Subject: Running Term 2: best fun run value

Hi Friend

A reminder that your card will be charged for the upcoming term on 29th April. Should you need to make any changes to your subscription, please email me before 28th April.


If you need to update your card details could you please  use this secure form to do so.

Best Value Fun Run Going Around

The Lindfield Fun Run still takes the prize for the best value fun run going around. You can register a family of 6 for either the 10k, 5k or 2.5k, for $130. That's just $21.66 for each family member! Where else will you find a 10k for that price. And the really nice thing is, it is run by Rotary, so a large slice of your entry fee will be going to charity.

Looking for a Half to Replace "The Bridge Run"?

Such a shame the Sydney Marathon (formerly the Sydney Running Festival, aka The Bridge Run), is no longer offering the half marathon distance. The closest replacement event would be the Sydney Half in Homebush on 25th August run by Aths NSW, but let's face it, Sydney Olympic Park just doesn't have quite the same attraction as running over the harbour bridge. If you're still keen to run across the bridge, there are still spots available in the 10k - $85 if you register before July 31st.

Other Runs We Love

Mini-mos - run by Mosman public school. Hilly 5k and 10k and 2k kids run. Why we like it - Best after run cakes and other goodies

Sydney Harbour 10k and 5k Pretty flat, fastish, though there are a few corners, twists and turns in the course. Why we like it - Sydney Harbour back drop - and Sydney usually turns on great weather for this one! 28th July

City2Surf - no description necessary, other than to say Heartbreak Hill really isn't that heart breaking if you know how to run it. Why we like it - It's the City 2 Surf (even though I hate the "2")

If you would like to have a quick chat about your running with either Richard or me,about where your running is headed, we'd be happy to take your call or email.



Kirsten Todd

Hooked on Running