Subject: Join us for LaChan's Baptism!

Dear Hot Metal Community,

These past weeks have flown by, and we are now preparing for our final week together as pastor and congregation. I'll save all the mushy stuff for next week's letter and our celebration on Sunday, August 20th. I hope you'll be able to join us then!

This Sunday we'll be joined by Rev. Louise Rogers, Associate Presbyter of the Pittsburgh Presbytery to have a Congregational Meeting, most formally to "dissolve the Pastoral Relationship." That's Presbyterian for "saying goodbye on paper, setting boundaries, and communicating next steps." Your Council and leadership are hard at work shaping those next steps and making sure all parts of how we function as a community are covered in the coming months. 

Here's what the Committee on Ministry communicates as appropriate boundaries of a former pastor. I will be abiding by these guidelines when I leave, in addition to best practices I have found as I have left other communities. 

Former pastors should offer neither solicited nor unsolicited pastoral counsel to their former congregants. If they become concerned about developments in their former congregation, they should communicate such concerns only to the presbytery ministerial staff, and not to the church’s session or members.

Healthy relationships between congregations and former pastors may include the following forms of contact:

- Occasional consultation to maintain institutional memory and goodwill
- Collegiality between former and successor pastors

Congregational. At the invitation of the new pastor. 
- Occasional attendance at services and special events, such as dedications and anniversaries
- Sharing bereavement, by attending funeral services
- Occasional assistance in ministry

- Maintenance of personal friendship with a few members, provided there is a clear understanding that the relationship is social and not pastoral.

Some details about how I live these boundary expectations out: I have already communicated to Council and those with whom I expect to maintain a personal friendship, mostly those families who are connected with Griffin as playmates and important grown-ups for him. If you see me engaging with members, it's not because I love them more than I love you, but I am prioritizing his transition and well-being. 

I also will not engage with members on Social Media. I may unfriend some, but even if we remain officially connected, I will not like or comment. Know that your posts will make me smile and I will be praying for big developments you share, just without the formal thumbs-up or heart. 

Some of these boundaries are for how I will always now interact with this community, and they are all set in stone, no exceptions, for at least one year into a new called pastor's service. We in ministry find that means the best chance of success for whoever God is calling next, and is healthiest for the community, even though it feels harsh. I am so grateful that Pastor Jeff Eddings modeled this so well when he left; it was a true gift for me to be able to establish my own ministry. I hope to be able to offer that same gift to the next person. 

I know sometimes hearing these boundaries laid out feels shocking. Please know they have been formed and put in place out of a deep love for God's church, and through the trial and error of many communities. There is no perfect way to leave such a special community, but my hope is to do so by leaving you the healthiest way I know how. I love you very much and will be so grateful for our last two Sundays together. 

In Christ,

Pastor Erin

PS LaChan Russell will be getting baptized this Sunday!!! Even if you don't want to stay for boring official things, come celebrate and officially welcome her into the Body of Christ with the water, Word, and cake! 


One way we care for our community when we are in need is by offering meals. Please take a look at this opportunity to show up for one another:

The Kendall-Morris Family, as they continue to welcome Tobias Vincent Kendall-Morris into their family! -

Reminder: Congregational Meeting on August 13th

As part of the Presbyterian process for a transitioning pastor, we will have a brief Congregational Meeting on August 13th after worship. Attendance in person or on Zoom is acceptable. 

Pastor Erin's Last Sunday - August 20th

All are invited to join us for worship on August 20th for a special liturgy of saying goodbye and godspeed to Pastor Erin, who will also speak blessings to us in this transition. A celebration with food of some sort will take place afterwards for a time of fellowship!

Sanctuary: Art + Honors 

BE A KEY SUPPORTER - For millennia, sanctuaries have been places of safe haven for the marginalized and

vilified, and the need for places of refuge only grows as LGBTQIA+ individuals and families are increasingly attacked by political and religious figures and savaged in today’s culture wars. Help us celebrate and thank the places in our communities that have offered refuge and cared for all the beloved, beautiful children of God with your support of Sanctuary: Arts + Honors.

For Key Supporters, each $250 donation provides two tickets to the opening reception and lists their name(s) in the event program. Please save the date for Thursday, September 14 at 7 PM for the opening reception and Sanctuary Award presentation, held at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community. Pledge your support HERE.

The Calling for the Repair & Reconciliation Alliance and its Support Teams

What are the stories of Black Presbyterian Churches in the Pittsburgh Presbytery? How have we failed as a Presbytery to love them as we love ourselves? How can we heal the breaches with our brothers and sisters in Christ? The Pittsburgh Presbytery created the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance to thoroughly review the historical experiences of these congregations and offer recommendations on actions of repair and reconciliation. Over the next two years, the Repair and Reconciliation Alliance needs various people to begin this task: leaders, researchers, writers, videographers, accountants, and more.

Follow this link for the Calling which gives an overview of the Alliance and Support Teams.

Follow this link for the application for the Alliance and Support Teams.

Attend any or all of the Informational Gatherings listed below by filling out this form:

Sunday, August 13, 3 to 4:30 PM at the Pittsburgh Presbytery

Email Pastor Erin or Darlene Rushing for more information. 

The Care Closet Needs Restocking!

We are in need of donations of the following items as we re-stock our Care Closet

Men's Clothing (especially pants) 

Toiletries (soap, toothbrush/paste, shampoo, etc)

Menstrual products

Men's Shoes

NEW underwear

Also, always appreciated are socks and blankets! 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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