Subject: Shouldering the burdens, sharing the risks, and celebrating the joy of community.

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community

Our Finance Team has created this narrative budget
to help you understand how our expenses bring
the five principles of our church's mission into reality.

Our Mission
We will be a bridge to Jesus Christ by participating in communion, welcoming all into community, listening and having compassion, growing in our faith and sharing Christ’s story with the community of the South Side, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the world.

Our Mission In Action
Below are highlights from each of our five areas of ministry.

COMMUNION: $62,238
Communion is the heartbeat of our community. We participate in communion every Sunday when we gather for worship. Your financial support provides the space for us to gather, the staff that plan and lead worship, the kitchen where dozens of volunteers cook lunch, brew coffee, and wash dishes, and the utilities that keep our space comfortable. But communion is more than a worship gathering. It’s a way of life that permeates our community where everyone is welcome to the table.
COMMUNITY: $54,490
We face the world around us with open arms. We welcome all into community when we create space for strangers in our gatherings, in our lives, in our hearts, and even sometimes just in our building! Your financial support provides a home base for happenings like The Lofts, The Table, Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-anon, Game Nights, Trunk-or-Treat, The Lazarus Fund and the community art-luck. In this way community grows.

COMPASSION: $102,771
We don’t have all the answers to the world’s problems. But we are moved to action when we take the time to slow down and listen. Your financial support outfits the homeless ministry with food to take to homeless camps around the city; provides a space to store and distribute needed supplies to those who are living outside; and funds efforts like the Compassion Workshop to give us the confidence to reach out in concern for each other. Because we’re in this thing together.
GROWTH: $57,821
If you’re not growing, you’re dying. An overstatement? Sure. But growth is life-giving. We grow in our faith when we learn new things, challenge and encourage each other, and put our faith into action. Your financial contributions support our staff members who have been working hard this year to produce the weekly Spiritual Formation Kit, a DIY Bible study. Folks are using it to reflect on the Scripture passages that inspire our weekly worship gatherings, and thereby experience connection, interaction, and transformation.
STORY: $13,874
One thing we know from Christ’s story: he crossed a lot of boundaries that normally kept people apart. And we continue telling that story when we reach across divisions that separate us. Your financial support enables cross-cultural trips to visit our Christian brothers and sisters in Chiapas, Mexico and to the Pine Ridge Reservation. And it helps us to cross a language barrier by providing ASL interpretation and even ASL classes so that people who are hearing and deaf can talk, pray, and worship together.
TOTAL BUDGET: $291,294

If you believe we need more of this in the world,
make your pledge for 2017 here:

Please complete a pledge even if you have already
arranged for automatic online payments.
2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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