Subject: What a booker really NEEDS from the artists they book

Hi Friend,

When I first started playing, the one thing I hated more than anything was approaching a club owner or booker to ask for a gig.

I didn't know how to go about it and it took me a long time to learn what a booker needed from me or any other band or artist to say yes to a booking.

A lot of musicians are like I was back then, totally winging it when it comes to contacting venues to book gigs. They the ones that usually get turned down before they're even given a chance. If you've ever tried to book a gig, I bet that's happened to you.

There is a secret though. Venue owners aren’t just looking for great performers. They’re looking for pros who have their act together and can minimize their risk so they don't lose money.

It doesn't matter what level you're at, this principal is always the same.

If you can be THAT musician, you’ll make the great impression you need to book the type of gigs that will make both you and the club owner totally pleased.  

I want to show you how that's done, so I've teamed up with veteran booking agent Jeri Goldstein to bring you a free webinar where you'll learn: 

4 Proven Strategies to Book BETTER Gigs:

  • Everything you need to start booking gigs

  • How to book more gigs each month

  • How to find the fulfilling gigs you'll actually enjoy

  • How to tour more efficiently so you come home with more money in your pocket

>> Click here to register for free.

4 Proven Strategies To Book Better Gigs Webinar registration

Everything we're going to share with you in the webinar is taken straight from the How to Book Gigs and Tour Profitably online course that Jeri put together. 

The course is a compilation of everything Jeri has learned in her years as a successful booking agent. IN FACT, we'll be showing you behind the scenes to show you effective ways to pitch your live shows that make venue owners and bookers take you seriously and give you the shot - whether you’re booking small local clubs or venues across the country :)

The webinar is totally free and could be a total game-changer for you.

See you soon!


PS: If you join us LIVE you'll get this free ebook AND be eligible for some incredible bonuses too!