Subject: 5 Fitness Tips and Tricks to Take you over the Finish Line

Own your Fitness Journey. Keep Going.

We’ve hit the halfway mark in our Get Fit Challenge and are ready to help you take your fitness to the next level. These tips and tricks that marathon runners and fitness enthusiasts employ in their daily routine can help you stay motivated and energized.


Tip #1: Prioritize your rest. Our doctors at Nuvance Health recommend you get about 7-8 hours of sleep each night to prevent fatigue and keep your body invigorated. By consistently getting enough rest, you’ll have more energy to stay motivated and active each day.


Tip #2: Fuel up and boost your energy by eating nutrient-rich foods, including up to 8 fruits and veggies each day. The more natural and diverse your food choices, the



Tip # 3: Listen to music while you exercise. Your playlist can be your new best friend and a boost to help you push ahead during challenging exercise routines. In fact, studies have shown music has a positive effect on your brain and can boost your workout and health.


Tip 4: Wear the right gear. From earbuds to workout apparel, the gear you wear matters. This means you’ll want to dress with functionality and comfort in mind, whether you’re taking walks in the evening or pumping things up at the gym — another reason we’ve included Get Fit prizes like Apple AirPod Pros, a year of Pandora Premium and Brooks sneakers, and more.


Tip 5: Pace yourself. A big mistake new runners make is to start their race at a too-fast pace. Like fitness enthusiasts keen on getting the best results, you’ll need to pace yourself so you can accomplish your fitness goals. Here are some tips on how to gradually start a running program and build up your endurance.


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Follow these fitness tips to help you stay focused and accelerate your fitness with Get Fit. Also be sure to check out our Happiest Playlist for inspiration to stay motivated during your workout.