Subject: Are you out playing gigs?

Hi Friend

If you're playing gigs and want to play gigs, you probably feel like you need an agent, right? 

I know what it's like... You want to play gigs that you that are fun and make you money, but you feel like you can't get the time of day from those venues. 

That's why I've teamed up with veteran booking agent, artist manager, and career coach Jeri Goldstein to share some of her excellent booking tips that will really help you.

Don't do what I did in the beginning of my career... wait around for an agent. That never works.

The best strategy is to take things into your own hands and learn how to book and perform on your own terms. 

If you ask a booker privately, he or she will tell you that you don't need an agent to start booking great gigs that pay fairly

You DO need a SYSTEM, you need an UNDERSTANDING of what bookers are need and want, and you need a FOCUSED approach so you can hone in on the venues that are worth your while instead of wasting time. 

That's why I'm pleased to announce that veteran booking agent Jeri Goldstein will be breaking down all three of those things in a free webinar on Monday, February 17

Here's your free invite

During the webinar Jeri will cover 4 strategies to book better gigs

  • A step-by-step SYSTEM to booking gigs. There are specific things you can do to make you or your band look more attractive to bookers and promoters, and we'll go through them in the webinar.

  • How to PLAN AHEAD and fill your gig calendar. You'll learn how to think about the bigger picture of your gigging career so the shows you book help you move forward to better gigs. 

  • How to never play a SOUL-DESTROYING gig again. I've been there too. You'd rather be at home practicing than be on a bad gig. In the webinar you'll learn how to identify the gigs that are the most fulfilling, and how to make sure you book more gigs like that.

  • How to tour EFFICIENTLY. So you can spend less time on the road and still make more money. 


Now is your time to ask an agent all of your booking questions! There will be a live Q&A during the webinar, so this is your chance to get some gigging answers straight from Jeri Goldstein! 

Here's your link to register for the free webinar again, Friend

See you there,
