Subject: The Results Are In - And We Can't Wait To Share Them With You on January 28

Dear Church, 

In November, we came together as a community to complete the Holy Cow Survey with guidance from the Pittsburgh Presbytery. This survey is a great tool to help congregations understand where they are at, and what vision is most appropriate for moving forward. 

This was an important day for our community and - as usual - Hot Metal showed up. Leadership was blown away by the attendance on Survey Sunday, and we were thrilled with the amount and quality of the responses we received. It was another reminder that Hot Metal shows up when it matters most. 

Now, we are thrilled to announce that the results are in! Last Monday, council met with Brian Wallace from the Pittsburgh Presbytery to review the survey results. We were excited to work with Brian to discuss the data, including patterns and trends in our congregation, what values guide us the most, what themes are most important to us, and where we should focus on putting our time and energy. The results were fascinating, and we can't wait to share them with you! 

On Sunday, January 28, Brian Wallace will be in attendance at our service to share the results with the community. He'll provide a thorough overview and update about the survey results, and what those results mean for our community. We will also plan to have updates from council and finance that day as to the "state of our community." Finally, the wonderful Joni Watson has agreed to have a meal for us after service so we can sit and talk, be with one another, and belong (spoiler alert: one theme that matters most to our community is "belonging." No surprise there!) 

Once again, this is an important day in the life of our community and we hope you can join us! 

We hope to see you at Update Sunday on January 28! 

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