Subject: January Training...🤧

Hi Friend

Firstly, Happy New Year.. even if the start of your year may have been derailed a little.

Due to the large number of our running group members who are

  1. currently isolating due to having COVID

  2. currently isolating as a household contact

  3. currently holding their breath to see if their teenager tests positive and shares the love

  4. currently recovering from COVID and therefore might need to take it easy for a week or two

  5. or...have been lucky enough too sail through the Christmas and New Year period unscathed and are enjoying holidays

we have decided not to run our usual casual group sessions in January.

If you are recovering from COVID, just keep in mind that there can be lingering effects from any virus. With COVID still a bit of an unknown quantity as the little sucker keeps changing on us, do ease back into your training over a couple of weeks, and listen to your body.

(it's not your body telling you to eat chocolate for energy by the way. Your body is more likely to be telling you to have a Nana nap)

Our first day of term will be Saturday 29th January, and all sessions will commence the following week. All term dates for 2022 have been published on our website.

Richard and I are looking forward to seeing you soon for what will, with any luck, be a less interrupted year.


Kirsten Todd

Hooked on Running