Subject: Join us this Sunday!

Dear Hot Metal Community,

We come to the fullness of the Advent season on Sunday! What a wonderful time of connecting with one another and experiencing all the feelings of this time of year! This Sunday, Nathan Rosswog will preach and we'll hear the story of Mary travelling to be with her cousin Elizabeth, as they both ponder and await their miraculous pregnancies (Luke 1:39-56). 

This is one of my favorite stories of the season - I love this scene of two women of different generations coming together to express joy and love for one another. I see their beautiful friendship and mutual cheering on one another as a wonderful example of what the Body of Christ is supposed to look like; we come together across the generations and our experiences to literally recognize the joy of Christ as it is embodied in each one of us. And we do this not only in happy circumstances, but in hard and scary ones. We rely on one another to speak of God's goodness and God's justice when the way doesn't seem clear. 

I hope you will join us this Sunday, and at our Christmas services, so that you can experience this love that runs deeper than what we expect from one another; a love that causes our bodies to leap with joy and proclaim God's bold promises to one another! 

In Christ's love,

Pastor Erin

Thanks and Farewell to Adam Barbee; Welcome Brenda Weaver 

As of this week, Adam Barbee will be completing his time as our Financial Secretary in order to spend more time with his family in the midst of health issues. We pray for God's healing presence, and we give thanks for his service over this past year! And we are grateful to Brenda Weaver for graciously stepping in in an interim capacity to help us through this transition and into the New Year! 

Reader/Actors for Christmas Eve EVE! 

As always, we will gather on December 23rd at 7pm to kick off our Christmas celebrations with a Family-Friendly and celebratory service. This year, we need YOUR help to tell the story! We need at least 7 volunteers of all ages to read the parts  of characters in the story! NO REHEARSAL Needed! Just get to HMBFC at 6:00pm on the 23rd for a run-through and to get your (very simple) costumes! 

Office Closed

December 25-January 1 Our whole staff will be off and taking sabbath rest for the season from December 25 through January 1. Pastor Erin will be on-call for pastoral emergencies that week, as needed at (412) 204-7105. The following week, January 1-6, Pastor Erin will be away on vacation and pastoral care needs can be directed to Karl Casey ( or LaChan Russell ( 

Advent and Christmas at Hot Metal

Friday, December 23rd 7pm - Christmas Eve EVE Worship! A family-friendly and exuberant celebration of the birth of Jesus! Join us for carols and story and fun! 

Saturday, December 24th 7pm - Christmas Eve Worship! A contemplative and prayerful worship as we wait for Christ to be born! 

Sunday, December 25th - NO WORSHIP at Hot Metal! Enjoy the day with your family and loved ones! 

Sunday, January 1st 10:30am - Worship with Lessons and Carols! Ring in the New Year with your favorite Christmas Carols and Stories! We'll also kick off the year right with a potluck breakfast! Bring your favorite breakfast dish to share!

Support Group for Young Women Grieving Violence 

On Tuesdays, beginning December 6, from 4-5:30pm gather with young women (ages 16-24) grieving the aftermath of gun violence, and other forms of violence. Our therapist and pastor will be present to lead this group, and create safe and sacred space for sharing and processing and beginning to heal. This group is designed especially for young women of color in the aftermath of gun violence throughout the city. Contact therapist LaChan Russell at 412-376-7559 or

Support our Seminarian travelling to the Holy Land

Dear Hot Metal Faith Community,

After prayer and consideration, I have decided to take part in an intercultural experience to Israel/Palestine, January 6-16, 2023.  This opportunity is offered through World Mission Initiative of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. 

The Intercultural trips are offered in conjunction with the course, Intercultural/Experiential Learning, which is now a required course for many of the Seminary’s students. This January, the Seminary is sending groups of students and trip leaders to four different destinations: Guatemala, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon/Iraq and Philippines.


A student team, led by Rev. Dr. De Neice Welch, Bidwell Presbyterian Church, Rev. Dr. John Welch, 6th Mount Zion Baptist Church and Dr. Bob Ross, Point Park University will travel to Israel/Palestine to examine “How do Palestinian Christians understand their context of conflict and violence and their consequent engagement in God's mission? What does faithful witness look like in a context of exclusion and control? In the Middle East and in Pittsburgh, is it possible to engage in God’s mission without attending to God’s justice?”

I am writing to invite you to participate in this intercultural experience, which will help prepare me and 30 other students for ministry. Graduates from Pittsburgh Seminary consistently rank the WMI trips as one of the most formative experiences of their seminary career. Please consider praying for me and all participants and leaders of our Israel/Palestine team.  Pray for the new friends we will make Israel/Palestine. And pray for us: for health and protection on the trip, for our effectiveness in ministry and ability to learn new things from this experience.  Pray that we will find the financial support to make this trip possible.  Pray that we will return with stories and a vision to inspire the church in the United States. 

Another way that you can participate is to support this intercultural experience financially.  I have received financial support from the World Mission Initiative, but still need $700 towards my balance due December 9.  I am trusting God to provide the resources for this mission trip.  If you feel that you could participate in this way, please follow the instructions below. 

Thank you very much for considering this request.

Gratefully in Christ,


Sherri Lynn Dunik


Instructions for Supporting a World Mission Initiative Trip

1.     Write a check payable to World Mission Initiative. 

2.     Write “Israel/Palestine Trip” on the memo line.

3.     Send your check to me at the address on this letter (129 Stewart Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15227)

Hot Metal Worship: NOW WITH COFFEE - Sign up to be a Coffee Host
Help us create a space for community, connection, and caffeine on Sunday mornings! Coffee Hosts will show up around 9:30am to make the coffee, set up the coffee station, and greet people as they arrive for worship. After worship, they clean up and wash mugs. Instructions are available and Pastor Erin is around for troubleshooting! Providing goodies is always appreciated, but optional! Sign up here. 

Winter Nurturing Group

Why is money important? What good can come from talking about money, isn’t it the “root of all evil”? What is stewardship and why does my pastor keep asking for money? How can I think about generosity and money in new ways? 

If you’ve ever thought of any of these questions, join us on Tuesdays at 8pm starting January 10th for 5 weeks as we discuss The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources by Lynne Twist. Sign up for more information or to request Pastor Erin order the book for you here:

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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