Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology #13: Aspects

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
January 2021
Hi Friend,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021. This month we continue our series on The Foundations of Soul Astrology with an introduction to aspects. 

I like to keep Soul Astrology as simple as possible, especially for those of you who are just at the beginning or early stages of your exploration, so I at first I recommend creating a strong foundation by covering the signs, planets, houses, and polarities before weaving in any additional layers of complexity. 

If you feel ready, then join us this month as we explore aspects, but if you feel you are not yet familiar enough with the basics of your own birth chart, then feel free to visit the Life's Greatest Adventure ARCHIVE and follow this series right from the beginning, to ensure a thorough understanding especially of your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign before adding this additional layer. 

Aspects are the geometry of your chart. Now if you're anything like me, you're about to stop reading (if you haven't already done so) and move on. The trouble with the way aspects are usually taught in astrology is that many of us don't find math very sexy or interesting (sorry if you do, and math is your thing)!

When we talk about angles, degrees and triangles it can sound very dry and mathematical but... why does any of this matter:
a) astrologically and
b) in terms of your own spiritual journey?

Because ... (wait for it.. this is the good bit) ...

we are talking about the activities and properties of LIGHT ...
and YOU are a being of LIGHT.

Yup. Now it's getting good, eh? :)

As we explore aspects this week I'll use the terms energy and light interchangeably - it feels clumsy to keep writing 'energy and light' or 'light and energy' every time, but it is important when talking about aspects to remember that we are always dealing with both. 

So as you read on, keep in mind that whether I say light OR energy, it's both.

Ok ... so here we go! :)


You can read about this month's sign, Capricorn and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Capricorn Rising The Capricorn Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

If you're new to Soul Astrology and want to catch up with this series you can begin with the first article in the current series HERE and then read each consecutive month up to the present day in the "Life's Greatest Adventure" ARCHIVE.
Image: A "Grand Sextile". This is a hexagon-shaped aspect formed by the six 'sextiles' on the outer edge of the hexagon. 

The Foundations of Soul Astrology - 

The Geometry of Aspects

Aspects are the ‘geometry’ of your chart. They are the relationships between planets and points in your chart based on their geometric angle. So, for example, two planets at a 60º angle to one another are said to be ‘sextile’. ‘Sext’ is the Latin numeral prefix for the number six. Within a circle there are six points at 60º angles to each other and if we drew a line between them we would get a six-sided shape: a hexagon (see picture above).

The term aspect refers to an angle between two planets, points (like your rising sign or MC) or a planet and a point. Where more than two planets or points are involved they can form an aspect pattern. In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master places huge emphasis on the science of triangles. Triangles are indeed one of the patterns formed by aspects, and aspects can also form other shapes. It is quite rare but if we found six sextiles in a chart it is possible they could form a hexagon shape. In astrology this is called a Grand Sextile (these often go by other names such as the Star of David. See this earlier newsletter for an example of this).

But now we’re getting ahead of ourselves! Aspect patterns are quite complex and getting to know the meaning of the major aspect patterns in your chart can take many years of study and self-observation, but you can begin by knowing what the major aspects are, and what they mean.

How You Flow Your Energy

Aspects affect how light and energy flows. In terms of your own Soul Astrology, aspects are an important factor affecting how your energy flows into the world. We can understand a lot about aspects if we know how water flows (or not). 

Flowing Like Water

Nature always takes the path of least resistance. So as water flows down a mountainside on it’s journey back to the ocean, it will form tiny streams which eventually become raging rivers and open meandering plains. The journey of water takes many shapes because water simply flows around things. Water always gravitates to the lowest point, and just flows around any obstacles in it’s way.

In addition to thinking about physical energy flowing like water, it is also important when considering aspects, to have some understanding of how light behaves and how angles affect light. For example a prism is an object with polished sides that changes the angle of the light passing through by a process known as refraction. Some prisms are also able to disperse light, which means they can separate visible white light into it's component colored rays.

Bouncing Light

Photographers among you may be familiar with the technique of bouncing light , whereby light is 'bounced' of an object to illuminate the subject. We do not need to go too much into the mathematics of these processes, but it is simply enough to understand how different conditions will affect how light flows and is received. When considering aspects it is important to remember that we are dealing with light and energy, and to remember the various ways light and energy will react and respond in different environments. Aspects in astrology create an environment that affects how light and energy flows. When you become familiar with your aspects, you'll literally know how light 'bounces' around in your life (or not)!

If we look at a birth chart we can see how some angles would be more conducive to the flow of energy and light, while others would make it more difficult for the energy to flow easily. There are many possible angles in a 360º circle but for astrological purposes some are considered more important than others. Therefore aspects are divided into ‘major’ and ‘minor’ aspects - the ‘major’ aspects being those that are considered to be of most significance.

Allowed Orbs

Before going further you might also hear astrologers talking about an ‘allowed orb’. This is where we look at how close an aspect can be before it is really considered valid or not, in terms of it's ability to influence the energy. So with a sextile for example we can usually allow about 4º and still consider it valid. With oppositions and squares we might allow 8º or more and they can still be valid in terms of their effects on the individual’s life experience.

Major Aspects

Now let’s look at the major aspects that you might find in your birth chart and see whether they are considered ‘easy’ or ‘difficult’ in terms of the energy flowing between them:

Conjunction (0-8º): This is where two planets or points are so close that their energies blend and merge. This can be positive or negative effects depending on the nature of the planets involved.

Opposition (180º): This is where the two objects are directly opposite each other in the chart. The energy can swing between the two like a pendulum. It is considered challenging for the personality because the task ahead for the individual is to integrate the energies involved. Although from a Soul-Centered perspective this can be a very positive experience, because one learns to address and integrate polarities!

Square (90º): This is considered a challenging aspect. On a personality level we may experience obstacles, setbacks, feeling stuck, or like Murphy’s Law* things just don’t turn out the way we would want. From a Soul-Centered perspective, rising to the challenge of our squares can be an amazing catalyst for our Soul’s growth.

Trine (120º): This is considered an easy aspect where the energies flow easily. This is considered easy for the personality because we can find that things turn out as expected or people show up that support us and we can make easy progress in the areas concerned. From a Soul-Centered perspective this can be a good thing if we stay focused and determined, but it can also lead to a lack of Soul growth. If things always come to us easily we may never be challenged to develop new skills, seek new horizons or use our creativity!

Sextile (60º): This is also considered an easy aspect where the two planets or points work harmoniously together. A keyword for sextiles is harmony and the two objects concerned will find it relatively easy to harmonize.

In interpreting aspects we also have to take into account the sign and house positions of the two planets (or points) involved, and whether they have a natural 'affinity'. For example Venus and Jupiter naturally go well together and are both generally beneficial so even if you have a very challenging aspect such as a tight square, the worst that could happen is too much of a good thing, so you may get an exaggeration of their traits resulting in self-indulgence, or an over-inflated ego.

When the two planets don't naturally align with one another it's a different story. For example, Mars square Saturn. Mars is the planet of individual self-assertion, Saturn is the planet of limitation and responsibility. Mars says go, Saturn says no. A square is one of the most challenging aspects, so a Mars-Saturn square has been described as trying to drive with the brakes on. The specific signs and houses would tell you more about the energy involved and in what area of life the challenge is experienced, but the feeling is always going to be a sense of trying to move forward while at the same time being held back.

There are thousands of potential combinations of aspects so we couldn't possibly cover them all here. In learning your own aspects, it is better to start with the most common aspects listed above, and (at least to begin with) look only at the aspects to your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign.

The Science of Triangles

In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master emphasises the importance for astrologers of the future to understand what he refers to as 'the science of triangles'. What might he mean by this?

When we study 'aspects' we're simply looking at the relationship between planets and points** in your birth chart, based on the degree of the angle between them. We only need two planets or points in relationship to one another in this way to form an 'aspect'.

Aspect Patterns

In addition to that, where three or more planets or points are involved, aspects can also form patterns, and the most basic pattern of all is a triangle. Aspect patterns can also be considered harmonious or challenging, some examples you may have heard of are Grand Trines and 'T-squares'. Understanding and interpreting aspects and aspect patterns forms a large part of the astrologers art. I remember thinking the first time I saw the aspects and patterns on my chart, how it just looked like a ball of string that a cat has been playing with and tangled around the furniture!

It takes time and experience to begin to see the meaning of aspects and aspect patterns in your chart, and I believe the Tibetan Master is also referring to something much more than just interpreting two-dimensional patterns on a chart. As with everything else in Esoteric Astrology, he is talking about energy and energy dynamics. Remember, your two-dimensional birth chart is only a symbol of your energy field. So when we start looking at aspects and patterns in your chart, how does that relate to your energy field?

If we have two pegs in the ground and we tie a piece of string between the two of them, we have just that: two pegs connected by a piece of string! In astrology, it would be an aspect. But if we add a third peg, and run our string around all three, we have something else: an aspect pattern. Not only do we have three pegs connected by a piece of string, but we also have a field. We have created an area that is contained within the boundary of our string. We can move our pegs around and change the shape of the field, but as long as our string remains connected to all three pegs, the field remains intact.

When we have an aspect in our chart, we have an energy that is running between two planets or points in the chart. The harmonious or challenging nature of the aspect will tell us more about how we are running that energy in our lives. When we have an aspect pattern in our chart, we not only have the energy running between three or more planets or points but we also have the energetic field contained within their boundary. Understanding the nature of aspect patterns begins to make more sense when we can understand the nature of energy as a field, or 'container'. 

Animation For Contemplation

For an intuitive sense of how energy flows within aspect patterns, it may be helpful to simply gaze at this fascinating video.  Don't try and analyse or figure it out - just relax, allow yourself to become familiar with the flow of energy, and notice how different it feels when flowing within a triangle, square, hexagon etc. Just allow yourself to receive impressions, and feelings. Sorry, if you don't use Facebook - I looked for an alternative version but didn't find one.

Aspect Patterns as Karma

All aspect patterns are karmic in the sense that they are pointing towards an energy field that pre-existed in you at the time that you were born. When I say 'karma' I mean in it's simplest sense of cause and effect, for example the 'cause' of an apple tree is an apple seed, and it is the 'karma' of an apple seed to become an apple tree. In this way aspect patterns are indicating a pre-existing energetic field that you were born with.

I think the Tibetan's emphasis on understanding the science of triangles is an invitation for us to consider how these energetic patterns are formed in the first place. Esoterically it is said that all forms manifest initially from thought. Energy follows thought, but not necessarily conscious thought as we know it. In buddhist traditions there is a saying that if you want to know your past life, look at your present conditions and if you want to know your future life look at your present actions. (also read the section on "Karma and Magnetic Fields" in "The Foundations of Soul Astrology #9: Navigating The Depths of Karma")

Once you have some understanding of the aspect patterns in your chart, it is important to begin observing how they are showing up in your everyday life. Do you experience them as supportive or obstructive? Even though they may be karmic in nature, they are also 'sacred' in the sense that they are indicating deep energetic factors at work in your psyche that may be catalysts for your Soul's growth. Remember they are not a sentence that has been 'imposed' on you by anything outside of you. It is your own energy field, and you have the power to dissolve old patterns that no longer serve your Soul's growth, and replace them with more supportive patterns. This is done through clear intention and action.

Through observation and self-awareness you can become aware of, and heal, your own karmic patterns, by understanding and meditating upon the aspects and aspect patterns in your own chart!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!'s_law

**Points are factors in your chart that, even though they aren't planets they are still important such as your rising sign, midheaven etc.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and in your reflective journal - make a list of the major aspects to your Sun and/or Moon. Choose just one that grabs your attention. Note which signs, houses and planets are involved. Then read the descriptions above and write some notes on how the energy may be affected. Meditate on how this aspect might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Reading: Refer to the appropriate sections of these books for more information on how to interpret aspects, "Chart Interpretation Handbook" by Stephen Arroyo;  "Alan Oken's Complete Astrology" by Alan Oken; "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken;  "Astrology: A Cosmic Science" by Isabel Hickey.
  • Videos: It is interesting to contemplate this animation ( first published on Facebook by Magic Pi):

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Capricorn and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Capricorn Rising The Capricorn Soul" HERE

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by Ruth Hadikin

Author and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin reads about each Soul Sign and gives additional commentary. 

 Watch the trailer HERE

Soul Astrology
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“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you...

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For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, iBooks, Kobo and Nook...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology

This e-mail series is also available as a book, in paperback or Kindle. 

Sometimes when you are studying a complex topic like Soul Astrology,  it can be very useful to have all the information in one place for reference. For this reason I have included an index at the back of the paperback version so it is easier to look up specific topics. 

Some people prefer to read a book in their own time rather than waiting for monthly instalments through the newsletter. If this is you then you may like to get the complete series now, in paperback or Kindle.

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology will not only deepen your knowledge of how astrology works, but also uses astrological principles to help you to understand your own true nature, your Soul's path and your life purpose.

A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

Available in paperback and Kindle...
Your SOUL SIGN - Kindle Shorts
by Ruth Hadikin

Unveil the mystery of your Soul with this powerfully liberating guide to your own Soul Sign, based on the teachings of the Tibetan master.

This series of Kindle short reads has one for each Soul Sign. The section on your Soul Sign is adapted from Chapter Three of Soul Astrology. If you've read Soul Astrology the Soul Sign description will be the same, however the following sections will be new to you:
• Personality and Soul
• Soul Recognition
• Personality and Soul Expressions of your Soul Sign
• Your Unique Soul Meditation

IMPORTANT: This Kindle short read is an excerpt from the book Soul Astrology and is presented here as an introduction for beginners - if you are already familiar with your soul sign and/or have read Soul Astrology this short extract will be repetitious for you.

That said, even if you have read Soul Astrology, you might still find this handy Kindle short read to be a useful reference guide - especially your unique Soul Sign meditation!

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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