Subject: The 7 secrets I learned from music execs

Hi Friend,

If you’re like most musicians, songwriters and artists, you’re probably confused about what the next steps in your career should be. 

I know what it feels like because I was once in the same place myself.

I was extremely lucky though, because I live near Hollywood, and at some point I started to meet label, TV and publishing execs. 

They told me all about what excites them, frustrates them, and catches their attention when it comes to new music.

They told me about the things that artists do that makes their job easier.

Since I get so many questions about just this topic, I’m going to outline the insider tips I’ve learned from these execs in a FREE webinar I call 7 Secrets I Learned From Hollywood Music Execs. 

Regardless of whether you’re a songwriter, an artist, or in a band, there are some basic principles for success that everyone pursuing a music career should know and understand. We’ll cover these, plus we’ll look at some of the latest digital trends and what that means for your music.

I know your schedule is tight so there are 2 times that you can register for - either at 7PM Eastern on Thursday September 8th, or 1PM Eastern on Sunday September 11th

Just click on the link below to save your seat.

Click Here To Register For The FREE Webinar

I’ll see you in the webinar.


P.S. Just a warning - we have very limited space, so the sooner you register the better. Click on the link now.

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