Subject: HMBFC Channeling the Early Church

Dear ones of Hot Metal,

I don't know about you, but for me this second week of physical distancing was vastly different from the first. I felt myself coming off the high-alert, high-adrenaline rush of last week, when I could throw myself into planning mode and problem-solving. That is good, because such a high-octane approach is not sustainable. But it also meant that I found myself more confronted with grief and uncertainty and the brokenness that this pandemic holds for our community, the country, and the world.

Which is why I was thankful that the lectionary readings for this week are all about crying out to God when the brokenness seems to be too much. Psalm 130 starts with the famous line, "Out of the depths I cry to you." The Hebrew Bible reading (which we'll read together in our Sunday Zoom Gathering) is Ezekiel 37:1-14, where the prophet walks through the valley of dry bones. And in the Gospel of John 11, Jesus learns of the death of his friend Lazarus and weeps in the face of others' grief.

All of these readings start by allowing space for the sadness and grief of the world to exist. They allow us to know that the feelings of loss and uncertainty we are feeling are indeed holy. If even Jesus weeps, we can too. And they all then point to the promise of God's resurrection. The psalmist places trust in God, even in the depths, God puts flesh and muscles on the dry bones, and Lazarus eventually is called out of the tomb and back into life.

So we place our hope that this time will come to an end. It certainly won't be on our timetable, or end simply because we declare an end based on our selfish desires. But new life will happen. We will be called out and into a new life. Both our sadness and our hope can exist at the same time. That's the gift of God, that's the gift of continuing to be connected to the Body of Christ, even when we are separated physically.

May Christ be with you in this time, in the brokenness and in the healing. Don't hesitate to reach out.

Pastor Erin


Please stay connected. Go to our website for various links to our Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Gatherings. We will meet again Sunday morning at 10:30am via Zoom. 

In-Person Worship Postponed Through May 10th // 
This week, Hot Metal's Council met via Zoom and decided officially to extend the postponement of Hot Metal's in-person worship through Sunday, May 10th. This is in line with current CDC recommendations for gatherings over 50 people. These guidelines are subject to change, and if they do, we will adjust our schedule as needed. We will continue to monitor CDC and other recommendations. This means that Holy Week and Easter worship will continue to be on virtual platforms. Please make sure you are connected on Facebook and YouTube.

The body of Christ has always celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus in a variety of ways. This year, perhaps we will channel the early church, who could not publicly gather on the day of Easter, but found ways to proclaim the promise of an empty tomb in other ways. And, whenever we gather together in person, we will count as a "second Easter" of the year, where the fullness of resurrection is more deeply felt. I'm excited for whenever that is, and I will hold you in my heart until that day!

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Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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