Subject: July Newsletter: New Podcast and Seven New Online Videos!

July 2011 Newsletter: New Podcast and Seven New Online Videos!


Martial Musings PodcastWelcome to July’s newsletter! I’ve been really busy over the last couple of weeks since the last email update. Amongst all the other things I’ve got done, I’ve managed to add seven (yes, seven!) new videos to the website and one new podcast.

The podcast is called “A Plethora of Martial Musings” and covers a wide range topics suggested by listeners. If you checkout Section 1 you can get more details.

The new videos cover throws, pad-drills, and bunkai from Pinan / Heian Godan, Bassai, Kushanku / Kanku-Dai, and Naihanchi / Tekki-Shodan. To make it easy, I’ve put all the videos on one page and you can find out details in Section 2.

Section 5 has details of my seminar in the USA in October, and Section 4 has details of Marc MacYoung’s weekend seminar in the UK in September!


Those from French speaking parts of the world will also want to check out Section 11.

Please be sure to check out the contents list below and see what other items are of interest.

Thanks you all for your support of these newsletters! I appreciate it!

All the best,




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1 – New Podcast: A Plethora of Martial Musings
2 – 7 New online videos since the last email update!
3 - Limited opportunities for 2012 UK Iain Abernethy Seminars
4 – Marc "Animal" MacYoung in UK in September
5 - Iain teaching in Kansas City, USA in October!
6 - Upcoming Iain Abernethy Seminars

7 - Closed group in-depth training opportunities
8 - "Breaking the Chains: An Analysis of the 1st of Choki Motobu's Two-Man Kumite Drills" by Stewart Squire
9 - New Neil Pottinger DVD - Kata Bunkai & Theory: Pinan Kata Bunkai, Muchimi & Balance Points
10 - Chris Denwood Book Update
11 - Iain Abernethy Articles en Francais

12 - Iain Abernethy Instructor's Courses (express your interest)
13 – Seminar in Idar-Oberstein, Germany
14 – Seminar in Lund, Sweden
15 - Seminar in Denmark
16 – Seminar in Augsburg, Germany

17 - Seminar in Norway
18 - Kevin O’Hagan Weapons Seminar this weekend!
19 – The British Combat Karate Association


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The karate that has been introduced to Tokyo is actually just a part of the whole. The fact that those who have learnt karate there feel it only consists of kicks & punches, and that throws & locks are only to be found in judo or jujutsu, can only be put down to a lack of understanding … Those who are thinking of the future of karate should have an open mind and strive to study the complete art” – Kenwa Mabuni, 1938


1 – New Podcast: A Plethora of Martial Musings


Martial Musings PodcastWelcome to the July 11 podcast! This month has me musing over a wide range of martial topics raised by listeners. We look at methods of breathing; the value of cross-training; using empty-hand kata for weapons; bunkai deniers; training for the non-physical aspects of confrontation; the order in which we should learn kata; the “two-hand” rule of bunkai; weapon defence in kata; Motobu’s place in karate history; karate styles; striking vs. grappling; home training for kyu grades; and my own personal kata practise. A pretty wide ranging podcast I’m sure you’ll agree!

I have to say that I really enjoyed putting this one together and feel that it is one of the more information dense podcasts we’ve done. The podcast is around seventy minutes long so I hope that you enjoy listening to it. I have some themed pieces ready to go so I’ll be back with another podcast very soon. Enjoy!

Please follow the link to download the podcast or to listen to it online:


Podcasts are also available on iTunes. Search "Iain Abernethy" in podcasts to find and subscribe


2 – Seven New online videos since the last email update!


Since the last email update two weeks ago, we have added seven new online videos to the website. These videos cover the following topics:

1 – “To topple a folding screen”: The 1st of Gichin Funakoshi’s nine throws

2 – An Advanced Naihanchi / Tekki-Shodan Arm-Control Flow Drill

3 – Bunkai for the “blocks” at the start of Passai / Bassai-Dai

4 – Kubi-Wa Throw as found in Kushanku / Kanku-Dai

5 – The Shoulder Throw as found in Pinan / Heian Godan (and variation)

6 – Extreme Impact 3 Part Pad-Drill: Basic

7 – Extreme Impact 3 Part Pad-Drill: Intermediate

To make things as easy as possible for newsletter subscribers who may have missed any of these new videos, I’ve added them all to the following webpage:


Simply visit the above webpage to view! I hope you enjoy them and be sure to keep an eye on the website for more videos coming very soon!

3 - Limited opportunities for 2012 UK Iain Abernethy Seminars


As most of you will know, I’ve been cutting down on the number of UK seminars in order to give me more time concentrate on private group instruction, for teaching overseas, other projects, and to spend more time with my family. A number of UK seminars have already been booked for 2012 which means that these are all dates left available for UK Seminars in the next 12 months:


Sunday the 5th of February 2012

Sunday the 4th of March 2012

Sunday the 6th of May 2012

Sunday the 27th of May 2012


As always, dates will be allotted on a first come - first served basis, so if you would like me to teach in your dojo within the next 12 months, the above dates are your only opportunities.


As always, if there are any questions on this please just drop me an email at



4 – Marc "Animal" MacYoung in UK in September


Conflict CommunicationsMarc MacYoung is a highly respected expert on conflict and violence. In August and September he will be in the UK conducting seminars on De-escalation, Martial Mechanics, and Knife Defense skills.


De-escalation Course: teaches you: the source of all conflicts and what to do about them, to recognise when someone really wants to hurt you, to defuse them, better interactions with people at work and in your personal relationships, and explaining to the police and courts what steps you took to avoid conflict and explain in a legal sense why you did what you had to do


Course Dates: September 2nd for Knife Defense Workshop, September the 3rd for De-escalation, September the 4th for Martial Mechanics –Power Generation for Martial Artists

Course Costs:
£40 for 1 day only, or £70 for both days, £20 for Knife Defense

Location: Edinburgh

Duration: 8 hours each day


Contact: for further information and bookings


Marc MacYoung’s websites: /


5 - Iain teaching in Kansas City, USA in October!


US Seminar DetailsOn the 7th to 9th of October I’ll be teaching in Missouri, USA! You can find a message from Eric Parsons (organiser) below which contains the details and you can also download the flyer and booking form via the following link or by clicking on the image to the right.

Download further details and registration form via this link:

The response has been great and I’d encourage everyone to act quickly to ensure their places and to get them at the best prices.

I’m really looking forward to getting back over to the USA and spending some time swapping ideas and sharing thoughts with all the friends I’ve made via the newsletters and the website. Should be a fun weekend! Looking forward to finally getting to meet you all in person! :-)

Details from Eric Parsons:

Hello everyone,

I'm quite excited to be hosting this seminar! It is going be a great event, and people from all over the US (and even Canada) have contacted me about it, so make sure to act quickly to reserve your space.

The official dates and times are as follows.

Friday, October 7, 6pm-8pm (Funakoshi's Nine Throws of Karate)

Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9, 9am-4pm (Topics listed below)

Weekend Topics: The Historical Development and Background of Kata; The 4 Stage Approach to Kata; The Language of Kata; How to Analyse the Movements of Kata; The Nature of Live Conflict; How to Create Effective Bunkai Drills; Karate Grappling (including throws, locks, chokes, strangles and groundwork); Bunkai-Based Flow Drills; Kata-Based-Sparring (live bunkai drills and how to make them appropriate for all levels); Bunkai / Applications from a Variety of Kata

As this is a big event that I expect to fill up quickly. Registrations made between July 2 and Sept. 7 will be made at the standard price of $120 per participant (single payment). Late registrations made after Sept. 7 will be $150 (single payment).

Payments can be made either by check (cheque) or through Paypal. Checks (cheques) should be made out to the "Karate for Life Foundation" and mailed to Eric Parsons, 1212 NE Grand Ave., Lee's Summit, MO 64086. Those interested in using Paypal can email me at and I will send them an electronic invoice for the seminar payment. I can also be reached at (816) 686-9707 to answer any questions that may arise.

I can't wait to meet and train with you all in October!

Eric Parsons

Download further details and registration form via this link:


6 - Upcoming Iain Abernethy Seminars


Below you can find details of my upcoming open seminars for the next few months. I look forward to seeing you at the next event in your part of the world! Please don't hesitate to contact me ( should you have any questions on any of the upcoming events below.


For details of all seminars (including maps):



9th of July 2011 - Dysynni Vally, Mid Wales

On Saturday the 9th of July, I’ll be teaching from 10am to 2pm as part of the Dragon Tree Martial Arts Summer Camp! Everyone is welcome to come along for either my session on the Saturday or the full weekend! After be session, training will continue with other guest instructors to 5pm. For details of all instructors and the arts covered, please contact Dave Webster (details below). I will be there for most of the day so their will be plenty of time to train and ask questions. The cost for the whole of Saturday is just £30.00! The venue will be Bro Dysynni Leisure Centre, High Street Tywyn Gwynedd, LL36 9AD. For more details please contact Dave Webster on or 07970948180. Sunday training (I will not be here for this) will be from 10am to 2pm and will cost £25.00. Training both days will cost £50.00. Those staying both days will be invited to an evening barbeque! For accommodation details please visit or contact Sandy on 07790045445.



11th of September 2011 - Glenrothes, Fife

On the 11th of September I'll be teaching an open seminar from 12pm to 4pm in the Glenrothes Martial Arts Centre, Alburnie Park, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 5RB. The centre is next to Balbirnie Fitness Centre (look for the Glenrothes Judo Club sign). The centre's website is The cost will be £25. All places need to be pre-booked. Cheques or postal orders to be made out to ‘STUART MAXWELL’ Send To: Stuart Maxwell, 25 Shotburn crescent, Leven, Fife, KY8 4DT. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE 14TH OF AUGUST 2011. You can contact Stuart Maxwell on or by calling 01592650862.



17th & 18th of September 2011 - Idar-Oberstein, Germany

Wir freuen uns, den dritten Lehrgang mit Iain Abernethy in Idar-Oberstein anbieten zu können. Thema in diesem Jahr werden die Anwendungen aus der Bassai Kata sein. Zum Abschluss jeden Tages planen wir etwa eine Stunde mit Pratzen ein (bitte eigene mitbringen). Der Lehrgang ist offen für alle Stilrichtungen und Graduierungen. Lehrgangssprache ist Englisch. Mindestalter ist 18 Jahre! Da die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist, wird um eine Anmeldung gebeten. Alle die schon einmal bei uns waren sollten beachten, dass wir in diesem Jahr in eine andere Halle umziehen mussten. Ort: Hessensteinhalle (Stadtteil Weierbach), Dorfstrasse 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein. Zeiten: Samstag, 17. September 2011 / 10:00-17:00 Uhr (dazwischen ca. 1 Stunde Mittagspause) / Sonntag, 18. September 2011 09:00-13:00 Uhr (dazwischen ca. ½ Stunde Pause). Gebühren: Ticket für Samstag 30,00 Euro / Ticket für Sonntag 20,00 Euro / Wochenendticket 40,00 Euro. Anmeldung: bis 10. September 2011 an Info: / Carsten Schmitt, Tel. 06781 / 25046. Haftung: Der Veranstalter und Ausrichter lehnt eine Haftung jeglicher Art ab. Bewirtung: Für das leibliche Wohl in der Halle ist gesorgt. Am Samstag ist ein gemeinsames Abendessen geplant. Übernachtung:

24th & 25th of September 2011 - Denmark

On the 24th and 25th of September, I will be teaching a weekend seminar in Vejle, Denmark at the invitation of Vejle Shotokan Karate-Do and Hinnerup Karate. Saturday the 24th will consist of two sessions: 11.00am – 1.30pm will cover the first part of the bunkai of Nijushiho (Neiseishi) and 2.30pm – 4.30pm will be on karate arm-bars. Training on Sunday the 25th of September will begin with the second part of bunkai of Nijushiho (Neiseishi) from 9.30am – 11.45am. The second part of the day will run from 12.30pm – 2.30pm and will look at strangles and getting into position to apply them. The address for the seminar is DGI Huset (the judo dojo below hal 1), Willy Sørensens Plads 5, 7100 Vejle, Denmark The price is DKK 250.- per day, or DKK 350.- for both days, if you sign up before the 12th of September 2011. If you sign up later than the 12th of September 2011, the price is DKK 350 per day or DKK 450 for both days. To sign up just send an email with your name, degree, and karate club information to You can pay in person on the first day of the seminar. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jean Sørensen at the above-mentioned email address. There are 50 available spots at the seminar. Once the spots are filled, registration is no longer possible. The seminar is only open to people aged 15 years or older.

7th to 9th of October 2011 – Missouri, USA


On the 7th to 9th of October I’ll be teaching in Missouri, USA! The Friday session will run from 6pm-8pm and will cover Funakoshi's Nine Karate Throws. On the Saturday and Sunday training will be from 9am-4pm and details of those sessions can before via the link below. The seminar cost for early registrants will be $100, with a $50 deposit due by July 1 and the balance ($50) due by Sept. 7.  (Or $100 up front.) Registrations made between July 2 and Sept. 7 will be made at the standard price of $120 per participant (single payment). Late registrations made after Sept. 7 will be $150 (single payment). Payments can be made either by check (cheque) or through Paypal. Checks (cheques) should be made out to the "Karate for Life Foundation" and mailed to Eric Parsons, 1212 NE Grand Ave., Lee's Summit, MO  64086.  Those interested in using Paypal can email Eric Parsons at, and he will send them an electronic invoice for the seminar payment.  Eric can also be reached at (816) 686-9707 to answer any questions that may arise. Further details and registration forms can be found here:



15th & 16th of October 2011 - Lund, Sweden

On Saturday the 15th of October and Sunday the 16th of October, I will be teaching my first ever seminar in Sweden! Training will take place at IF Lunds Karate Kyokushinkai dojo, Klosterängsvägen 15, Lund, Sweden. Training will begin at 10:00 on Saturday and will finish at 18:00 (6 hours of training with breaks). Sunday will see training run from 9:00 to 11:00. The price for the seminar (all 8 hours) is 550 SEK. Payment is preferably done to BankGiro 277-9775. Foreign participants may pay on arrival. Adults only. Sign up by emailing Markus Wall on The seminar will cover the core concepts of my approach to bunkai and practical karate so that people may take the concepts that fit with what they do and add it to their existing training. The seminar will focus on the applications of the Pinan / Heian series and show how they can be drilled and applied in reality. This will include a lot of close-range methods including close-range striking, grappling, throwing, locking, chokes, strangles, escapes, limb-control, and more. The webpage for the host group can also be found here:

30th of October 2011 - Chelmsford, Essex

This seminar will take place in Chelmsford, Essex from 12 to 4pm. The theme will be applications and drills from Kushanku / Kanku-Dai and their relationship to the methods of the Pinan / Heian series. Particular emphasis will be places on flowing to that the right methods is applied depending upon the enemy’s reactions. The venue is Newlands Spring Centre, Dickens Place, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4UU. Tickets cost £25 per person and all tickets must be purchased in advance (no “on-the-door tickets” will be available). Cheques should be made payable to “Kernow Karate club” and sent to Kernow Karate Club, 2 Abell Way, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6WU. For further details please email Paul Newman on or call Paul on 01245 460910 or

12th & 13th of November 2011 - Augsburg, Germany

Karate Dojo Zanshin Augsburg offener Karate Lehrgang mit Iain Abernethy, 6. dan am 12./13. November 2011 in Augsburg. Veranstalter: Karate Dojo Zanshin Augsburg e.V. ( Thomas Steinhauser, Haldenweg 6, 86391 Leitershofen, Tel. +49 821 24 31 994 Fax: +49821 439 79 063, E-Mail: Trainingsort: Sporthalle der TSG Augsburg-Hochzoll, Wendelsteinstraße 16a, 86163 Augsburg / Wegbeschreibung: / ÖPNV: Straßenbahnlinie 6, Haltestelle Hochzoll-Mitte oder Rudolf-Diesel-Gymnasium. Lehrgangsinhalt: Das zweitägige Seminar wird das Bunkai, Flow-Drills und die kämpferischen Konzepte der Kata Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan behandeln. Dies wird Schlagen in der Nahdistanz, Kontrolle der Arme und Beine, Clinchen, Befreiungstechniken, Hebel, Würfe und Fegetechniken, Würgetechniken, Grappling und mehr beinhalten. Es ist Iains Überzeugung, dass die Kata ein komplettes, selbständiges technisches Selbstverteidigungssystem darstellt und er wird alle Aspekte dieses Systems im Laufe des Wochenendes aufschlüsseln. Trainingszeiten: Samstag, 12. November 2011 Alle Graduierungen: 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, 13:00 - 14:45 Uhr, 15:15 – 17:00 Uhr / Sonntag, 13.November 2011 Alle Graduierungen: 09:30 - 11:00 Uhr, 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr. Lehrgangsgebühr: € 50.-- für beide Tage (€ 35.-- nur Samstag, € 20.-- nur Sonntag). Bewirtung: Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt. Anmeldung/Info: Stefan Maier,, Tel.: 08231/33011 Iain Abernethy legt besonderen Wert auf persönlichen Kontakt zu allen Teilnehmern; daher ist die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt. Eine Anmeldung wird deshalb empfohlen. Lehrgangssprache ist Englisch. Teilnahme ist ab 18 Jahren möglich. Übernachtung: In der Halle leider nicht möglich. Fremdenverkehrsamt Augsburg Tel.: 0821 / 50 20 70, Jugendherberge Tel.: 0821 / 3 39 09 Haftung: Der Veranstalter übernimmt keinerlei Haftung


20th of November 2011 – Swindon


On the 20th of November I will be teaching in Swindon. This seminar will cover advanced applications and drills from the Pinan / Heian series. Many of these drills have not appeared in the books and DVDs and have also not been taught at previous seminars. The seminar will run from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and will be held at St Joseph’s Catholic College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, SN3 3LR. For further details and to book your place, please contact Andi Kidd at You can also call Andi Kidd on 07818417181. The cost of the seminar is £25 (full amount or a £15 deposit secures your place). Cheques should be made payable to “Andi Kidd” and sent to Andi Kidd, 15 Dulverton Ave, Park North, Swindon, SN3 2NT. Places are limited so please be sure to contact Andi as soon as possible.



27th of November 2011 – Golborne, Nr Warrington


On the 27thof November I’ll be teaching two open sessions at the Ryu-Do Karate & Fitness Academy! The first session will run from 12pm to 2pm and will cover the key principles of kata bunkai. The second session will run from 2:15pm to 4:15pm and will cover advanced training concepts and bunkai drills. Both sessions are open to adults of all grades and styles. The fee is £20 for one session and £35 for both sessions. Places are limited and the closing date for entries is the 20th November. To book a place you must send a deposit £15.00 (balance to be paid on the day) to Brian Bentham, 55 Cottesmore Way, Golborne, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 3XJ. Brian can be contacted via and 07736 741 332. The venue of the sessions is Ryu-Do Karate & Fitness Academy, Unit 16b, Millingford Industrial Estate, Bridge Street, Golborne, Nr Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 3QE



3rd & 4th of December 2011 - Norway

On the 3rd and 4th of December 2011 I'll be teaching for a weekend in the Norway which is being organised by Lars-Christian Stig ( The details will be finalised very soon and I'll be sure to pass them on as soon as they are. It's been a few years since I was last in Norway and I'm really looking forward to returning!



29th of January 2012 – Ayr, Scotland

On the 29th of January, I'll be teaching an open seminar hosted by the Musashi Karate Club. The seminar will run from 11am to 3pm and will be held in Alloway Primary School, Doonholm Road,Ayr, KA7 4QQ. The seminar will cost £25 per person and is open to all grades. Cheques (payable to Musashi Karate Club in advance to secure place) are to be sent to the following address: Jamie Gray, 29 Highpark Road, Coylton, KA6 6QL. For further details and to book your place, please contact Jamie Gray on or 01292 571824 (evenings & weekends). 

19th of February 2012 – Presteigne, Powys

On Sunday the 19th of February I’ll be teaching an open seminar in Presteigne, Powys. The seminar will cost £25 and will run from 11am to 3pm in East Radnor Leisure Centre, Broadaxe Lane, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2YT. Cheques (payable to “Lee Taylor”) to be sent to Lee Taylor, Shushokan Karate Clubs, 9 Kings Court, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2AJ. Lee can be contacted on 07976914617 and Website:

17th and 18th of March 2012 – Brugge, Belgium

On the 17th and 18th of March 2012 I’ll be teaching some open seminars in Belgium! The seminars will cover key bunkai principles, drills and training methods related to a variety of kata. The seminars are open to all styles. Training will take place in B.L.O.S.O Julien Saelens, Nijverheidstraat 112, 8310 Assebroek – Brugge, Belgium. Training on Saturday the 17th of March will be split into two sessions 10:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 15:00. Training on Sunday the 18th of March will run from 10:00 to 12:00. The cost is 20 Euro per session, 35 Euro for Two sessions, and 50 Euro for all sessions. Preference will be given to participants having registered through email so to ensure your place you need to contact Jason Verhaeghe in advance to the event. Places can not be guaranteed for those who make no prior contact. You can contact Jason Verhaeghe (organiser) at or via phone on +32 473 915 575


Details of Iain Abernethy’s upcoming seminars can be found on the News Page of To organise a seminar for your club, write to or call 01900829406.


For details of all seminars (including maps):



7 - Closed group in-depth training opportunities


This year has seen me working in private sessions with groups of dedicated individuals who want in-depth and detailed instruction in kata bunkai and pragmatic karate. I have found teaching such groups to be hugely satisfying as it’s nice to see people progress over the weeks and months. In 2012, I intend to work with a couple of closed-door groups to provide highly detailed, complete instruction in the applications and drills for dedicated kata in a way that is not possible in any other format.

The plan at the moment is to run two in-depth groups: one covering Tekki / Naihanchi and one covering Kushanku / Kanku-Dai. As well as covering those kata as the complete fighting systems they are, it will also be possible to cover the introductory instructor side of things with suitable people within these closed door groups. Places will be limited to just 10 people in each group. If you feel this could be of potential interest to you, please keep and eye on these newsletters for more details later in the year.


8 - "Breaking the Chains: An Analysis of the 1st of Choki Motobu's Two-Man Kumite Drills"

by Stewart Squire


An interesting new article has recently been added to the guest writer’s section of the website. It’s an analysis of the first of Motobu’s two person drills by Stewart Squire


Breaking the Chains:  An Analysis of the 1st of Choki Motobu’s Two-Man Kumite Drills by Stewart Squire


In the annuls of Okinawan Karate there are many great names that left their mark on the traditions and legends bound within our nightly practise of this fighting art. A history which stretches further back than the annexation of the Ryukyu Kingdom into Japanese hands, Karate long served the defensive needs of the indigenous population, post annexation this combative method migrated north and evolved into something new.


In its new form the art would be used to inspire and prepare young men to carry out their duty for Emperor and Empire within the Japanese War Machine. During its transmission a number of notable masters and personalities migrated from Okinawa to Japan, particularly to Osaka and Tokyo to teach the willing student body.


Men such as Funakoshi Gichen, Mubuni Kenwa, Miyagi Chojun and Uechi Kanbun all made their impact which is still celebrated today as notable branches of the Karate family. However one man in particular holds pride of place for “practical” minded Karate-ka, a man who in his own way collaborated in the forming of what we know as “Karate-do” but retained in his own teaching an “old” and “practical” vision of the art …


Article continued here:



9 - New Neil Pottinger DVD:

Kata Bunkai & Theory: Pinan Kata Bunkai, Muchimi & Balance Points


New Neil Pottinger Bunkai DVDMy aim was to challenge myself with a Jissen Karate 4th Dan. I aspired to pursue ‘the best’, a realistic challenge under the examination of Sensei Iain Abernethy 6th Dan.

For me the term ‘’Jissen’’ means more than only ‘realistic fighting’, it can mean realistic self challenging within all areas and attributes within the pursuit of the application and perfection of karate as a whole.

This project without doubt fulfilled and stretched me beyond what I believed to be the limits of my capabilities.

I now wish to share the DVD and E-book production which was the primary part of my project.

The work covers two main concepts which I address in depth, the first being ‘Balance point Theory’ covered within personal Bunkai examples from the Pinan series, and the second being the sticking concept of ‘Muchimi’. Rather than dissecting an existing Kata to find my ideas and applications, For this concept I developed a personal Kata which I recorded all drills and sequences which I express within a methodical and structured way. My interest and what became a fun challenge was to conceal certain alternative options, and back ups in a clever way throughout the Kata. It is clear that the past masters also did this in their historical creations.

To order a DVD copy by Paypal go to my website,
DVD Cost - £24.99

P&P - UK Free

Europe- £1.50

Worldwide - £2.50

Alternatively pay by Cheque or Postal Order made payable to:

Jissen Budokai, C/O Neil Pottinger, Annslea, Bridge End, Shetland, ZE2 9LE

On the DVD I refer to an accompanying technical paper. Within this package of written work there are papers associated with the Kata ‘Muchimi’, and the Pinans Bunkai. Bonus work included is a personal biography of my years in Karate on route to this level, and also a copy of the syllabus worked on the grading day.

Upon request this E-book is available free of charge consisting of the following,

: Introduction.

: Personal Biography.

: DVD Accompanying Technical Paper.

: DVD Pinans Bunkai Sequences.

: Kata ‘Muchimi’, Solo Sequences.

: Kata ‘Muchimi’, Six Sequence Bunkai.

: 4th Dan Syllabus.

To receive your free copy,



Call 07808 97 5083 / 01595 859 326


“Neil Pottinger has a superb understanding of Kata and how it should be applied in real conflict. This professionally filmed DVD is one that all Karateka should own and spend time studying. The applications are highly functional, the demonstrations are very impressive, and the explanations very thorough. The DVD is also information dense and not only contains some superb Bunkai for the Pinan / Heian series but also bonus instruction on Neil’s Muchimi drills (and the associated Kata). And not only that! You can also receive an E book of the written work that supports the DVD and tells you all about Neil’s journey through the martial arts. Great content and great value!” Iain Abernethy 6th Dan.

“Neil is a very committed and dedicated instructor, with a strong determination and passion for karate. I am privileged to be one of the first to have the opportunity to study Neil’s 4thDan project. I have trained with him a few times, and can truly say that this project sums him up to a tee. The work is veryprofessional, with complete attention to detail and a passion for karate that spills out from every page. I have picked it up and re-picked it up, and when I read the biography I could not put it down until I had finished. In my humble opinion this project for a 4th Dan was excellent. As I have said to Iain in the past, there are many karatekathat have so much to give which they do for little or no reward. I feel honoured to have trained with Neil to be on the receiving end. This is one for the true traditional karateka”Michael Smith 1stdan Kernow Karate club, Essex.

“This DVD is outstanding work. I am really impressed! The drills are easy to understand and utilize. It is an excellent combination of explanation, technique, application, and linkage to Kata. This is a great benefit for traditionalists. Neil does a very good job of explaining how each of the drills works as well as how one might (or might not) utilize each application in a self-defence situation.” – Jamie Gray, Chief Instructor of Musashi Karate

“Neil’s DVD addresses important and indeed vital aspects of Kata Bunkai and original work. He begins by exploring balance point theory with particular reference to the hip, leg and arm. He then continues to clearly demonstrate Muchimi kata which he created specifically for this project. This kata is exemplified by dividing it into six individual bunkai/aspects. These are all closely analysed and relevance and continuity are emphasized. This approach thoroughly and credibly exposes its depth, application and originality. As well as original work we are invited to observe opening applications for all of the Pinans. These are professionally executed and detailed explanations are offered. I feel that special attention should be given to the powerful semi-live drills section which might sometimes be viewed as a little chaotic but reasonably reflects what might happen, in reality, on the street.” – Charles Jones. Wado Karate. 1st. Dan

“I am more than happy to highly recommend this work. This is a fascinating study, not only of how a 4th Dan project evolved into a new Kata but also into a DVD with an accompanying Ebook.

The main topic of the 4th Dan project is Muchimi Kata, with clear step by step instructions and practical Bunkai drills could easily pass off as an ancient Kata, which like Tekki / Naifanchi has a very deep meaning with many Bunkai applications both in the form of Do and Jutsu.

Neil then goes on to write a biography of the trials and tribulations of his struggle and commitment to get the best out of life and the way of martial arts within Karate.

Neil is very passionate about Karate Jutsu, it is always an honour and a pleasure to train with him therefore I have no hesitation in recommending him for seminars and courses on the Kata Muchimi and principles.”
– Steve Gordon 1st Dan Satori Shito Ryu.



10 - Chris Denwood Book Update


Chris Denwood BookA BIG 'thank you' to Iain subscribers!

Since news went out to you all last month about the release of my new book, I noticed that the number of sales went up significantly! So, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your kind support and such fantastic feedback. In fact, I can't thank you all enough - It really warms my heart to know that so many people out there are enjoying the book and finding it a welcome contribution to their martial arts library :-)

Best wishes,


Respecting the Old, Creating the New:

"A collection of lessons, thoughts and beliefs on the analysis of traditional karate for self-protection and personal growth"

British karate teacher Chris Denwood presents a collection of his articles and short philosophical thoughts on the analysis of traditional karate for civilian self-protection and personal growth. Heavily illustrated with over 230 pictures, covered in this book are thought-provoking sections on history, kata bunkai (analysis),training methods, theoretical study, pragmatic application, overarching concepts, as well as some of the author's personal insights, experiences and stories.

Now available from:

Lulu >>

Amazon >>

If you would like a limited signed copy >>

Iain has suggested that I also list a few of the comments received so far from emails and online reviews etc...

"Chris is an awe inspiring martial artist, his passion for karate is second to none and this passion is clearly demonstrated through this work"

"After reading this book from cover to cover, I immediately started it

"A book worth its weight in gold!"

"An excellent first book and hopefully the first in a whole series by this author"

"This is one of those books I'll keep coming back to time after time"

"The wealth and depth of information in this book is just mindblowing - full of those 'insight moments' when a sudden realization dawns on the reader"

"Well written and easy to understand - these combine to make this book very approachable!"

"I'd like to congratulate Chris on such a fantastic first book. Great
content, excellent presentation and hard to put down. I have no doubt that this will become essential reading for martial artists all over!"

"Highly recommended and I think, seriously underpriced!"

"WOW...enough said!"



11 - Iain Abernethy Articles en FrancaisIain Abernethy Articles En Francais


On the following webpage you can find PDFs of French translations of a number of my articles! I’m extremely grateful to Karim Benakli who kindly did all of these translations. I hope that they are useful to all French speaking subscribers to these newsletters. There are a few more translations to add, so please bookmark the page and share the link with those who will find these translations of value. Please feel free to share these articles / files with any French speaking colleagues who you feel may enjoy them!


12 - Iain Abernethy Instructor's Courses (express your interest)


It’s been a few years now since I last ran an introductory instructors’ course. Demand has been quite high and hence I’m looking to finally run one early next year. I’m letting everyone know now because places will be limited and hence I need to make an interested persons list as soon as possible. To be eligible for the course you need to fulfil the following criteria:

All participants must hold a dan grade.
All participants must be a certified instructor with their governing body
All participants must have teaching experience and be actively teaching others
All participants must be over 18 years
All participants must be in good health and have valid insurance
All participants must have had sufficient exposure to Iain's methods (i.e. a regular at the seminars etc)

If you meet the criteria, and would like to do the course, please send me an email ( and I’ll keep you in the loop as things progress.

Note: If you are training under one of the small number of instructors to complete the FULL instructor’s course, please contact them about this. Because they will be able to help you prepare, I’m planning a special “fast track” course for the students of existing full instructors later in the year.


13 – Seminar in Idar-Oberstein, Germany


Details in German:


Bunkai Jutsu Seminar mit Iain Abernethy


Wir freuen uns, den dritten Lehrgang mit Iain Abernethy in Idar-Oberstein anbieten zu können. Thema in diesem Jahr werden die Anwendungen aus der Bassai Kata sein.  Zum Abschluss jeden Tages planen wir etwa eine Stunde mit Pratzen ein (bitte eigene mitbringen). Der Lehrgang ist offen für alle Stilrichtungen und Graduierungen. Lehrgangssprache ist Englisch. Mindestalter ist 18 Jahre! Da die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist, wird um eine Anmeldung gebeten. Alle die schon einmal bei uns waren sollten beachten, dass wir in diesem Jahr in eine andere Halle umziehen mussten.


Ort: Hessensteinhalle (Stadtteil Weierbach), Dorfstrasse 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein


Zeiten: Samstag, 17. September 2011 / 10:00-17:00 Uhr (dazwischen ca. 1 Stunde Mittagspause) / Sonntag, 18. September 2011 09:00-13:00 Uhr (dazwischen ca. ½ Stunde Pause)


Gebühren: Ticket für Samstag 30,00 Euro / Ticket für Sonntag 20,00 Euro / Wochenendticket 40,00 Euro


Anmeldung: bis 10. September 2011 an
Info: / Carsten Schmitt, Tel. 06781 / 25046
Haftung: Der Veranstalter und Ausrichter lehnt eine Haftung jeglicher Art ab.
Bewirtung: Für das leibliche Wohl in der Halle ist gesorgt. Am Samstag ist ein gemeinsames Abendessen geplant.


Details in English:


Bunkai Jutsu Seminar with Iain Abernethy


We are pleased to offer the third seminar with Iain Abernethy in Idar-Oberstein. Main topic in this year will be the applications from the Bassai kata. At the end of each day we have planned approximately one hour of pad work (please bring your own pads). The seminar is open for all styles and grades. Language is English. Participants should be 18 or older. Since the number of participants is limited please register upfront. For all who have been with us before please note that we had to change the location this year.


Location: Hessensteinhalle (Weierbach), Dorfstrasse 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein


Schedule: Saturday, September 17th, 2011 / 10:00-17:00 (approx. 1 hour lunch break) / Sunday, September 18th, 2011 / 09:00-13:00 (approx. ½ hour lunch break)


Fees: Ticket for Saturday 30,00 Euro / Ticket for Sunday 20,00 Euro / Weekend ticket 40,00 Euro
Registration: till September 10th, 2011 to
Info: http://www.karate-idar-oberstein.d  /  Carsten Schmitt, Tel. +49-6781-25046
Liability: No liability for any damage or injuries will be accepted.
Catering: Snacks and drinks can be purchased all day. A dinner is planned on Saturday evening.


14 – Seminar in Lund, Sweden


On Saturday the 15th of October and Sunday the 16th of October, I will be teaching my first ever seminar in Sweden! Training will take place at IF Lunds Karate Kyokushinkai dojo, Klosterängsvägen 15, Lund, Sweden. Training will begin at 10:00 on Saturday and will finish at 18:00 (6 hours of training with breaks). Sunday will see training run from 9:00 to 11:00.

The price for the seminar (all 8 hours) is 550 SEK. Payment is preferably done to BankGiro 277-9775. Foreign participants may pay on arrival. Adults only. Sign up by emailing Markus Wall on

The seminar will cover the core concepts of my approach to bunkai and practical karate so that people may take the concepts that fit with what they do and add it to their existing training.

The seminar will focus on the applications of the Pinan / Heian series and show how they can be drilled and applied in reality. This will include a lot of close-range methods including close-range striking, grappling, throwing, locking, chokes, strangles, escapes, limb-control, and more.

The webpage for the host group can also be found here:


15 - Seminar in Denmark


On the 24th and 25th of September, I will be teaching a weekend seminar in Vejle, Denmark at the invitation of Vejle Shotokan Karate-Do and Hinnerup Karate. Saturday the 24th will consist of two sessions: 11.00am – 1.30pm will cover the first part of the bunkai of Nijushiho (Neiseishi) and 2.30pm – 4.30pm will be on karate arm-bars.

Training on Sunday the 25th of September will begin with the second part of bunkai of Nijushiho (Neiseishi) from 9.30am – 11.45am. The second part of the day will run from 12.30pm – 2.30pm and will look at strangles and getting into position to apply them.

The address for the seminar is DGI Huset (the judo dojo below hal 1), Willy Sørensens Plads 5, 7100 Vejle, Denmark The price is DKK 250.- per day, or DKK 350.- for both days, if you sign up before the 12th of September 2011. If you sign up later than the 12th of September 2011, the price is DKK 350 per day or DKK 450 for both days. To sign up just send an email with your name, degree, and karate club information to

You can pay in person on the first day of the seminar. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jean Sørensen at the above-mentioned email address. There are 50 available spots at the seminar. Once the spots are filled, registration is no longer possible. The seminar is only open to people aged 15 years or older.


16 – Seminar in Augsburg, Germany


Karate Dojo Zanshin Augsburg offener Karate Lehrgang mit Iain Abernethy, 6. dan am 12./13. November 2011 in Augsburg


Veranstalter: Karate Dojo Zanshin Augsburg e.V. ( Thomas Steinhauser, Haldenweg 6, 86391 Leitershofen, Tel. +49 821 24 31 994 Fax: +49821 439 79 063, E-Mail:
Trainingsort: Sporthalle der TSG Augsburg-Hochzoll, Wendelsteinstraße 16a, 86163 Augsburg / Wegbeschreibung: / ÖPNV: Straßenbahnlinie 6, Haltestelle Hochzoll-Mitte oder Rudolf-Diesel-Gymnasium
Lehrgangsinhalt: Das zweitägige Seminar wird das Bunkai, Flow-Drills und die kämpferischen Konzepte der Kata Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan behandeln. Dies wird Schlagen in der Nahdistanz, Kontrolle der Arme und Beine, Clinchen, Befreiungstechniken, Hebel, Würfe und Fegetechniken, Würgetechniken, Grappling und mehr beinhalten. Es ist Iains Überzeugung, dass die Kata ein komplettes, selbständiges technisches Selbstverteidigungssystem darstellt und er wird alle Aspekte dieses Systems im Laufe des Wochenendes aufschlüsseln.
Samstag, 12. November 2011 Alle Graduierungen: 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, 13:00 - 14:45 Uhr, 15:15 – 17:00 Uhr / Sonntag, 13.November 2011 Alle Graduierungen: 09:30 - 11:00 Uhr, 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Lehrgangsgebühr: € 50.-- für beide Tage (€ 35.-- nur Samstag, € 20.-- nur Sonntag) 
Bewirtung: Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt
Anmeldung/Info: Stefan Maier,, Tel.: 08231/33011 Iain Abernethy legt besonderen Wert auf persönlichen Kontakt zu allen Teilnehmern; daher ist die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt. Eine Anmeldung wird deshalb empfohlen. Lehrgangssprache ist Englisch. Teilnahme ist ab 18 Jahren möglich.
Übernachtung: In der Halle leider nicht möglich. Fremdenverkehrsamt Augsburg Tel.: 0821 / 50 20 70, Jugendherberge Tel.: 0821 / 3 39 09
Haftung: Der Veranstalter übernimmt keinerlei Haftung

Details in English
Karate Seminar in Augsburg with Iain Abernethy, 6.DAN British Combat Association
Date: Saturday/Sunday, November, 12/13, 2011 
Host: Karate Dojo Zanshin Augsburg e.V., Thomas Steinhauser, Haldenweg 6, 86391 Leitershofen, phone: +49 821 24 31 994, fax: +49821 439 79 063, e-mail:
Location: Gym of TSG Augsburg-Hochzoll, Wendelsteinstraße 16a, 86163 Augsburg; Location plan:
Contents: This two day seminar will cover the bunkai, flow-drills & combative concepts of Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan kata. This will include close-range striking, controlling limbs, clinching, escaping, joint-locks, takedowns, chokes, strangles, grappling and more. It is Iain’s belief that the kata represents a complete, stand-alone physical self-protection system and he will be breaking down all aspects of this system over the weekend.
Sessions: Saturday, November, 12, 2011: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 14:45, 15:15 – 17:00 / Sunday, November, 13, 2011 09:30 - 11:00, 11:30 - 13:00
Cost: € 50.— Saturday + Sunday (€ 35.— Saturday only, € 20.— Sunday only) 
Catering: Snacks and soft drinks will be offered
Registration/Info: Stefan Maier,, phone: +49 8231 33011, Places are limited (60 people), so please sign up to secure your place. Please notice that you have to be at least 18 years old.
Overnight Stay: Not possible in the gym. Tourist Information Augsburg, phone: +49 821 50 20 70, Youth Hostel, phone: +49 821 339 09



17 - Seminar in Norway


On the 3rd and 4th of December 2011 I'll be teaching for a weekend in the Norway which is being organised by Lars-Christian Stig ( The details will be finalised very soon and I'll be sure to pass them on as soon as they are. It's been a few years since I was last in Norway and I'm really looking forward to returning!


18 - Kevin O’Hagan Weapons Seminar this weekend!


Message from Jake O’Hagan:

Seminar with Combat jujutsu master, Kevin O’Hagan 7th Dan. Learn the devastating unarmed combat techniques of Kevin’s jujutsu system to defend against street weapons. These techniques are fast, hard and brutally uncompromising to deal with a life threatening attack.

Combat jujutsu will combine ballistic striking, joint breaks, takedowns, chokes, ground finishers and the combat mindset to take out a weapon wielding assailant.

Defences against;

• Blunt weapons (cosh, baseball bats, hammers)
• Edged weapons (knives, bottles, hatchets)
• Flexible weapons (chains, garrottes)



COST £25.00P or with Close encounters DVD £35.00p

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn these hard to find close quarter combat techniques from one of the UK’s top reality based Martial artist. As always Kevin will deliver the goods, holding nothing back to give you the best of instruction.

To book your places contact Jake O’Hagan at or phone 07789865284. Also check out Face book events.


19 – The British Combat Karate Association


British Combat Karate AssociationPlease follow the link below for information on Peter Consterdine’s & Geoff Thompson’s British Combat Karate Association. The information pack and application form have also been uploaded to my website and they can be downloaded from the following page:


The BCA (British Combat Association) has undoubtedly had a bigger impact on UK martial arts than any other body and I’m really excited about the positive effects I see the British Combat Karate Association having. I strongly feel the British karate scene needs an organisation like this and I’m sure it will be of interest to many of you.

Please check out the downloads and the information below and if you have any questions Peter will be only to happy to answer them. He can be reached at or by phone on 01924266016 or 07831576509. You can also write to the BCKA at BCKA, 12b Wellgate, Ossett, Wakefield, WF5 8NS.

Find more Information here:



That’s all folks! If you’ve any comments or suggestions relating to the website or these newsletters, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line:


All the best,


Iain Abernethy




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24 Hour Order Hotline (Overseas): +441900829406