Subject: Join us for Ben's Baptism this Sunday!

But while the son was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him....And they began to celebrate. 

+ Luke 15:20, 24

Dear Hot Metal Community,

One of Jesus’ most famous parables is usually called, “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” But this is actually a parable designed to teach us about the merciful, generous nature of God. And to the extent that “prodigal” means extravagant or over-the-top, that word is better applied to the father in the story. 

The son comes home hoping for a modest meal in exchange for an apology. Before he can say a word, however, his father is lavishing him with love and making preparations for a party. For the prodigal parent, only a splendid celebration will do.

Jesus says that God – the Prodigal Parent – puts grace into action this way: welcoming us home even when we don’t “deserve” it; forgiving us completely before we can even ask; and treating just the sight of us as cause for extravagant joy.

At our best, this sort of celebratory welcome is what Hot Metal  is all about. Welcoming visitors and regulars alike into the beautiful choreography of worship and celebration. We strive to be a community of joy – prodigal, extravagant, and free – for anyone who longs for a meal, an embrace, and the reassurance that they are not alone. This week is extra celebratory because we’ll be welcoming Ben Hoyt-Brown into baptism! We’ll celebrate all of God’s prodigal promises together! 

What are you celebrating? How can you share that celebration with your church family as we gather at the table of extravagance that God sets before us? Would you consider joining the 50/5 Campaign and give an extra $5 a week to ensure we can continue the celebration?

And speaking of celebration: we’re looking forward to celebrating Giving Sunday with you on November 13 AND the All Church Meeting on November 20!. Both those will be a party you won’t want to miss!

Grace and joy,

Pastor Erin

Darkness as Hope //Reframing the Language of Advent 

Join us on Tuesdays at 8pm on Zoom (the Sunday Worship link) as we delve into the practice of Advent! We’ll confront the ways in which we have used the language of light and dark have been steeped in racialized biases, and how to create a robust antiracist language for this season. We’ll hear from a variety of Black and Womanist theologians and writers and artists to help us expand our understandings and wrestle together to help us find greater hope, peace, joy and love as we experience this season of anticipation. Sign Up here.

Hot Metal Worship: NOW WITH COFFEE - Sign up to be a Coffee Host
Help us create a space for community, connection, and caffeine on Sunday mornings! Coffee Hosts will show up around 9:30am to make the coffee, set up the coffee station, and greet people as they arrive for worship. After worship, they clean up and wash mugs. Instructions are available and Pastor Erin is around for troubleshooting! Providing goodies is always appreciated, but optional! Sign up here. 

Leadership Nominations!
Our community chooses its own leaders to take responsibility for certain roles. Some of those teams are elected and ordained, and some are volunteer-based. Here's how it works:

1. Nominate. From now until November 13, anyone can nominate someone for one or more of our four standing leadership teams. You can even nominate yourself.

2. Discern. Council and the pastor will review the nominations before announcing a final list of candidates.

3. Vote. The congregation will have an opportunity to affirm the new leadership candidates at the all-church meeting on November 20.

4. Ordain. New elders (for Council & Finance) and deacons (for Compassion Team) will be ordained during a worship gathering in January 2023.

These elected leaders serve three-year terms.

For any questions, please contact Pastor Erin at
Fill out the form here:

SAVE THE DATE // All Church Meeting on Sunday, November 20th!
Join us after worship in-person and on Zoom as we give thanks for this past year and look forward to what God has in store! We'll vote on a budget, elect officials, and celebrate together!

Thanksgiving at the Table is quickly approaching! This year Table will be returning to sit-down dinner from 12:30 PM TO 3 PM. As in past years we will need volunteers for set up, serving, and clean-up as well as preparing side dishes and pies. Union Presbyterian Church has generously offered to continue their tradition of preparing the turkeys. Please consider offering the gift of your time, culinary skills or both!
Sign up online.

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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