Subject: Staring into Space

Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 24th 2013
Hi Friend,

Were you ever chastised as a child, for daydreaming or staring into space? Our society trains us not to gaze, to keep our attention focused on our outer worldly role but if we allow ourselves to gaze with attentiveness this can potentially reveal our true nature.

"Space-Gazing" or "Sky-Gazing" is a powerful practice from the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition. It is explained very eloquently in the following quote from Tenzin Wangyal:

"Sky gazing is a very important practice. Go up on the top of a hill where there is a big, unobstructed view of the sky. In front of you is vast space. Your eyes should be open, your body relaxed, your breath free and easy. Breathe in the open, clear sky, and allow yourself to dissolve in it when you exhale. Let pure, infinite space pervade your body, your energy, your mind. Integrate your awareness with space. Merge with space.

When you integrate with space, healing occurs. The tight, constricted knots of anger and fear, of desire and worry, dissolve. Tensions dissolve. Thoughts dissolve. Your many identities start to dissolve. The more you integrate with the space element, the clearer and more expansive your aware- ness becomes, unstained by whatever arises in it, always fresh, open, and unconstrained. Space accommodates everything without effort.

Dont let this practice be merely a conceptual exercise; internalize the experience of empty space, find it in you and as you. At this level of practice, it isnt so much about realizing the nature of mind (as it would be when done as a Dzogchen practice) as it is about dissolving daily problems, making space for positive experience, and finding and developing the capacity to release what is negative.

When the element of space is developed, the mind is clearer and there is more joy. There is less tension. There is more room for whatever experiences arise. If someone is late for an appointment, its okay you have the space to accommodate that. If you find you have heavy responsibilities, that's all right there's room for everything.

This doesn't mean that you have to accept everything; instead, you can make a decision and act from awareness rather than reacting impulsively from emotional responses.

In meditation practice, when the space element is truly developed, the practice becomes Dzogchen, abiding in the nature of mind. It is pure presence. Fully integrating oneself with space is integrating with the ground of being.

(Thanks and credit goes to Jackson Peterson for sharing this on his Facebook page "Dzogchen Discussion".) 

You don't have to be on a mountain to practice this! Just find a place where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed, with a clear unobstructed view of the sky, and let go!  If you are new to such practices you might also find it helpful to join a group of other practitioners, such as "Dzogchen Discussion" for support and guidance.

See you next time, and in the meantime...

happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.