Subject: Spiritual Formation Kit: Luke 6:46-49

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Spiritual Formation Kit
DIY Bible study

After pondering the Scripture passage for this week's worship gathering, the staff of Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community put together this spiritual formation kit for groups and individuals to use.

We hope that it will encourage transformation as you encounter God's voice in fresh ways through the Bible; connection as you talk and pray together; and interaction as the sermons become less of a Sunday morning monologue and more of a week-long community conversation.
Frame your time together with prayer.
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals
Follow this link to center your hearts and minds with silence, the responsive prayers, and/or music. Read and discuss this week's passage from Luke instead of the passages suggested by Common Prayer. After discussing the passage with the questions below, close your time with prayer for each other and the benediction.
This week's text
Read this passage aloud once or twice.

Compare this week's passage to the parallel version in Matthew. 
Background Info

Enhance your knowledge with insights from scholar-in-residence Dr. Dan
“Lord” is not a common form of address today, but in Jesus’ context it was widely used and had multiple applications. On the most basic level, it was a respectful way of addressing a superior, meaning “master” or “sir.” On a more exalted level, “Lord” served as a divine title.
God has several names in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), such as Elohim, El Shaddai, and others, but the most distinctive name attributed to the God of Israel was YHWH, a name that was considered so holy that it was not even to be pronounced. When Greek-speaking Jews translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek, in a translation called the Septuagint, they translated the name YHWH with the Greek word Kyrios, “Lord.”
In all likelihood, when Jesus’ disciples called him “Lord” prior to his death and resurrection, they did so according to the word’s common usage and meant something akin to “master” or “sir.” However, as the Christian tradition developed in the wake of Easter, Christians applied more and more exalted titles to Jesus and the title “Lord” in particular took on divine significance.
What is striking in this week’s passage is that Jesus condemns those who call him “Lord, Lord” but do not follow the teachings he has just set forth in the Sermon on the Plain. Simply acknowledging Jesus as “Lord” is inadequate, even if that implies an identification of Jesus with the God of Israel. The true disciple, according to Jesus, is one who “listens to [his] words and acts on them.”
Reflection Questions
Guide discussion with these questions or ask your own.
1) Who was calling Jesus, “Lord, lord?” What did they mean by using that title? Do you call Jesus “lord?” What do you mean by that?

2) What is the relationship between hearing, acting, and understanding?

3) What are some reasons that people don’t act on the words of Jesus? When do you act and when don’t you?

4) Some hear in Jesus’ words an echo of Isaiah 28:14-22. What meaning might this passage give to the “foundation” and “flood” referred to by Jesus?

5) What is a flood that has arisen in your life? What did it do to your foundation?
Our Response
Consider how to act on today's insights.

1) What is something you have “heard from God” and not yet acted on?

2) This week: give it a go! Bring a story about your experience next week.

“If anyone on the verge of action should judge himself according to the outcome, he would never begin. Even though the result may gladden the whole world, that cannot help the hero; for he knows the result only when the whole thing is over, and that is not how he became a hero, but by virtue of the fact that he began.”

- Soren Kiergegaard
19th Century Philosopher & Theologian
Bonus Round
Go deeper this week with further reading and reflection.
"Using an Action-Reflection Model"
Christian missiologist Darrel Guder offers some tips about listening for God by paying attention to your everyday activity.
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OAKLAND / Thursdays @ 10am / Penny Lyon
HMBFC / Thursdays @ 7pm / Penny Lyon
HIGHLAND PARK / Thursdays @ 9:15am / Emma Orbin
NORTH SIDE / Thursdays @ 6:30pm / Belle Battista
SOUTH SIDE / Wednesdays @ 7pm / Jeff Eddings
HMBFC / Sundays @ 9:15am / Autumn Brownlee
YOUNG ADULTS (at HMBFC) / Thursdays @ 7pm / Natalie Wardius
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