Subject: All Church Meeting Sunday!

Dear Hot Metal Community,

A reminder for all to join us this Sunday immediately after worship for our annual All Church Meeting. We'll approve a budget and new leadership, giving thanks for what has been even during this strange year and look forward to what will be.

The Gospel reading for this Sunday is Matthew 25:14-30, known as the parable of the talents. A master give his servants varying amounts of money, and they return it with varying amounts of return on the investment. Each servant acts out of fear of the master, who has a reputation of being harsh. This predictably plays out when one servant reveals he has merely buried what was given, and the master is angry and punishes the servant.

This is a strange story, because the God we serve is not harsh or angry. God gives us abundant gifts not because God expects a return on investment, but because God loves us and wants us and the world to flourish. However, we can still learn a lesson from this parable. What should be our response to the gifts given to us? Should we find ways to enrich the world around us, or merely bury them and hide? How do we live our call not out of fear, but out of thanks for all that God has given and is doing?

We'll think about these questions, and what sort of gifts we've been given as Hot Metal that we want to make sure grow and flourish in the coming year. And we'll gather and taste the gifts of God at the communion table, where the abundance of God is always apparent and everlasting.

I hope to see you Sunday!


Pastor Erin

2021 Budget

Check out the proposed budget for 2021 in preparation for our annual meeting by clicking HERE.

Curio: A Liturgy for the Lean

Each week in November, member Nathan Rosswog has offered a liturgy including some of his music. This week's liturgy includes a meeting from Hot Metal friend Elizabeth Jeffries! Find Week 2 HERE.

Unlocking Us Podcast Group - TONIGHT 8pm

Join us in discussing Brene Brown's discussion on burn out (which we're pretty sure everyone is feeling!). Listen to the podcast HERE.

Join the discussion on Zoom:  

Meeting ID: 969 2955 6619

Passcode: 007209

Thanksgiving Donations

We are going to serve our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner, in take-out, socially distanced fashion. But we still need some volunteers, especially to donate food! Fill out this form if you can help out! Contact Pastor Erin, Victoria, or Erica Harding with any questions.

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube for past sermon videos!

And join us this Sunday for Worship!

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // This meeting is now at 1:00 pm. We will continue to gather for prayer and check-in:
Password: 000513

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