2.00 pm EST. The CMI team says, “Rapid... [Read more]

‘How Do You Navigate Entrepreneurship In A Time of Uncertainty’ Webinar May 5 [Webinar]

Crisis like the COVID-19 test your ability to stay calm and focused on the business. To survive in such a situation, you need to be dynamic and empathetic in your perception. Entrepreneur Magazine is hosting a webinar ‘How Do You Navigate Entrepreneurship In A Time of Uncertainty’ on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The Entrepreneur team says,... [Read more]

‘Does Personalisation Work?!’ Webinar May 5 [Webinar]

Marketing personalisation gives you an ability to reach specific audiences. You can segment your audience and target them with customized offers. Econsultancy is hosting a webinar ‘Does Personalisation Work?!’ on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The Econsultancy team says, “There is a continuous need for better targeting and personalization... [Read more]

Your Guide to Link Building

An effective link building strategy plays an important role in your SEO. Some of the most common link building strategies are content marketing, email outreach and public relations. Search Engine Journal‘s Kevin Rowe has shared an article highlighting 50 types of links and how to build them. Rowe says, “The strategies below are... [Read more]

‘Paid Search: Driving Strategy at the C-Suite’ Webinar May 6 [Webinar]

Search engine optimization is a key to grow your business online. It helps you to gain prominence in the search engine result pages and increase your website traffic. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Paid Search: Driving Strategy at the C-Suite’ on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Have you been... [Read more]

Portent Shares Post-COVID Re-Entry Strategies for Digital Marketers

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected several business functions including PPC, SEO, social media, sales and marketing. You need to evolve new strategies to cope with this new situation. Portent contributor Michael Wiegand has published an article post-COVID re-entry strategies for digital marketers. Wiegand says, “We don’t know how... [Read more]

Ultimate Guide to Google My Business for 2020 [Guide]

Google My Business platform gives your business an opportunity to show on the Google network. When you submit your business to GMB, your business appears in a number of different results and gets wider visibility online. SEMrush contributor Tim Capper has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business for 2020’ to help you improve... [Read more]

Five Steps to Build an Effective Content Strategy

An effective content creation and marketing strategy can help you to enhance your business success by influencing more people and making more sales. Pole Position Marketing’s Usman Raza has shared five steps to help you build an effective content marketing strategy. Raza says, “High- quality strategies are required to make content... [Read more]

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