Subject: What was YOUR experience?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 31st 2013
Hi Friend,

On Monday this week there was a rare astrological event known as a Grand Sextile. This is where a configuration of six planets form a six-pointed "Star of David", within a hexagon (the "Grand Sextile"). What does it mean? Well that depends on you. How you experience it, depends upon your level of consciousness.

Imagine two people, each with a camera, about to photograph the same scene. One person's camera is very well maintained and the lens is crystal clear, while the other person's camera is poorly maintained and the lens is pretty dirty. Who would take the better picture? The first person might say "this is a beautiful picture" while the second person might say "it's not looking too good from what I can see"!

When it comes to consciousness and perceiving levels of reality, your body-mind is your instrument of perception - like the camera. Think about it. Everything we experience is filtered through the 'lens' of our mind. If we haven't taken steps to keep our instrument crystal clear it is going to affect the quality of our experience.

“There are no levels of Reality; only levels of experience for the individual”
- Ramana Maharshi

The differences in our ability to perceive is what accounts for differences in both our experience and our interpretation. Ten people witnessing the same event will have ten different and unique experiences because they are each looking through their own individual 'lens'.

Some of the astrological interpretations of this event have taken a worldly view, while others have taken a more cosmic view. All are 'correct' depending upon the consciousness of the experiencer. When we are driven by familial and societal conditioning, we are less likely to question our actions. Thus 'destiny' or 'karma' seems to 'rule' our life. Once a certain level of consciousness has been reached, we perceive subtler and subtler energies directly and are less likely to follow the herd. We can witness our own conditioning without acting upon it. So while sometimes appearing contradictory, different astrological interpretations are suited to different levels of consciousness.

Soul astrologer Alan Oken wrote a healthy overview on his Facebook page which took all the major current planetary configurations into account, only one of which was the Grand Sextile. Pat Paquette of took a similar perspective while Robert Wilkinson sees it as part of a rolling series of events. Mary Plumb wrote a very succinct and balanced article for The Mountain Astrologer in which she reviews a number of different astrologer's interpretations. One of the most 'cosmic' views is presented by Randy Bruner who interprets through the 'lens' of Mayan cosmology. Personally, I enjoyed Kate Knodel's heart-centered approach which was about receiving and directly perceiving, rather than imposing ideas.

What was your experience? As valuable as all these astrological interpretations are, what is most important of all is your own experience. Your experience is as valid as any other, simply because it was your experience. It's not possible to have the 'wrong' experience! It is simply what it is.

What we can all do, as we continue our self-exploration, is take care of our 'instrument' so we can be clearer and clearer in our perception! Read more about our body-mind as an instrument for perception in my eBook "Soul Science: Soul Astrology as a Holistic Science for the Soul Age".

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.