Subject: Managing Deer in the Food Forest | UPDATE on Meditation Mount Project⛰️

Watch this quick video update to see how our food forest project in Ojai Valley is growing through challenges from the local deer population!


Food Forest Installation Update [Deer Attack] at Meditation Mount - Ojai, CA | Phase O

Hi Friend 

We uploaded a quick 5 minute update video on the Meditation Mount Food Forest project to our YouTube channel! Watch it here:

Some of our young trees suffered a "vicious deer attack" ...that's some mild sarcasm, fyi. They'll make a full recovery, but it is something we're addressing by adapting to our environment, and reinforcing our deer defences so our food forest can thrive.

Adapting and thriving is an ongoing part of working with nature, and one person's problem can be another's therapy with the right perspective! This embodies the "work therapy" philosophy that is driving our mission forward to help veterans mental health through restorative work in nature and regenerative community development.

Since our last video update, we added 2 Fuyu Persimmon trees, 2 semi-dwarf navel oranges, 2 semi-dwarf valencia oranges, 1 algerian tangerine, 2 white guava and 3 apple cactus, bringing out total to 30 fruit-bearing trees planted so far on this project.

If you have a few minutes to watch and leave a comment under the YouTube video, it will help us with engagement and improving our future content as we grow! I'm sure there's some things we can improve with our videos, so please feel free to leave some constructive criticism in the comments.This is a community effort after all😉

On that note, be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel so you stay updated with the latest on this project and others. Subscribing is an easy way to help us reach more people and expand our work.

If you happened to miss our last email, this "Phase 0" food forest installation is the first component of our "farm-to-table" garden project to benefit school children, and families in the Ojai Valley.

The space will also be used to host garden meditation & mindfulness events for veterans as well as providing opportunities for volunteers to serve the community in support of this project.

We're on a mission to shift food production that supports more locally focused, biodiverse, regenerative ecosystems that reverse the damage of pesticides and pollutants while supporting the health and welfare of families for generations to come with nutritious food as medicine.

It's our method of service to live as good stewards of the lands, keeping our soil healthy and nurturing a growing Soil Based Economy.

If you'd like to support our mission, you can find more information on how to donate and volunteer on our website

Thank you for reading, and feel free to forward this message to anyone who may be interested.

Talk soon,



If you or someone you know is going to be in San Diego County, CA on July 15th and would like to hang out with us for some good times, food, music, family games and raffles, then check out the Guardian Grange Grill & Chill event flyer on our website 

We'll be there from 3pm to 9pm with dinner at 6pm! It's going to be a great time! I'll send a separate newsletter with more details soon, but you can get your tickets now!

Guardian Grange, Inc. is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3), EIN 85-3841605. We're on a mission to improve humanity and the environment by uplifting veterans to protect natural resources and strengthen communities. Your generous donation supports our efforts to fulfill our mission through community building stewardship programs, workshops, veteran outreach, multimedia communications, land management, and restoration & regeneration projects. Contributions are tax deductible.

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