Subject: Donate to the Bike-a-Thon!

Dear Hot Metal Community,

This week we'll return to the narrative of Genesis, specifically when Abraham's servant is sent out to find a wife for Isaac. Such stories steeped in a cultural context so vastly different from our own can sometimes feel inapplicable and therefore unimportant. 

But when I read this story, of the servant finding Rebekah at a well, I find incredible inspiration. Here is a servant sent on a task to ensure that God's promise of "generations" of offspring will be preserved - no pressure. And this unnamed servant trusts that God will lead and point to the right person, and not just any person, but one who is compassionate and caring. He asks God for the right woman to be one not only to offer him water, but also his camels (anyone else hear echoes from the Gospel last week?!). 

Rebekah turns out to be that compassionate and hospitable one. AND she is given the opportunity to claim this new life for herself! She is given the chance to demonstrate her own trust in God by choosing to go with the servant to an unknown land to marry an unknown husband. She simultaneously takes control of her path, while also releasing control to God's direction. 

We'll gather together on Sunday and think about how the servant and Rebekah are examples for us in our own discernment. How can we too trust that God will lead and point us in a way that fulfills God's promises? I hope you will be there to dream and discern with us!


Pastor Erin

Hot Metal's Bike-a-Thon!

We are having a Bike-a-thon on July 23rd! Get your informational letter, sponsorship form, and waiver to sign, a bike (or scooter, or stroller, or roller skates, etc.) and HELMET and we'll see you at 5:30pm July 23rd! (Rain date July 30th).

Beyonce cancelled her concert :( But she's still a Church Girl and wants you to donate! 

Due to Beyonce cancelling her Pittsburgh concert, we will not be holding a raffle. If you have already given and would like a refund, please contact to arrange that. HOWEVER, we know you weren't *just* giving for concert tickets, so you can still donate to the cause! All gifts go to making sure we can continue to love, feed, and affirm all of God's children! 

Go to and select "Bike-a-thon Fundraiser" in the drop down menu! You can also send us a check with "Bike-a-thon" in the memo line.

Sanctuary: Art + Honors 

 - SPONSORS WELCOME: If you or an organization or company you know believe that everyone is worthy of love, respect, and safety, we invite you to support a celebration of safe spaces through the work of LGBTQIA+ artists. The need for places of refuge only grows as queer individuals and families are increasingly targeted by culture-wars.

With your organization by our side at this upcoming event, we are sure to make a bold statement that Pittsburgh is brimming with sanctuaries dedicated to the safety of LGBTQIA+ people. CLICK HERE for more information - 

- CALL FOR ARTISTS - OPEN JUNE 15 - SANCTUARY invites visual artists in the LGBTQIA+ community (including allies!) to submit 1-3 pieces of work for a week-long exhibition at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community in celebration of sanctuary spaces in Pittsburgh and beyond. CLICK HERE for more information - 


Due to low sign-ups, we've cancelled VBS this year. Thanks to those who did sign up, or expressed their support but regrets for not being able to come! We'll find other ways to gather and learn together! 

Help at the Table Needed this Summer!

We have open dates for meal prep at the Table this summer! If you are able to volunteer or prepare a meal ahead of time to be served by others, we'd appreciate your help!

Reach out to Pastor Erin to schedule a time to help out, or if you have questions! We'd especially love some help in August!


1 New Community Church


8 Crafton Heights





24 Bonfire Grill/Food for Good

29 Union Presbyterian



5 New Community Church

7 Southminster Pres

12 Crafton Heights

14 OPEN (Take-Out Only for HMBFC Art Show) 

19 Bower Hill (Take-Out Only for HMBFC Art Show) 

21 OPEN (Take-Out Only for HMBFC Art Show) 

26 Union Presbyterian

28 Bonfire Grill/Food For Good 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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