Subject: A Note from HMBFC about COVID-19

Dear Hot Metallers,

We continue our Lenten journey of searching for and finding God in unexpected places. This week, we'll read John 4:1-42, where Jesus shows up at a Samaritan well and meets a Samaritan woman. They engage in deep theological conversation, and she's the first person in the Gospel of John to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah. What can we learn from this woman and her "God sighting"? Where does Jesus call us to cross boundaries to experience God in new ways?

We'll gather together to hear about God's promises of Living Water and new life, through song and prayer and fellowship. We hope you join us!

Pastor Erin

PS. A Note about COVID-19: As the concern and information about the COVID-19 virus spreads even quicker than the virus itself, I want everyone to be assured that Hot Metal is monitoring the situation and discerning the best way forward. We want to walk the fine line between awareness and panic, all while making sure we still care for the vulnerable in our midst in the most faithful way possible. As I write this, no confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Allegheny County. Nevertheless, we are exercising caution.

When the Bubonic Plague hit Germany in 1527, Martin Luther and his wife, Katie (pregnant at the time!), stayed in Wittenberg and cared for those who were sick and vulnerable. He did this because he firmly believed that the Gospel calls those who are able to care for our neighbors. He also said this, " God has created medicines and has provided us with intelligence to guard and take care of the body. … Use medicine; take potions which can help you; fumigate house, yard, and street; shun persons and places wherever your neighbor does not need your presence" ("Whether One May Flee From a Deadly Plague," 1527).

So we attempt to balance our call to our neighbor, and our call to care for ourselves. We balance trusting in God above all, while recognizing science and modern medicine as a gift from God that informs our trust. Here are some steps Hot Metal is taking during this time:

1. Praying for those affected, and for world leaders to calmly, effectively, and honestly deal with the growing pandemic around the world.

2. Encouraging those who are in vulnerable populations or in high-risk sectors to stay home as you are able. We also support anyone who feels safer to staying home to do so, as a precaution to minimize the spread of the virus. We are working on technology that will enable those who stay home to still feel connected. Please be sure to follow us on Facebook and YouTube. Also, if you are in need of extra care or support during this time, please reach out to me or Autumn or the Compassion Team (

3. Adapting our communion practice to ensure minimal contagion. We will still make the gifts of God available to all who hunger for it, while also complying with CDC and denominational recommendations.

4. Making hand sanitizer available in the worship space. We will also encourage appropriate social distance during worship, including in the greeting and passing of the peace. We ask that all remember to wash their hands frequently. Did you know the Lord's Prayer and many hymns take about 20 seconds, the recommended time we should take washing?

5. I have been in contact with our cleaning company and assured that extra precautions will be taken to sanitize the entire space. We'll also be diligent in keeping everything clean and sanitized.

6. Making additional contingency plans. Please keep a look out for additional ways we might care for one another during this time. We are especially mindful of those who are food insecure, and are formulating plans to make sure they can be provided for through our Table Ministry. It is also always possible that we will have to move worship to a fully electronic experience, pending an outbreak here in Pittsburgh. Please stay connected to the email list and Social Media for up-to-date announcements and calls to action.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Martin Luther penned his most famous hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God," around the time he was confronting the Plague. We know that this is a scary time, and yet we also remember that God is our refuge and strength, a present help in time of trouble. We cling to that hope, and to one another (but not physically). May you find Christ's peace.

What else is going on at Hot Metal??
Healing From Religious Hurt // Wednesday, March 18 at 7pm
Join us at our partner church, Community House (120 Parkhurst St. Pgh, 15212) for an story-sharing event. Panelists Derrick McQueen (professor at Union Theological Seminary of New York City), Steven Werth (Pastor of Community House), and Tara Pannell (Clinical Therapist and UCC Minister) will discuss the ways in which religion has been weaponized, or used to cause deep and lasting hurt, and how we might embrace the practice of healing.

The panel discussions will be immediately followed by Q&A and small group discussions led by New Worshipping Community Leaders.

Contemplative Lent Gatherings // 
These Thursday evening gatherings have been cancelled for the remainder of the season.

Saint Patrick's Day //
The Table is cancelled this coming Tuesday, March 17th in anticipation of South Side crowds. 

SAVE THE DATE //  Palm Sunday, April 5 
Hot Metal is proud to join the National Black Presbyterian Caucus - Pittsburgh Chapter for a UNITY service on Palm Sunday, April 5 at 11:00am at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Transportation can be arranged, just let Pastor Erin know! More information to come.There will be a Unity Choir at the service. If you would like to join in the singing, let Pastor Erin or Jean Cox know, and we'll get you more details!

A small group will still meet here at HMBFC, for those who can't make it to Highland Park.

SAVE THE DATE // Good Friday, April 10th
We'll be meeting at Hot Metal for worship at 7pm. There will be a family friendly space during the day as well, details to come. All are welcome!

"What the Health?" Bible Study 
You are invited to join a bi-monthly Bible Study for women that dives into what the Bible says about the impact of emotional injuries on our physical bodies. This will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm. This will meet at 200 White Hampton Lane 15236. Please contact Bonni Smiley at for more details. Study guides can be purchased at

Sunday Meal Sign Up // There is NO LUNCH this Sunday due to a lack of sign ups! Please sign up to keep these meals and our church's mission going! 
Want to help with meals on Sundays? Signing up is easy! Just go to and choose a date that works for you! We are always in need of people to help out!
We need a cook and clean up volunteer for March 22, and someone willing to bake off frozen pizza and clean up on March 29.

Support our Children’s Ministry // If you would like to support our kids, please sign up to volunteer with Sunday School or in the Nursery. Clearances are mandatory, but free and easy to get. Just talk with Pastor Erin, Candace, or Emily Orbin. Sign up to help here:

Connecting with the Larger Church: 
Hot Metal is blessed to be connected officially with two denominations, and both provide spiritual insights and opportunities for learning and community. If you would like to know what is going on, check out their weekly email lists!

For Presbyterian Church (USA) news //

For United Methodist Church news //
Go to

If you’re curious what Pastor Erin’s Lutheran co-conspirators are up to // 
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Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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