Subject: All Things Advent

 Dear Church, 

It’s hard to believe that we are already at Advent! 

The past few months have flown by. So much has happened in that time - we lost a beloved Pastor, leadership has changed and adapted countless times, and we are in a state of transitioning which at times can be very anxious and stressful. 

It’s safe to say that many of us probably feel tired. Worn out. Weary. 

It’s fitting then, that this year our theme for Advent is: “How does a weary world rejoice?” This is a question that is pertinent for us all, and one that is especially meaningful for our community this year. Over the course of Advent, we will attempt to answer this question each week by engaging in the following themes: 

On December 3rd, we will “acknowledge our weariness” and light the advent candle of Hope. 

On December 10th, we will “find joy in connection” and light the advent candle of Peace. 

On December 17th, we will “allow ourselves to be amazed” and light the advent candle of Joy. 

And finally, on December 24th, we will “make room” and light the advent candle of Love. 

Please note that this year we will not have a Christmas Eve Eve service, as our capacity is stretched too thin. However, we will have ONE 7:00 PM evening service on December 24th (there will be no morning service). This service will be a contemplative, candlelight service. 

In addition, please see all the ways you can engage with our community during advent below. 

We truly hope this is a meaningful time for you, and we wish everyone Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love this holiday season. 

We hope you’ll join us for worship as we explore “How does a weary world rejoice?” 

Peace to all.

PS During Advent, we have purchased a special curriculum for the children to use, but need help with supervision. If anyone is interested in volunteering with the children during this time, please let us know - no planning/prep work required! If only FOUR people sign up, we’ll have advent covered. Thank you in advance! 

Ways to engage with HMBFC during Advent: 

  1. Attend Sunday services: We will have Sunday morning services at 10:30 am on 12/3, 12/10, and 12/17. We will have a 7:00 pm candlelight service on 12/24. (There will be no morning service this day). 

  2. Advent Calendars: Paper copies will be available to pick up on the back table at HMBFC. Access the Children's Advent Calendar HERE and the Adult Advent Calendar HERE.

  3. Advent Devotional: Paper copies of the Advent devotional will be available to pick up on the back table at HMBFC. In addition, Our friends at A Sanctified Art have provided a special e-reader version of this year’s Advent devotional, which you can access on your computer and mobile devices at: (In order to protect their work, please refrain from sharing this link or posting it on social media.)

  4. Advent Artwork: Advent Artwork will be posted around the sanctuary. This artwork will include advent themes and a description from each artist. 

  5. For the children: we will have a curriculum and coloring bulletins available for the children at each service during Advent. In addition, we will have children’s advent calendars printed. Each week, we will have a table set up in the back of the sanctuary for this purpose. If anyone is willing/able to volunteer to help with children’s ministry over the next few months, please let us know! 

  6. Advent Poems: Paper copies of poems will be available on the back table at HMBFC throughout the Advent season.. 

  7. Theme Song: Sanctified Art is an organization that produces curriculum for churches to use. Some of our advent resources come from them.

    They have released a “theme song” for this holiday season. You can view the video at this link: Sanctified Art Theme Song - Sing It True

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