Subject: January Updates

Greetings to you all in 2023!

We’re off and running this January, and the leadership team under Major Boulden is doing a great job in keeping the organization running smoothly and making sure you as alumni are in the loop. As yet another reminder (this time from me), we’d welcome your attendance at this year’s reunion January 27-29, 2023 to reunite and encourage one another in the Lord. All the details are on our website:

I also want to encourage you to consider attending a Conquer Series Retreat weekend in 2023; either here in Texas on our campus, or our host location in Waynesburg, PA. Official dates have not been set due to a number of responsibilities I have outside of ALERT right now, but we’re hoping to do our first one in late March here in Big Sandy, Lord willing.

For those of you not familiar with the Conquer Series, it is a ten part video presentation that deals with understanding the addictive nature of pornography, and steps to take in getting free from its claws. Each video is about 45 minutes long followed by discussion and additional insights. It is ideal for both singles and married guys, and it is also a great way to begin a dialogue with your son on this subject if you're struggling on how to approach it.

I recently saw an article in the news where the reported average age of a young man being introduced to pornography is now twelve. Frankly, I believe it's even sooner. We cannot sit back in a defensive posture and hope it does not enter our family’s world. I would say 95% of all guys attending the academy here have either been involved in it or are just now beginning to take steps to freedom. We show the Conquer Series in Basic Training, and it generally receives rave reviews regarding the impact and understanding it has given these young guys. If you think you’d like to attend our next weekend retreat, please email me immediately at to be put on a contact list, or call me for more details at 903-714-3481. I am hoping to have a date for this first one established by the first week in February.

Secondly, we expanded our horizons a bit and held a Sacred Marriage Retreat last October for nine couples, and it was a special blessing and encouragement to all of us. The video series is taken from the Gary Thomas book “Sacred Marriage” and is put together in a beautiful way that puts you at ease and generates great group discussions as well as special break-out times for interaction as couples. I think you’d find the material excellent, and your time and money well spent. Both the Conquer Series Retreat and the Sacred Marriage Retreat are very affordable and manageable for your schedules. We’re hoping to hold this couples retreat sometime this spring as well. It is a relaxing weekend and a great getaway for you and your spouse. Call me for more information on this as well. I will let you know if there is enough interest to schedule one.

Finally, on a different vein, we regularly received requests for help, both long term and short term, from various individuals and businesses. Jacob Montgomerby, Unit 62, is looking for help from the middle of March until the middle of August this year hanging sheetrock and possibly some occasional farm work. The location is in Missouri, and answers to wages and accommodation questions are available by contacting him at 573-820-118.

Blessings to all of you, and I hope to hear back from you soon regarding the various retreat opportunities!

Colonel Marv Behr

ALERT Commanding Officer, Retired

Cell: 903-714-3481