Subject: 🥖Come Break Bread with Us!

Dear Hot Metal Community, 

This week we'll continue learning together about the early Church and its response to the promises of resurrection. We'll hear another account of how the community functioned (2:42-47), and it will sound really similar to what we read last week. But the key line in this snippet is a commitment to "breaking of bread."

It is a hallmark of the Hot Metal community that we place no barriers to the communion table, that all are welcome to break bread in the moment of sacrament. And I know that one of the many losses we continue to feel in the wake of the pandemic has been the absence of Sunday morning meals together. Our hope is we can begin those consistently soon, once we determine that we have the capacity and volunteer power to make it happen. 

But even in the absence of formally organized meals, I wonder about experiencing community around the table - where can we invite individuals into our own homes or to our favorite places to share in a joyful meal? When can buying a coworker a coffee be a sign of your care as deep as table fellowship? How else do we find nourishment beyond food in our daily lives? 

As I write this early in the week, I am thinking about if there is a way for us to bake bread together on Sunday...I'm still pondering the logistics of how that might work, but regardless of whether or not we bake bread together, we will break it around the table that Jesus invites us all to. I hope you join us! 


Pastor Erin

ZOOM ONLY Worship on May 7 - Marathon Sunday!

Due to limited access into and around the city for the Pittsburgh Marathon, we will have worship only via Zoom on Sunday, May 7th, at 10:30am!

Sanctuary: Art + Honors 

"Sanctuary: Art + Honors" is a LGBTQIA+ art show and a celebration of safe spaces that we're planning for this fall, September 2023. It will run for a full week in our building! (Call for artists will start in June if you're interested.) 

Additionally, we're kicking off the show by bestowing the Sanctuary Award (yes, we invented it) on another local organization to honor their work in creating safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the Pittsburgh area. For our inaugural year, we will be honoring BikePGH! Proceeds from the event will support both Hot Metal and BikePGH. 

The plans are underway and the wheels are turning, but we need a few more hands on deck. Could you help us out by joining the steering committee? We meet online monthly, and there will be concrete tasks between meetings that we'll delegate; so you can help out as little or as much as you are able. These are the areas you can get involved in:

  • Art Show Logistics & Artist Relations

  • Sponsorships & Fundraising

  • Promotion & Publicity

  • Administrative & Behind the Scenes

If you are willing to join the Sanctuary steering committee, either sign up here or let Pastor Erin know. Our next meeting is May 10 at 6 PM.

Spring Nurturing Group: My Body is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church

April 18-June 20

Join us on Tuesdays at 8pm via Zoom (Sunday Worship Link), as we read a chapter a week from Amy Kenny’s  My Body is Not a Prayer Request. We’ll ponder together the invitation to listen to voices of disabled people, and to construct a robust theology and practice of justice. 

Order the book here (or at your favorite bookstore!): Let Pastor Erin know if you need financial assistance or for her to order the book for you! 

ARTT Reparations Discussion

At our February presbytery meeting we received a second read of the overture from Sixth Presbyterian Church seeking support for the efforts of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church to obtain reparations for the seizure of its building by eminent domain for less than market value. The Anti-Racism Transformation Team of the Pittsburgh Presbytery invites all to a prayerful, wide-ranging conversation on all the word, “Reparations,” holds for us. The particulars of the Bethel AME Church and their Reparations Campaign will help Pittsburgh Presbytery explore the Review, Repentance, Restoration, Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and more that gets packed into "Reparations." Please register here to join us for one of the following dates:


Sunday April 30th, 2023


3pm – 5pm

Summer Save-The-Dates

Planning is underway for SO MANY fun opportunities this summer! Stay tuned for more details on all of these, but we want them on your calendar NOW:

PRIDE - We'll be participating with LGBTQ+ Affirming Ministries of Pittsburgh (LAMP) at two Pride Events:

Pittsburgh Pride Revolution March and Festival - June 3 (Downtown and Northside)

People's Pride PGH March and Festival- June 25th (Swissvale)

KID'S BIKE-A-THON - Sunday, July 23rd 5:30pm

VBS FOR ALL AGES - July 24-28, 5-7pm

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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