Subject: Spiritual Formation Kit for October 15

  HMBFC ____
Spiritual Formation Kit
DIY Bible study

This particular set of questions are rather personal and meant to be engaged in a reflective manner. You are encouraged to either journal about the questions that are offered or find one or two others who would be willing to engage with you in conversation over these questions.  Your spouse, a close friend, your barista, anyone really...take time to reflect with someone about their own inner landscape and understanding of what it means to have peace.
Frame your time together with prayer.
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals
Follow this link to center your hearts and minds with silence, the responsive prayers, and/or music. Read and discuss this week's passage below instead of the passages suggested by Common Prayer. After discussing the passage with the questions below, close your time with prayer for each other and the benediction.
This week's texts
Click to read the passage from the Letters

Reflection Questions
Guide discussion with these questions or ask your own.
How would you describe your inner landscape currently?  Anxious? At peace? Restless? Depressed? Joyful?  What circumstances are shaping that landscape

Can you think of a time when you experienced a lasting sense of peace?  Peace that went beyond a moment or a circumstance?  If so, mark down when and why it was you think you had that experience?

How would you define your understanding of ‘peace’?

Identify things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy, in your life right now.  If possible write down one thing for each word.

What do you experience ‘the great homesickness we could never shake off’? What else from the poem resonates with you?

Pastor Jeff will be referencing the story of Elijah.
Re-read the story in 1 Kings 19.

How much noise is in your life currently?
Do you take time to find God in the silence? If yes, then how?  If no, why not?

Bonus Round

One great way to explore your own Spiritual Landscape is do the Ignatian practice of the Spiritual Examen. 

Make SFK a regular spiritual practice:

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