1 - New Podcast: The requirements of a moral, healthy and effective approach to violence.
2 - Five New Online Bunkai Videos!
3 - Upcoming Iain Abernethy Seminars
4 - Group Bunkai Analysis No. 1: Opening sequence of Saifa - The Results!
5 - Volume Two of the Pinan Flow System by John Titchen
6 - Lee Taylor’s new book: Ananko Kata Form & Function
7 - Message from Christian Wedewardt
8 - Jeff Rossers new book: Combative Elbow Strikes
9 - The World Combat Association
10 - 2,000,000 minutes watched of Practical Kata Bunkai



1 - New Podcast: The requirements of a moral, healthy and effective approach to violence


The requirements of a moral, healthy and effective approach to violenceIn the final podcast of 2014 we discuss the requirements of a moral, healthy and effective approach to violence. The mix of effective self-protection skills and the development of character is the common goal of most martial arts. In this episode I use the model of the three As (Appreciation, Ability and Attitude) to ensure our approach to unprovoked criminal violence is both effective and in keeping with the morality of the martial arts.

As part of this discussion we touch on many topics including: the two core goals all martial arts should achieve; the nature and myths of violence; healthy precautions vs. unhealthy paranoia; when using physical skills is appropriate; the criminal attitude to violence (hate based) as opposed to the martial artist’s attitude to violence (love based); what the past masters had to say on the issue (Funakoshi, Mabuni, Motobu, Otsuka, Takamura, etc.); martial arts and pacifism; and quite a bit more!

It’s impossible to cover all aspect of this issue in a thirty-minute podcast, but I think the podcast does a good job of framing the issue and will hopefully prompt further thought and discussion.

I hope you enjoy the podcast and I’ll be back more early in 2015!


Listen to the podcast on this webpage:http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/content/requirements-moral-healthy-and-effective-approach-violence-podcast


Listen to Iain Abernethy's Podcasts on Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/iain-abernethy-practical-application/id393104872#


2 - Five New Online Bunkai Videos!


Pinan / Heian Godan Bunkai & Variation

This video covers bunkai for the juji-uke sequence of Pinan Godan / Heian Godan, and a variation on that sequence. It was filmed in Denmark at a seminar in November 2014.

It is always important to remember that every kata motion is essentially an illustration of principle. It is not the technique that is the end result; it the integration of the principles encapsulated by the bunkai of the technique that is of greater importance. That way the methodology of the kata can be applied in a habitual / intuitive way regardless of specific circumstance.

An integral part of the bunkai process is therefore exploring variations of the kata / bunkai sequence, as shown in this clip. I’m fond of quoting the following line from the movie ‘Enter The Dragon’ to illustrate this idea; “It is like a finger pointing to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory”. Do not fixate on the specific example of principle the kata provides, or you will miss the principle itself.

A lot to explain in a short clip and this introduction! The key message for those new to kata bunkai is that variations of technique (in line with underlying principle) are not heresy but a core part of the process.





Gojushiho Sho and Dai Bearhugs Escapes


This video looks at some bear hug escapes from Gojushiho-Sho and Gojushiho-Dai. It is my view that the two kata often complement each other and in this instance we can see complementary examples of bear hug escapes. The kata is not showing a sole recommend way to escape a grip from the front, but instead an illustration of the kind of things that should be practised i.e. an illustration of concept. Variations and adapting to the ever changing dynamics of self-defence should be an inherent part of the process.

As with all these short videos, it needs to be remembered this is a snipped of a full weekend’s training. It is therefore not possible to encapsulate how such things fit in to the wider methodology of the kata and the process of kata bunkai generally. Two things are important to note however: Firstly, there are methods that immediately follow what is shown in this clip that follow up if needed (by attacking vulnerable areas). Secondly, if we are to make these methods work in self-defence then they need to be practised in live ways; which ensure the safety of all participants.

The methods shown in this clip are potentially dangerous and should only be practised under the close supervision of a suitably qualified and experienced instructor.





Saifa Bunkai: Opening Sequence


In November 2014 we had an online vote on which kata sequence we should collectively explore. Several hundred people voted and the opening motion of Saifa was the winner.

There has been loads of great contributions from people all over the globe. Here is our offering.

Saifa is not a kata my group practises, but today (22nd of November 2014) I took the sequence to the dojo and we spent 10 minutes at the end of the class collectively exploring the possible uses for the motion. These were our favourite three. We feel these fit the kata well and leave no part of the motion unexplained. Thanks Tim, Fred, Darren, Callum, Joe, Charles, Richard, and Andrew for their thoughts.

Here is the link to the page where you can see all the videos! http://iainabernethy.co.uk/content/group-bunkai-analysis-no-1-opening-sequence-saifa





Pinan / Heian Godan Start and Various Follow-Ups


This video was filmed when I was teaching in Norway in November 2014. It looks at bunkai for the first seven movements of the form, and suggests some alternative follow-ups. Following the neck-crank, we could elbow the face (as suggested by the kata), we could execute what Gichin Funakoshi called the Byobu Daoshi throw – more commonly known as O-Soto-Gari – and, away from a self-defence context, we could even scoop the lead leg. The video shows these three options.

There are of course many other ways to follow up and everyone is always encouraged to explore their personal preferences.

In 1908, Anko Itosu – the creator of the Pinan / Heian kata – wrote, “Learn the explanations of every technique well, and decide when and in what manner to apply them when needed.” So we are encouraged to learn the bunkai, but DECIDE how WE would use that bunkai. It is therefore up to the individual karateka to draw from the collective knowledge pool to create a personalised method of application that is best suited to the individual. Exploring various finishes – not just those suggested by the kata – is one part of this process.


Naihanchi / Tekki Basic Clinch Bunkai & Drills


This video looks at some aspects of the clinch bunkai of Naihanchi / Tekki. It was filmed at a three-day seminar in North Carolina in December 2014. As is always the case with these short videos, it can’t possibly capture the whole methodology and needs to be viewed on that basis. The seminar covered many other clinch techniques and related live drills, of which this clip was part.

If you would like to know more about this aspect of Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan then I would direct you towards the DVD “Beyond Bunkai” which covers the related unscripted, semi-live drills for the kata.

It was a most enjoyable weekend and I hope this little extract is of interest!





3 - Upcoming Iain Abernethy Seminars


Below you can find details of the open seminars that are taking place in the next few months. Details of others will be added as soon as details have been finalised. I look forward to seeing you at an event near you and if you have any questions about them, please don't hesitate to get in touch.



Seminar in Oslo, Norway
Date: 3rd and 4th of January 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-oslo-norway


Seminar in Clarksville, Tennessee, USA
Date: 16th to the 18th of January 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-clarksville-tennessee-usa

Seminar in Cardiff
Date: Sunday 25th January 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-cardiff

Seminar in Bristol

Date: 31st of January

Details will be confirmed soon


Seminar in Folkestone, Kent
Date: Sunday the 1st of February 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-folkestone-kent-0

Seminar in Achim, Germany
Date: 14th and 15th of February 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-achim-germany

Seminar in the Netherlands

Date: 21st and 22nd of February 2015

For more details please follow this link: http://iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-netherlands-0


Seminar in Birmingham
Date: Sunday 22nd of March 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-birmingham-0

Seminar in Presteigne, Powys
Date: Saturday the 28th of March 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-presteigne-powys-2

Seminar in Wigan
Date: Sunday the 29th of March 2015
For more details please follow this link: http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-wigan-0


To organise a seminar for your club, write to seminars@iainabernethy.com


For details of all seminars (including maps): http://iainabernethy.co.uk/seminar-dates



4 - Group Bunkai Analysis No. 1: Opening sequence of Saifa - The Results! (24 especially filmed videos!)


Our first group analysis of the opening sequence of Saifa has been something of a success! We have had 24 videos submitted, all of which are very good! Please be sure to visit the website and watch all the videos!




5 - Volume Two of the Pinan Flow System by John Titchen

Message from John Titchen:

Volume Two of the Pinan Flow System by John Titchen I’m extremely excited to be releasing Volume Two of the Pinan Flow System outlining how I use Pinan / Heian Sandan. I rate this kata incredibly highly and believe it forms an important part in a karateka’s repertoire. I hope that by taking the time to record my drills in pictures this book will ‘open it up’ to far more people than I could possibly reach by seminars and classes alone. I’ve recently had two experienced Dan grades come to join me for ‘extra’ karate training in addition to their own regular club training, and if their smiles and laughter as the kata has come alive for them in these drills is any measure then I know that a lot of students and instructors will benefit from this book.

The book predominantly focuses on utilising the kata movements to shift between the different positions that can occur when you are dealing with an actively resisting person at close quarters. The drills show how the techniques of the kata can be used (often in sequence) to navigate through the failures and redundancies that naturally occur in live training. The drills cover responses to HAOV (habitual acts of violence) like grabs, punches, tackles, leg lifts, headlocks and clinch like positions, and the kata comes alive with punches, open handed strikes, forearm strikes, unbalancing strategies, knee strikes, arm controls, holds and throws. The drills are designed to work alongside those shown in Volume One, but can stand alone as a key way of improving your repertoire.

In the foreword Iain Abernethy said that:

"Karate is undergoing a revolution. Not a revolution that uproots the past, but instead one that returns to the past to water the roots of our tradition so that, after decades of stasis, it may grow and flourish. This revolution is seeing kata – the very roots of our art – being returned to its rightful place at the core of practise. Not because of nostalgia, or some unthinking adherence to “tradition”, but because kata, when approached correctly, works! There is no doubt in my mind that John Titchen is one of the leading lights of this modern revolution (re-evolution?).

In this book you will get to see John’s views on the practical applications of Pinan Sandan. And while that alone is worth the price of admission, it is John’s underlying thinking, as laid out and succinctly expressed in this book, that really impresses. This book is not just a collection of bunkai (kata application), but the setting out of an entire philosophy of kata.”

The book is available on amazon in print and in ebook form for kindle readers and apple ipads and iphones.



The second edition of Volume One of the series, covering Heian / Pinan Shodan and Nidan is also available in print and ebook form.


6 - Lee Taylor’s new book: Ananko Kata Form & Function


Lee Taylor's new book on Ananko bunkai!“Lee understands the way kata works and in this book he reveals how Ananko contains knowledge of great value to the modern day martial artist. Personally, I don’t think it matters if one practises the kata or not in order to benefit from reading this book. Those who practise the kata will be inspired and delighted at the information it contains. Those that don’t practise Ananko will find seeing Lee’s approach in action an inspiration that is sure to help them explore their own kata.” - Iain Abernethy


“This book isn’t about the Ananko Kata. It isn’t even about the Bunkai of the Ananko Kata. It is more about a Martial Arts Instructor on his own personal journey. A journey that has required him to remove the blinkers of a single style and approach his art and training laterally, which is, I am certain, how our founding fathers of this beautiful world of Martial Arts intended us all to study and grow.” - Al Peasland


With over 300 detailed pictures Ananko Kata Form & Function shows how a kata can be deciphered, analysed, practised allowing it to become an effective tool for a physical confrontation.

This book not only crosses the boundaries of karate styles but also any martial art, allowing the practitioner with varying levels of ability to take what they need from it, use it for their own study, thus building a solid foundation from which to grow.


BUY HERE: http://www.lulu.com/shop/lee-taylor/ananko-kata-form-function/paperback/product-21882184.html


7 - Message from Christian Wedewardt


Message from Christian Wedewardt:

My name is Christian Wedewardt from Germany. I was born in 1974 and have been studying karate since 1988. I’ve accomplished 5th Dan Degree in 2014 and started a project, called „karatepraxis.com“ in 2009. In the beginning it was just a local project in the midwestern part of Germany. Today it is well known all over Germany and noticed in the USA. The project is about a modern view of our traditional karate-do. With all the necessary adjustments to stand our ground against the modern hybridsystems like KRAV MAGA or MMA, but without loosing our traditional roots.

How can that work?

By changing the view on our karate-elements. In my opinion no element (Kihon, Kata, Kumite) ends in itself. They are methods to develop certain abilities to enable the karate-student to defend himself in a moment of thread. Therefore I use Kata as formulary for defense techniques and tactics. Usually my applications are short and catchy.

To transport the message that a lot martial-arts-know-how is included in our system karate, I’ve created a series of 5 Karate-Defense-Basic-Seminars. 3 Expert-Level-Seminars and 2 Master-Level-Seminars are coming up. On my website www.karatepraxis.com are several other modules and methods to find, which I use in my seminars and trainings.

Why am I doing that?

Because the most popular Defense-Systems these days, are in large parts based on karate. So, we as karate-students and –teachers are representing an original and tradition martial-art. Karate should be again recognized at least as a good choice for all the interested ones.


8 - Jeff Rossers new book: Combative Elbow Strikes


Jeff W. Rosser's New Book: Combative Elbow StrikesCombative Elbow Strikes: A Guide to Strikes, Blocks, Locks, and Take Downs is an in-depth analysis of the practical applications for five of the most common elbow strikes found in Karate and Taekwondo. While conventional wisdom holds that an elbow strike is simply a technique used for close-range striking, I believe that the movements used in executing these elbow strikes are highly versatile and applicable to a wide range of situations. In this book, I demonstrate how a technique as simple and as crude as an elbow strike can be used for executing blocks, joint locks, throws, take downs, chokes, pins, traps, releases, and ground fighting in addition to striking. Containing over 250 photographs, this book presents more than 50 applications for just five elbow strikes, while also including instructions on how to generate power and execute the elbow strikes in an efficient and effective manner.

On sale now from Turtle Press. Available through Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com, Google Play, iTunes, and all major book retailers.

Follow the link for some videos where I demonstrate applications from the book using the upward, downward, outward, and round elbow strikes.


Jeff W. Rosser is a teacher, martial arts instructor, and writer currently residing in South Korea. He is a former AAU U.S.A. National Karate Team member and has competed internationally in Karate and Taekwondo, medaling in Taekwondo. He began training in Shorin-Ryu Karate in 1991 and now has over twenty-three years of experience in the martial arts. In addition to Shorin-Ryu Karate, he has also trained in Kukki Taekwondo, Shuri-Te Ju-Jutsu, Judo, American Open Karate, and wrestling. Jeff is a columnist for Taekwondo Times Magazine, writing "The Hidden Art," and a monthly contributor to Totally Taekwondo Magazine. Contact info: www.mawriter.webs.com (website)


9 - The World Combat Association


Iain’s Introduction To The WCA

The exponential growth in those returning to practicing the martial arts in a practical way means that there is now a pressing need for a global dedicated association so practitioners of applied martial arts can band together for the benefit of both the arts and themselves.

The bodies set up to promote sporting offshoots or a particular style or methodology – as useful as they can be for their members – do little to promote and enhance what we see as an extremely important aspect of the martial arts.

An open and inclusive worldwide association is needed for pragmatic traditionalists and practitioners of functional martial arts. The World Combat Association (WCA) fulfils this need!

Many martial arts bodies have a recurring bad habit of trying to limit the freedom of their members and hence the WCA aims promote and enhance the wide variety of pragmatic approaches without imposing unnecessary limits upon people.

The WCA will wholly dedicated to the promotion and furtherance of applied martial arts. Your standard association will typically deal with things like insurance, providing representatives for competitions etc. That is not the role of the WCA.

The WCA has been set up to be an independent association of likeminded individuals who believe that applied martial arts needs a body to address the specific issues associated with our pragmatic approaches ....

Read more: http://worldcombatassociation.com/?page_id=230


WCA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldCombatAssociation


WCA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/worldcombatassn


The World Combat Assocciation!


10 - 2,000,000 minutes watched of Practical Kata Bunkai


The YouTube channel is fast approaching the 2,000,000 minutes watched mark! Thanks to all for putting in the hours! https://www.youtube.com/user/practicalkatabunkai