Subject: The Bike-A-Thon is next week!

Dear Hot Metal Community,

This Sunday, we'll continue in the narrative story of Genesis, getting into the nitty gritty of sibling and family dynamics as we turn towards the relationship of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:19-34). Maybe because I'm preparing to add a sibling to our family soon, I'm fascinated with their dynamic, and how we can learn about how to better relate to our siblings in Christ. 

Through the arc of their relationship, both Jacob and Esau give into short-sighted, selfish behavior, and make lots of assumptions about the finitude of God's love and blessings. Eventually, they grow into an understanding of mutual care and the expansiveness of God's work in the world. As we read and ponder their story, what lessons can we take that will help us deal generously with one another? What do we need to do to remember that God's love is not just for us as a thing to be hoarded, but is for all and needs to be shared? 

Looking forward to being with you all on Sunday! 


Pastor Erin

Hot Metal's Bike-a-Thon!

We are having a Bike-a-thon on July 23rd! Get your informational letter, sponsorship form, and waiver to sign, a bike (or scooter, or stroller, or roller skates, etc.) and HELMET and we'll see you at 5:30pm July 23rd! (Rain date July 30th).

Beyonce cancelled her concert :( But she's still a Church Girl and wants you to donate! 

Due to Beyonce cancelling her Pittsburgh concert, we will not be holding a raffle. If you have already given and would like a refund, please contact to arrange that. HOWEVER, we know you weren't *just* giving for concert tickets, so you can still donate to the cause! All gifts go to making sure we can continue to love, feed, and affirm all of God's children! 

Go to and select "Bike-a-thon Fundraiser" in the drop down menu! You can also send us a check with "Bike-a-thon" in the memo line.

Sanctuary: Art + Honors 

 - SPONSORS WELCOME: If you or an organization or company you know believe that everyone is worthy of love, respect, and safety, we invite you to support a celebration of safe spaces through the work of LGBTQIA+ artists. The need for places of refuge only grows as queer individuals and families are increasingly targeted by culture-wars.

With your organization by our side at this upcoming event, we are sure to make a bold statement that Pittsburgh is brimming with sanctuaries dedicated to the safety of LGBTQIA+ people. CLICK HERE for more information - 

- CALL FOR ARTISTS - OPEN JUNE 15 - SANCTUARY invites visual artists in the LGBTQIA+ community (including allies!) to submit 1-3 pieces of work for a week-long exhibition at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community in celebration of sanctuary spaces in Pittsburgh and beyond. CLICK HERE for more information - 

The Calling for the Repair & Reconciliation Alliance and its Support Teams

The Executive Committee of the Pittsburgh Presbytery at their May 2, 2023 meeting approved the following charge to be given to the newly-created Repair & Reconciliation Alliance in support of the Black Presbyterian Churches:

  • to engage in a thorough review of the experience of these congregations through history and

  • to offer recommendations on actions of repair and reconciliation

This charge is given so that the Pittsburgh Presbytery may become a more harmonious, joyful, and just community within the Body of Christ.  The Alliance is expected to report regularly on its progress to the Executive Committee, completing its work within two years.  

Three informational gatherings will be held in July for any member of Presbytery who has questions, comments and a desire to learn more about the Alliance and the work of the Support Teams.  On the application form there is an opportunity to register for any of the gatherings, or contact  

  • Thursday, July 13, 7:00 PM via Zoom

  • Sunday, July 23, 3:00 PM at the Presbytery

  • Wednesday, July 26, 9:00 AM via Zoom

Link to the application:

Email Pastor Erin or Darlene Rushing for more information. 

Help at the Table

Thanks to the Buceys and friends for volunteering to take August 10th for the Table! Here are the other open dates we need help with in August! 

August 3, 15, 17, 22, 31

Email Pastor Erin or LaChan to volunteer! 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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