Subject: Digital Gatherings for this Time

Dear Hot Metal Family,

This week's Gospel story start with the disciples isolated in a locked room, in the aftermath of the trauma of death and fear. If that's not a story for this time, I don't know what is. We too find ourselves isolated and afraid, uncertain of what the future holds.

But even in the midst of the disciples' fear, despite the locked doors, Jesus shows up. The Resurrected One arrives, wounds and all, to give peace to the ones he has held dear. It is important that the Risen Christ is not without the signs of what has happened - he shows his hands and his side as proof that the trauma the disciples faced just a few days before was real. The Resurrection does not erase the very real feelings and experiences of the disciples. But the gift of the Resurrection appearances is that they let the disciples know fear and death is not the end of the story.

The Easter season is liturgically 50 whole days. 50 days where we as Church intentionally look for those signs of resurrection in our own lives. This year feels like an especially important time to do that. Where is the Risen Christ showing up in the midst of our own isolation? Where will we find peace and signs of new life in the next 50 days? Where does God show solidarity with our own wounds while also promising healing?

We don't know how long these isolation measures will have to last, perhaps 50 more days or even longer. Yet, I am thankful for you, the Body of Christ, and how we are showing up for one another and pointing to God's resurrection at work. Please continue to stay connected, and reach out if you need anything.

May Christ's peace be with you,
Pastor Erin

Contemplative Book Club: If you are looking for something to occupy your time with please consider joining the contemplative book club! The group will meet semi-regularly with anyone who is interested to read through and discuss some contemplative or mystic writings from the Christian tradition. This would be a time to discuss the book, to discuss the impact that it has on our lives, and to spend time in intentional silence and prayer together in the contemplative tradition. The hope is for the group to be a space of peace and calm for those of us feeling deeply unsettled and uprooted by the collective trauma of the pandemic we are experiencing together. Contemplation offers us a way of learning to experience the love of God directly and helping us find grounding and direction in uncertain times. For a brief introduction to contemplation please see:

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Password: 000513


Please stay connected. Go to our website for various links to our Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Gatherings. 

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Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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