Subject: Help Hot Metal "Raise the Roof"

Dear Hot Metal Family and Friends,

We are so excited to be coming back to in-person worship on October 10th! It has been a long season of being physically apart, and I know many are glad for the opportunity to gather together.

AND, during such a long time with limited use, the building has accumulated some much needed TLC. Our roof has especially endured some damage, in addition to regular wear and tear.

We are asking YOUR help to make sure our roof gets back in working order, and that we can be good financial stewards. Our goal is to raise $25,000, which will cover all the repairs and replacements needed to ensure our roof lasts a long time.

Our goal includes a tithe to the Pittsburgh Presbytery's Lazarus Fund, which is a special donation-fueled fund that makes small grants available for rent/mortgage/utility payments for those in need. We feel that good stewardship means making sure that the gifts we receive don't only stay in our community, but benefit an ever-wider circle of God's people. You can learn more about the Lazarus Fund here.

Here's how you can help us Raise the Roof!

  1. Give what you can: You can give online here: and choose "Raise the Roof!" in the drop down menu. Or write a check to Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community with "Raise the Roof" in the memo line.

  2. Share with your community: Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share this campaign to your own networks, including telling others why you care about this community.

  3. Pray: We believe that God is listening and is active in the world. Prayer helps align our hopes with God's work. We ask you include this campaign, and our community in general in your prayers.

Thank you for your generosity and support as we enter into a new chapter in the life of Hot Metal, and make sure we can move forward confidently!

In Christ's Peace,

Pastor Erin

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