Subject: Music execs want you to know this

Hi Friend,

When I was growing up in the music business, I was surprised when Hollywood label, TV and publishing execs would tell me exactly what they wanted when it came to music they were looking for.

That’s when I found out that music execs want you to know their secrets!

Why? It makes their job easier. The problem is that they’re not always good about communicating what they want. 

That where I come in.

If you’re going around in circles trying to get your music on television or to a publisher, label, agent or manager, or don’t know where to get started, you’ll want to attend my free webinar - 7 Secrets I Learned From Hollywood Music Execs,

I’m going to present it 2 times - at 7PM Eastern on Thursday September 8th, or 1PM Eastern on Sunday September 11th. 

Space is limited so register now.

Click To Save My Seat


P.S. Yes, there will be a replay

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