Subject: News & Events

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Berlin-Peck Memorial Library • September 2022 Newsletter

Library Director's Message


What do freshly sharpened pencils, library cards, and pirates have in common? They are celebrated in September! (Ok, sharpened pencils are technically only celebrated by me, but they are a universal symbol of back-to-school!) And now, so is your library card! September is National Library Card Sign-Up month, and we are celebrating! You can join in the celebration by visiting the library, sharing your experience on social media with the hashtag #getlibrarycarded, and encouraging your friends, family, and neighbors to get a library card, too! We have cards for all the ways people are a part of Berlin: resident adults and children, teachers who teach in Berlin, Town employees, and local Berlin business owners. Residing in Berlin, but don’t have a permanent address? We have a card for you, too, good for 3 months. Just ask for the Berlin Access Card. This is also a good time to check the expiration on your library card. All cards are renewed every three years.

You can use your library card to check out books and media, our library of things, or use any of our databases including Mango Languages. National Talk Like A Pirate Day is September 19 and to prepare for this parodic holiday you can learn pirate (yes, pirate) using our Mango Language database. Start now and you’ll be saying, “Arr, me hearty! A fine gentleman o' fortune be ye!” by the time the special day arrives. For those of you new to the pirate language that’s “Great, my friend! You’re a fine pirate.”

And finally, speaking of school, we have many resources useful for our back-to-school set which can be found here on our website. For those not quite ready for school (0-5) we have school readiness resources including 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. And of course, we have plenty of learning opportunities for all ages this month and every month through our library programs listed below. We hope to see you soon!


Kim McNally

Library Director

Sit & Knit

Thursday, September 1, 15, 6:00 pm

Thursday, September 8, 22, 29, 1:00 pm

Join us for a relaxing session of knitting and good company.

Friday Movie Matinees

Friday, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1:00 pm

Please register for each movie you'd like to attend. See all upcoming movies.

Senior Center Book Club

Wednesday, September 7, 1:30 pm

Join us at the Berlin Senior Center to discuss The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles. Contact the library to obtain a copy of the book.

Saturday Book Club @ the coffee shop

Saturday, September 10, 10:30 am

Join us at Provision State Coffee to discuss The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett. Contact the library to obtain a copy of the book.

Courageous Conversations: Abortion

Saturday, September 10, 10:30 am

Join us for an open, respectful discussion of abortion. All backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome in the discussion. Each participant is asked to read this month’s articles on the topic prior to the discussion.

Spice It Up! Charnushka

Wednesday, September 14

While supplies last. Place holds ASAP.

Spice It Up! kits includes a sample of a new herb or spice as well as information sheets and a few recipes to try. Charnushka (nigella seed) has a savory taste sometimes compared to onion, oregano, poppy seed, or black pepper.

The Most Misunderstood Benefit: Social Security and You

Wednesday, September 14, 6:30 pm -Online-

Join Robert Rodriguez, SSA Public Affairs Specialist, for an eye opening, humorous, and educational overview of the “most misunderstood” benefit that all workers and retirees have!

Bear Talk

Thursday, September 15, 6:30 am

Join Master Conservationist Paul Colburn to learn about co-existing with bears.

Dementia Caregiver Support Group

Monday, September 19, 1:00 pm -Online or In Person-

A safe place for caregivers, family and friends of persons with dementia. Join us to share practical information, feelings, needs and concerns. Sponsored and hosted by Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging and Alzheimer’s Association.

This group will meet in person, with the option for participants to join us on video chat using Zoom. RSVP to Patty O’Brian: 203-859-1992.

Recycling in Connecticut

Wednesday, September 21, 6:30 pm

Join us to learn about recycling in Connecticut, including sustainable materials management, the current waste crisis, and the dos and don’ts of recycling.

Make and Take: Literary Pumpkins

Thursday, September 22, 6:30 pm

Make a decorative paper-mache pumpkin for the fall season.

Journaling 101

Monday, September 26, 6:30 pm

Explore the benefits of journaling, different ways to journal, and tips for creating a journaling experience that is just right for you!

Unique Eats and Eateries of Connecticut

Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 pm

Learn the best places to get lobster tails, steamed cheeseburgers, and more with author Mike Urban!

Keep Moving: Simple Steps to Relieve Pain

Thursday, September 29, 6:30 pm -Online-

Join us online to learn small steps you can take to reduce and manage pain without drugs or surgery. Online event. If you prefer to watch on the Library's big screen, please let us know when you register.

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